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Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2000 6:12 PM
Subject: Missile Defense: A special relationship under fire [STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


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A special relationship under fire from missile defence
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A special relationship under fire from missile defence
 -- Bush's interest in military technology may force Britain to make a

by Hugo Young
Thursday December 21, 2000

      There's a man in Downing Street, close to Tony Blair, who is
rather keen on NMD, the national missile defence system which George W
Bush has said he will deploy. He believes there will soon be so many
loose missiles in rogue states that appropriate counter-missiles may be
essential. His voice won't be decisive.
      Most official British opinion is strongly, if discreetly, opposed
to NMD. But a straw flutters in the wind. An accommodation is possibly
being prepared. What Bush proposes and Colin Powell disposes, Tony Blair
may decide he cannot oppose. Not far over the horizon, the ground is
opening up for the most awkward struggle in the modern history of
Anglo-American relations.
      General Powell upped the ante on Monday, his first outing as
Bush's secretary-of-state designate. The ambiguities of the Clinton
attitude to NMD are already being dispelled. "We're going to go
forward," Powell firmly said. There would be tough negotiations with
those countries that "don't yet understand our thinking with respect to
national missile defence". The thinking is very committed.        Bush
made that clear several times in the election campaign. Powell, though
once listed as a Pentagon man who feared NMD would take money away from
more treasured military ventures, is now the voice of an opposite
decision already made in principle.
      His statement coincided with another. A CIA study-project, making
an assessment of the next 15 years, asserts that the threat to the
mainland US from nuclear missiles, among other weapons, is greater than
it was for most of the cold war. This will, the CIA thinks, get worse.
Terrorists and rogue states will have the power and motivation to launch
attacks that produce "mass casualties".
This wasn't said to justify NMD. But it nourishes the mind-set that is
demanding a new $60bn defence programme, irrespective of what might
happen in the rogue states in question.
      Both North Korea and Iran arguably show reason for mild optimism.
Iraq could soon be the solitary credible danger. No matter. No matter,
either, that Russia, with whom the US has an anti-ballistic missile
treaty, is fiercely opposed. Russia no longer matters, argues Richard
Perle, a close Bush associate. The lead-time to build NMD is long, the
world is usually changing for the worse, and the Washington voices
prepared to speak up against unilateral defence may soon be hard to
      At present, Downing Street professes to be quite comfortable.
Blair got Clinton and Russian president Putin talking about NMD. He
wants to be, as ever, the contact man, mediator, bridge. Since the
election, his people have talked to Powell and, at greater length, to
Condoleezza Rice, Bush's new national security adviser. The talks have
apparently been more reassuring than Powell's public statement. Rice
vowed to proceed with caution, sensitive to allied worries.
      Maybe she will. These advisers matter hugely. Bush's personal
contribution to all complicated subjects will be far less creative than
Clinton's. He will be heavily adviser-dependent. Rice says she is
interested in sea-based defence missiles aimed to hit rogues at the
point of launch, rather than the scheme Clinton half-backed which
depended on the hit being made in space.       The work required to
switch schemes would be massive. But a boost-phase system would at least
not depend on British and Danish tracking stations.
      As presently conceived, NMD proposes a new hi-tech skyscraper on
Fylingdales moor, a project which, as British ministers have tried to
explain in Washington, would be relentlessly picketed not only by CND
and Greenpeace but by the north Yorkshire branch of the Women's
Institute, furious at defilement of the countryside.
      Under Clinton, British and European objections to NMD fed into an
administration inclined to take them seriously. They weren't limited to
the region's interest in not being targeted, as helpless accomplices to
American unilateralism, but put most weight on the global instability
provoked by a new arms race.
      If NMD ever did happen, Russia and especially China would feel
obliged to counter it. Whitehall, like Paris and Berlin, has made these
arguments copiously. A quiet turmoil of alarm has gripped the Foreign
Office and Ministry of Defence for months.
      They now face a Washington being peopled by voices that make a
different analysis: scornful of Russia, arrogant about China, intolerant
of European sensitivities, overwhelmingly impressed by the case for
defending US territory - and confident that the practical failure of NMD
so far, like the untested capacities of a boost-phase project, are mere
blips on the relentless American path towards technological mastery.
      One answer being given to the choice between space- attack and
launch-attack systems is that both should be pursued. Though it remains
to be seen how Congress will react to the financial burden, missile
defence is not guaranteed to be one of the aspects of the Bush programme
that founders on a bitterly divided legislature. My conversations tell
me that the commitment to build and deploy is likely to be made: much
more likely, at any rate, than not.
      This will present Tony Blair with a challenge he has not so far
faced. His time in office has been spent with a fellow spirit in the
White House, someone to whom he grew close. We may be sure he will
attempt to attain real intimacy with Bush, and he's likely to be more
successful at it than John Major was with Clinton.
      Mr Blair makes a good fist of being friends with every species on
the political spectrum, the only exception being a certain kind of Tory
He will strain every muscle to get on with Bush. And Bush, never having
visited a major European country, will be more than usually susceptible
to the charms of a land whose language he understands, whose history his
father knows, and which matters more than Aznar's Spain, the only other
      Blair, in other words, could become a safe haven for the Texas
ingenu. His personal instincts will be to do whatever he can to help
Bush; and now he has a voice or two whispering words of encouragement to
persuade him that NMD may not, after all, be as dangerous as the defence
and diplomatic establishment has been telling him. There are, after all,
a lot of loose missiles about.       Maybe NMD, if the Americans can
produce one that works, is just what we need. Maybe the big picture says
that it's the prime minister's duty to rise above conventional wisdom.
      If this became Blair's formal position, it would create his
deepest rupture with continental Europe. A moment of truth almost
certainly beckons.
      Will NMD become a pretext that requires one more affirmation of
the old special relationship? Or the project that at last obliges
Britain to recognise she cannot continue as the compliant poodle?
Without doubt it will be the issue that shatters the Blair axiom that
there's no choice to be made.
Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2000
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Thanks from Kevin; age 46; online Christian peace activist and stay-home
father-of-4, in Florida (Tampa Bay area).

+ Blessed are the nonviolent peacemakers. Lord, make me an instrument of
Your peace. Help me speak truth to power. Please pray for one another.
Be merciful. Love your enemies. Be grateful + Soften your heart. Forgive
those who've hurt you. Hallelujah to the Lamb of God Who takes away the
sins of the world. Come quickly, Jesus Christ, son of God and Prince of
Peace. Deo Gratias. +

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