>From: "CPI(ML) LIberation" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>ML Update
>A CPI(ML) Weekly News Magazine
>Vol.-3; No.-36; 13-9-2000
>Oppose Central Intervention in West Bengal, Reject TMC-CPI (M)
>Cycle of Terror
>While Vajpayee is busy with his mission to appease America, his
>‘socialist’ lieutenant George Fernandez has just finished his trip to
>West Bengal on what may be called his mission to appease Mamata. During
>the previous term of the NDA government, Jaswant Singh had to rush
>frequently to Chennai to attend to Jayalalita’s famous tantrums.
>Initially George used to play the bridge between the presiding deity of
>Poes Garden and the saffron regime in Delhi, but very soon George found
>himself at the receiving end of the lady’s wrath. The end result of the
>Chennai missions of George and Jaswant is of course still fresh in
>public memory.
>This time, it has been Mamata Banerjee’s turn to enliven the NDA circus
>with her share of tantrums. It is of course too early to speculate as to
>what will be the fate of George and his Guru’s government this time
>round. Mamata has threatened to take some extreme step if Advani and
>Vajpayee cannot satisfy her pressing demand for imposition of Article
>356 or Disturbed Areas Act on the whole or parts of West Bengal.
>Whatever message George may have carried from Delhi to Calcutta and back
>and whatever mischief Mamata and Advani may contemplate, all Left and
>democratic forces in West Bengal will resolutely oppose any attempt at
>any kind of central intervention in West Bengal.
>The situation in West Bengal will, however, continue to be discussed and
>debated within the Left and democratic camp in the entire country. The
>spate of violence in West Bengal countryside is an undeniable reality
>and knowledgeable observers cannot condone the CPI(M)’s role in this
>cycle of terror.
>CPI(M) ideologues are trying to explain away the spread of the TMC to
>the rural interior of West Bengal as Bengal’s version of the ‘Ranvir
>Sena phenomenon’, as a counter-revolutionary backlash propelled by the
>landlord-kulak victims of agrarian reforms. They are however unable to
>explain why it took full two decades for these forces to strike back, or
>more importantly, how these forces have succeeded in reorganising
>themselves after the much-trumpeted land reforms and panchayati raj
>Political and academic observers however have a different story to tell.
>It is well known that the reforms in Bengal went hardly beyond the
>Operation Barga and the fruits of so-called empowerment through
>panchayti raj institutions were cornered mostly by the new rural rich
>and middle classes. Against this backdrop of stalled reforms and
>middle-class dominated panchayati raj, large sections of the old
>Congress base among the rural rich had shifted their allegiance to the
>CPI(M) and the Left Front. However, the TMC’s growing penetration in the
>countryside cannot be attributed to a mere return of the old Congress
>social base. There are ample evidences of a growing disillusionment
>among the rural poor and agricultural labourers and brutal attempts by
>the CPI(M) to suppress this dissent. CPI(M)-sponsored massacres from
>Karanda in Bardhaman in 1993 to the recent killing of a dozen
>agricultural labourers in Suchpur in Nanur block of Birbhum bear gory
>testimony to this shocking agrarian reality of Left-ruled West Bengal.
>And the revolutionary Left and democratic forces and the rural
>proletariat of West Bengal will not forgive the CPI(M) establishment for
>this treacherous role.
>While a final decision on Mamata’s plea will have to await Vajpayee’s
>return, Comrade Surjeet has come back from his medical mission to China.
>And Comrade Jyoti Basu's immediateVRS plan has had to be shelved. Mamata
>may not succeed in securing some actual intervention from the Centre,
>but she has at least succeeded in disrupting the CPI(M)’s plans for a
>smooth transition to a post-Basu arrangement.
>In Memory of Martyrs
>Martyrs' Column Erected
>In Kerari village near Arrah town, foundation stone of a memorial column
>of martyr Anand Kumar, a freedom fighter from among the peasantry, was
>laid on 10 Sep. The function was attended by Com. Rameshwar Prasad, Com.
>Rajaram Singh and other local leaders, along with 400 people.
>Sankalp Sabha at Garhwa
>On 27 August a mass meeting of 4000 was held at Tatidari in Garhwa in
>memory of Com. Imtiyaz who was killed on 15 August by a PWG squad when
>he was returning from a meeting.
>Central Committee’s Communique
>Party Decries Vajpayee's Hawkish Posture
>The CPI(ML) Central Committee expressed grave concern over Vajpayee's
>spurning of Pakistan's offer for dialogue in his speech delivered at the
>UN General Assembly. India must engage Pakistan in a serious dialogue
>and the Indian Prime Minister's refusal to reciprocate Pakistan's offer
>will only invite greater isolation for the Indian position from the
>international community.
>Vajpayee's present trip has been preceded by a whole set of concessions
>for foreign capital and now another set of price hike announcements
>await the MP's return. On the whole the PM's weak-kneed mission to
>America marks a shameless statement of saffron surrender to strategic US
>interests in the realms of economy as well as foreign policy. Party said
>that it is shameful for a Prime Minister of a secular country to assert
>in a foreign country that he would remain a member of a communal outfit
>like RSS whether he is holding the post of P.M. or not. Party condemned
>Vajpayee for proclaiming before the VHP sadhus and NRIs in America that
>he would fulfil the Hindutwa agenda of Ram temple, etc. if voted to
>power with two-third majority.
>While welcoming the formation of the three new states of Jharkhand,
>Uttaranchal and Chhattisgarh, Party will fight for a special package for
>the development of the new states as well as for the residual Bihar and
>U.P. The CC has called upon the CPI(ML) unit in the hill districts of
>Assam to intensify the long-standing agitation for the upgrading of this
>region to the status of an autonomous state as promised in 1Art.244-A of
>the Constitution. Party will also press for the setting up of a Second
>States Reorganisation Commission to go into the remaining to go into the
>remaining demands for statehood and come out with a time-bound plan of
>reorganisation of states and autonomous regions in line with the
>principles of federalism and decentralisation.
>The CC has taken a positive note of the growing popular anger against
>the disastrous impact of neo-liberal economic policies. The powerful
>agitation of the people of Andhra Pradesh against a steep hike in power
>tariff has also brought to the fore a new trend of Left unity and
>popular resistance mobilising all those who stand at the receiving end
>of the neo-liberal policies of liberalisation, privatisation and
>globalisation. While congratulating the telecom employees for their
>powerful and united agitation against corporatisation, which is only a
>halfway house towards an eventual privatisation of the entire telecom
>sector, the CC has also appealed to all trade unions to resist with all
>their might the Centre's attempt to promote contract labour in all
>fields of employment.
>The CC also noted with encouragement the growing popular response to the
>CPI(ML)-led movement in Bihar against massacres, police atrocities and
>economic backwardness and all pervasive anarchy in Bihar. The callous
>and discredited RJD-Congress regime in Bihar has unleashed a reign of
>unbridled police repression to silence the people's protests, but this
>is only strengthening the popular mood of change and resistance in
>Bihar. The Bihar unit of CPI(ML) will soon launch a campaign for the
>creation of a Human Rights Commission in Bihar and for guaranteeing
>early Panchayat elections.
>Protest & Resistance
>Successful Strike in Tea Garden
>In Kamini tea estate at Tinsukia-Dibrugarh border in Assam, recently
>security forces of the estate severly beat a worker with a villager on a
>flimsy charge and tried to foment communal tension between workers and
>villagers. The management also filed cases against 10 workers with false
>charges of theft and arson. Asom Sangrami Chah Sramik Sangh led by
>AICCTU called strike in protest from 25 August, which was successful and
>withdrawn only when workers got released on bail on 30 August.
>Protest Against Killing by Ranvir Sena
>Ranvir Sena killed 6 persons belonging to backward caste and minority on
>10 Sept. in Dumaria village of Tarari block in Arrah. Party PB member
>Com. Ram Naresh Ram rushed to Dumaria on 11 Sept after returning from
>Calcutta CC meeting. In Patna, a protest march against the killing was
>brought out from Party office to Radio Station Chowk demanding arrest of
>and punishment to the killers.
>Police Atrocity Protested
>A large mass meeting was held at Darauli Bazar in Siwan district on 9
>Sep. to protest against police atrocities on people including beating of
>a district party committee member Hansraj Ram. More than 5000 people
>participated in it. It was proclaimed that if action is not taken
>against the OC by 19 Sep. then drastic action will be taken.
>Party Initiatives in Raiganj
>A protest march was brought out on 2 Sept. to protest Andhra firing on
>demonstrators against power tariff hike and police firing at Arrah in
>Bihar on a CPI(ML) demonstration. It was led by Com. Ajit Das, secy. of
>North Dinajpur DC, Com. Sushanta Sarkar, Com. Shivani Mandal and Com.
>Ganesh Chhetri.
>Earlier on 29 August, Mohiniganj and Maharaja Hat Bandh was observed to
>protest the usurpation of poor peasants' land by landlords, beating of
>adivasi peasants by landlords, and to demand minimum wages to agrarian
>labourers, remunerative prices of jute and end corruption in the land
>revenue department.
>On 31 August a meeting was held in memory of martyrs of Food Movement.
>It was presided over by veteran Com. Azizul Rahman. Speakers called for
>building united left resistance.
>Party Protests Division of Rajasthan SEB
>A joint convention was held by jointly CPI(ML), CPI, CPI(M), BSP, SP, JD
>and SUCI on 9 August at Jhunjhnu against division of Rajasthan
>Electricity Board and its privatisation. On 24 August Party and other
>left parties observed 'Black Day' throughout the state. Memorandum was
>submitted to collectors at Banswara and Rajsamand by party delegations.
>In Dungarpur a big rally was held which gheraoed the collectorate.
>Effigies of Prime Minister and Chief Minister were burnt before the
>collectorate in Udaipur, Jaipur and Jhunjhnu. In Jhunjhnu around 10,000
>people participated in the demonstration. Mass meetings were held in
>Ghantali and Banswada on 29 and 30 August.
> Initiatives
>9-Party Delegation Meets Andhra Governor
>A delegation of 9 Left parties met the Governor of Andhra Pradesh on 4
>Sept. and submitted a memorandum to him demanding his intervention in
>the incident of police firing in Hyderabad on 28 August. The
>representation included CC member Com. Bangar Rao of CPI(ML) and state
>secretaries or senior leaders of other constituents. On the same day a
>meeting was held at Bashirbagh in Hyderabad where two persons had been
>killed in police firing. Participated in by a hundred activists, the
>meeting resolved to rename Bashirbagh after a martyr as Vishnuvardhan
>Nagar. The 9-parties have decided to observe protest week from 3 to 10
>Sept. all over the state, in which silent processions with black flag
>will be taken out in protest to police firing.
>Police Gheraoed to Rescue Abducted Comrade
>Com.Viredra Gupta, Bihar State Committee member and district in charge
>of West Champaran was abducted by notorious Jahangir gang near Chanpatia
>PS in the broad daylight, despite people's resistance. In no time 500
>people assembled and gheroaed the PS and the OC, under SP's instruction,
>had to encircle the culprits in nearby Gopalpur PS area, and rescue Com.
>Virendra. People went along with the police in two jeeps and they took
>the lead in this operation, consequently all the culprits were caught
>and their firearms seized, but Com. Virendra was also kept in police
>custody. The people then organised a protest march in Chanpatia on 7
>Sep. and observed Champaran Bandh on 9 Sep. against this incident of
>abduction and also against the patrons of the goons, the BJP legislator
>Dilip Verma and others. It must be noted that the OC of Gopalpur PS is
>patronising the Jahangir gang and he was present with a police
>contingent in the meeting where Jahangir had declared that he would kill
>Com. Virendra and the Party Distt. Secy. Harendra Yadav. The agitators
>demanded that the Gopalpur OC should be punished and the BJP leaders be
>arrested under crime control act and Com  Virendra be released
>AISA Emerges Main Left Force in DUSU Elections
>In the just concluded Delhi University Student Union elections, for the
>first time in DUSU history ABVP could not bag any post. AISA emerged as
>the main left force in the campus. Its presidential candidate Mrityunjay
>Singh polled 2019 votes (900 more than SFI-PSU combine). For
>Vice-President, Secy. and Jt. Secy. posts, AISA's Vishal Sinha, Raushan
>Kumar and Srikant polled 2102, 2686 and 2145 votes respectively. The
>results are encouraging for AISA in Delhi University because now AISA is
>recognised as the leading left alternative and vanguard against
>East Delhi Party Convention
>Party convention of East Delhi was held on 10 Sep. in which 40 delegates
>and guests participated. After discussion a 5-member Distt. LT was
>formed with Com. Rajendra Pratholi as incharge and Sunita, Gautam,
>Shashi and Ram Abhilash as members. Earlier Com. Meera hoisted the red
>flag and Com. Ranjan Ganguli, Rajiv Dimri, Himmat Singh and Jeeta Kaur
>spoke as guests. The convention resolved to fulfil the target of 100
>Lokyudh subscribers, 2500 mass organisation members.
>Earlier on 5 Sep. Shahdara unit had held a cadre convention attended by
>50 members. A 9-member LT was formed and Com. Ram Abhilash was appointed
>Seminar Against Second Labour Commission
>AICCTU Guwahati City Committee organised a seminar on "Second labour
>commission and tasks of the working class" on 27 August. It was attended
>by state leadership of CITU, AITUC, UTUC(LS), CCTUA, APBEA, ASPWU,
>CPI(ML) and others. Mainly contract workers and employees in area
>participated in it. The presidium consisted of AICCTU leaders Com.
>Prasun Chatterjee, S.I. Ahmed and Akhoy Barman. Exposing the Central
>govt.'s design, the seminar gave a call to launch united workers'
>struggle to scrap this anti-worker commission.
>Seminar by Tea Tribes
>A seminar was organised by Tea Tribes Cultural Society on "21 century
>and the tea tribes" on 20 August at Biswanath Charali of Sonitpur distt.
>in Assam. Artists, writers, students and youth and intellectuals from
>tea-tribes attended the seminar. Com. Sanjay Tanti, Biresh Orang and
>Someshwar orang were in the presidium and ASCSS secretary Com. Bibek
>Das, Subhas nayak, Kushal Sabar, Nagen Gowala, Sukdev Kurmi spoke at the
>seminar on how the tea tribes had been exploited by
>imperialist-feudal-capitalist forces and Congress for the past 150
>years. It resolved to propagate progressive democratic culture among tea
>tribes against communalism, decadent values and superstitions. Another
>such seminar was held at Jorhat on 27 August.
>AIPWA Class & Seminar
>AIPWA held a state level class on on 26-27 Aug. in Kanpur on the topics
>"Marxism and orientation of women movement" and "BJP regime and tasks of
>our organisation" based on papers presented by Com. Krishna Adhikari and
>Ajanta Lohit respectively. On 28 Aug. a seminar was held on "Present
>society and women" in which main speaker was Com. Kumudini Pati. It was
>conducted by Com. Geeta Singh and the speakers included Dr. Premila,
>Sadhana Valmiki, Prabha Dixit and others.
>Study Class in Bhilai
>Sector Party branch and Khursipar branch in Bhilai of Chhattisgarh held
>study classes. The topics include "Aspirations of the Chhatisgarh", "On
>Practice" and "Party programme"
>Typical Experience Form States
>Tamil Nadu Diary
>In Tanjore district of Tamil Nadu, after the successful mobilisaton of
>around 1700 women agrarian labour on 7 August on the issue of statutory
>minimum wage announced by the govt., movement has further gained
>momentum at the grassroots. In order to sustain activism and ensuring
>village level organisational structure, a signature campaign was
>undertaken. Towards this, blockwise activists meetings were held in
>Tiruvidai Marudur and Tiruppananthal blocks. In each of these meetings,
>or 'motivation camps', around 80-90 women activists participated. Then a
>meeting of village presidents and secretaries was held in each block, in
>which 42-45 persons participated. The village organisers and groups in
>all 120 comrades, went door-to-door and even to new neighboring villages
>and collected signature as well as one rupee from a person. This way
>10,000 signatures have been collected. On 31 August 5 women
>representatives met the Collector and submitted the memorandum. The
>demands were: immediate implementation of the announced wages, and
>recommending to the govt. to enact a special law for agri-laborers'
>welfare. This also got coverage in newspapers. It has expanded the area
>of our work to newer nearby villages. In this backdrop, to keep the
>momentum Tiruppananthal block conference will be held, in which women
>workers will be mobilised and the strike call will be given. Attempts
>have also started to recruit party members from among the activists.
>International Solidarity
>The S-11 Melbourne Protest
>At  2 p.m. on 11 Sept., it was a massive display of people's power, with
>between 20,000 and 30,000 demonstrators united in their determination
>... High school students walked out,  rallied at Melbourne’s Flinders
>street station and then marched on to the WEF venue, chanting,
>sprinkling and leafleting all the way adding  tremendous vigor to the
>blockade. Police used batons and horses. The people won a significant
>victory over corporate power  in preventing over one third of the
>delegates from getting into the venue despite heavy rain, strong winds
>and low temperatures. The people exhibited high spirit, blockaded each
>of the many entrances throughout the day.
>Earlier, CPI(M-L)-Liberation sent the following solidarity message: The
>CPI(ML)-Liberation wholeheartedly supports the S-11 resolve to organize
>mass protest against the WEF meeting to be held at Crown Casino,
>Melbourne. It is very heartening to note that despite the opposition of
>right-winger leadership, the majority of university students have
>decided to join the protest movement. And similarly, despite
>capitulation by several opportunist trade union bosses, workers who have
>been made to bear the brunt of policies of liberalization and
>globalization dictated by the IMF-WB-WTO trio, are coming in the van of
>this struggle. In India too the workers and the students are two
>organized strata that are hit hardest by the new economic policies
>pursued by the ruling classes at the behest of imperialist agencies of
>global domination. Whereas the incidence of unemployment and job
>insecurity has increased manifold, the prices of essential commodities
>are soaring, making it harder for the poor to live. The toilers,
>especially peasants are committing suicides or selling their kidney to
>survive. On the other hand, the policy of privatization of education has
>resulted in increase in tuition and other fees around tenfold in one go
>in several universities. Workers and students in India have taken to
>warpath in several states and soon the whole unrest may crystallize in
>an unprecedented upheaval. We sincerely hope that the protest movement
>in Melbourne against WEF would not only become a landmark in people’s
>struggle against the imperialist attempt to subjugate humanity, it will
>serve as a source of inspiration as well as an example of resistance
>worth emulating to us, who are fighting a common battle against
>imperialism to safeguard our national sovereignty on the one hand, and
>to change the exploitative system for the benefit of working class,
>agrarian laborers and other toiling people on the other. We heartily
>wish resounding success to the S-11 movement and express our militant
>solidarity with the fighting people.
>Strengthen the Party Campaign
>Relation Between Theory and Practice
>“In thus emphasising the necessity, importance and immensity of the
>theoretical work of the communists, I by no means want to say that this
>work should take precedence over practical work. Of course, if it is
>presumed that the task of the communists is to seek a "different" (from
>actual) "path of development" for the country, then, naturally,
>practical work becomes possible only when philosophical geniuses
>discover and indicate these "different paths"; and conversely, once
>these paths are discovered and indicated theoretical works ends, and
>work of those who are to direct the "fatherland" along the
>"newly-discovered" "different paths" begin. The position is altogether
>different when the task of the communists is to be ideological leaders
>of the proletariat in its actual struggle against actual real enemies
>who stand in the actual path of social and economic development. Under
>these circumstances, theoretical and practical work merge into one aptly
>described by the veteran German Communist Liebknecht, as:
>study , propaganda , organisation.
>You cannot be an ideological leader without the above mentioned
>theoretical work, just as you cannot be one without directing this work
>to meet the needs of the cause, and without spreading the results of
>this theory among the workers and helping them to organise. Such a
>presentation of task guards the communists against which socialist
>groups so often suffer, namely, dogmatism and sectarianism. There can be
>no dogmatism where the supreme and sole criterion of a doctrine is its
>conformity to the actual process of social and economic development:
>there can be no sectarianism when the task is that of promoting the
>organisation of the proletariat, and when, therefore, the role of the
>"intelligentsia" is to make special leaders from among the
>intelligentsia unnecessary.”  (Lenin CW, Vol:1, pp. 297-98)


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