>New Worker Online Digest
>Week commencing 22nd December, 2000.
>1) Editorial - Hollow victory.
>2) Lead story - Turkish protesters seize London Eye.
>3) Feature article - Hague insults Damilola family.
>4) International story - Mid-East talks while Palestine burns.
>5) British news item - A bleak new year for industry and jobs.
>1) Editorial
>Hollow victory.
>JUST over a decade ago the tycoons, big bankers, transnational bosses and
>all the other exploiters of the capitalist world were busy writing epitaphs
>for socialism and rejoicing at what they claimed was the death of communism.
> The destruction of the Berlin Wall was celebrated, the collapse of Soviet
>state power was cheered and the new opportunities for imperialism were
>welcomed as the dawning of a new age -- the "New World Order" being the
>chosen term for the ensuing scramble for new markets, cheap raw materials
>and the plundering of assets.
> The capitalist world, deep in crisis, had indeed found a breathing space
>and the military might of imperialism had found itself free from the
>restraints applied by the old balance of power.
> And yet, the monster of imperialism knew even as it rejoiced that
>socialism was not dead -- it flourished in Democratic Korea, China,
>Vietnam, Laos and Cuba - they knew that the struggle of oppressed peoples
>the world over would continue. The class struggle, even in the heart of the
>capitalist world, could not end while capitalism existed.
> Some communist parties did indeed crumble into dust or transformed
>themselves into social democratic white elephants. But those which made, or
>had already made, a clean break with revisionist treachery -- the key that
>opened ihe door to counter-revolution in the former Soviet Union --
>survived, strengthened by all that had been learnt.
> In the last ten years, the actions of rampant imperialism may not have
>been answered by the restraining hand of Soviet power. But criminal acts
>such as the carpet bombing of Iraq, and later the round-the-clock bombing
>of Yugoslavia, were certainly answered by mass protests across the world
>and a new spirit of anti-imperialist solidarity.
> Oppressed peoples are on their feet and fighting back. The people of
>Palestine are demanding justice and the crimes committed against them by
>the Zionists and their imperialist backers have sparked demonstrations by
> For example, just a few weeks ago huge crowds gathered in West Bengal
>where an effigy of Clinton was set on fire. Millions of protesters have
>turned out in every continent and pressure is so strong in the Arab world
>that governments are being forced to listen. And United States, British and
>Israeli embassies have been targets of protest.
> In South America the popular movements against repression, exploitation
>and landlordism have gathered strength and impetus. In Columbia the growing
>support for FARC has wiped the gleeful smile off the faces of power in
>Washington and replaced it with a frown of anxiety.
> Poverty in the developing world is increasingly being seen for what it is
>-- a product of capitalism. A growing number of young, and not so young,
>people no longer think the answer to poverty is charity. Now they are
>demonstrating outside the meetings of the World Trade Organisation
>demanding imperialist trade stitch-ups are ended and calling for third
>world debts to be cancelled.
> In Britain, despite the dominant position of the right-wing in the Labour
>Party and much of the labour movement, the growing discontent over rail
>privatisation is gathering momentum. No one doubts that a majority of
>people want to see the railways renationalised. The strength of feeling on
>this issue has already had an effect on the government's thinking about the
>future of London Underground.
> Pensioners' protests too have been so sustained and vociferous that
>neither of the big parties can ignore the issue. The pensioners have not
>yet won their main demand -- to restore the link between pensions and
>average male earnings -- but they have made it clear they are not going to
>stop fighting until they win.
> Car workers hit by the threat of unemployment, as the first tremors of a
>new recession are lit, have not taken the news lying down. Last week they
>stormed the British head office of General Motors and this has been
>followed by a protest march through Luton.
> The imperialists who trumpeted victory a decade ago are certainly having
>to deal with a pretty lively corpse! And it is the workers and masses of
>the world who can 1 look to the New Year with optimism and new energy.
>                                   *********************
>2) Lead story
>Turkish protesters seize London Eye.
>TURKISH and Kurdish demonstrators hijacked the London Eye Wednesday
>afternoon to protest at the massacre of political prisoners in Turkey. Some
>600 people were evacuated from the big wheel after 22 protesters took over
>two pods and threatened to set themselves alight.
> Earlier two protesters were dragged out of the public gallery in the House
>of Commons after they started chanting "Stop the massacres in Turkish
> In a separate protest supporters of the Kurdish resistance occupied the
>London offices of the European Commission, again in protest at Turkish
>state brutality in their iails.
> Istanbul's Umraniye prison was stormed in a pre-dawn raid backed by
>armoured cars, bulldozers and fire-engines. The prisoners barricaded
>themselves in their wards and resisted. Within hours other operations
> Turkish security forces went into action last Tuesday storming into 20
>prisons throughout the country to halt hunger strikes by political pnsoners
>and resistance fighters which began 61 days ago. The storming of the
>prisons was shown live on Turkish television. At least two policemen and 15
>prisoners died in the fighting and the police have still to regain control
>in two of the jails. Many of the inmates chose to burn themselves alive
>rather than surrender.
> Resistance has been growing inside the prisons for some months. Some
>prisoners, 284 in total, had vowed to fast until death and 1,139 had gone
>on hunger-strike. Anger grew when the news of new prison reforms -- which
>would end the old barracks system and put prisoners in single or three-bed
>cells -- spread.
> The regime wants to move the political prisoners to new maximum security
>prisons and end the tradition barracks-type wards - which can hold up to a
>hundred inmates. Many of these wards have become strongholds of the
>resistance inside prison.
> The "reforms" -- linked to a plan for a mass amnesty of prisoners charged
>with criminal offences to lower the overall prison population -- have
>increased fears that inmates will be more vulnerable to ill-treatment. The
>prisoners fear that small cells will give the guards or the police the
>chance to torture them in private. Human rights groups confirm reports that
>torture is common in Turkish prisons.
> Turkish Justice Minister Hikmet Sami Turk justified the raids as a move to
>save the lives of the hunger-strikers, claiming that many of them had been
>forced to make the protest by "terrorist" organisations.
> "The initiatives to put an end to these protests continued to the very
>end. But, unfortunately, common sense did not prevail and the protest could
>not be ended with the consent of the inmates," Turk said.
> He asked the parents of the prisoners to "trust" the state. Without irony
>he said: "The target of this operation was to save your children and the
>state has extended a tender hand to them".
> Last year ten left-wing prisoners were killed when soldiers stormed an
>Ankara prison to quell a riot. And Islamic militants wounded 54 soldiers
>and held more than 100 prison guards hostage in a protest against moves to
>transfer them.
>                                  **********************
>3) Feature article
>Hague insults Damilola family.
>by Daphne Liddle
>TORY leader William Hague sank to new depths of opportunist electioneering
>last week when he played the race card, saying that the McPherson report
>had led to a break down of law and order by lowering police morale.
> He went on to say the fatal attack on Damilola Taylor in Peckham, south
>London, was the result of a lack of policing due to MacPherson.
> When the Taylor family protested that Hague was using their son's tragic
>death as "a political football" Hague responded by saying he "would not be
>bullied" into silence on crime or police numbers.
> The McPherson inquiry two years ago into the police handling of the racist
>stabbing of black teenager Stephen Lawrence in April 1973 certainly did
>send shock waves through the police establishment as it unveiled a horrific
>catalogue of racism, incompetence, and corruption among the police who
>handled the murder investigation.
> It also uncovered a failure at the highest level in the Metropolitan
>Police Force to address the complaints of the Lawrence family or deal with
>the police who had failed the family.
> It was this failure which led the Mcpherson report to conclude that black
>people in Britain do not obtain the same level of service from the police
>force that a similarly placed white family would get and that they are
>entitled to.
> This is why the report concluded that the Met is institutionally racist.
>It does not mean that every police officer is racist but that the
>institution at the highest level did not deal with the racism in its ranks.
> It was not the Lawrence family or McPherson who created the problem. They
>simply highlighted the glaring failures that most black people, Irish,
>gypsies and striking workers were already well aware of but that
>well-heeled, white, middle England preferred to turn a blind eye to.
> Now Hague is trying to tap into this section of the population for support
>and blame the victims of racism for criticising the police. He is implying
>that racism is OK and its victims should just shut up and stop whining.
> Hague's remarks have shaken many of his Tory colleagues. One senior party
>member said: "He has a point but my view on Hague is that he tends to shoot
>from the hip. He doesn't sit down and work out the consequences of what he
>says. He has to learn about the responsibility of leadership and think out
>what he says so as not to give succour and comfort to a lot of people whom
>he shouldn't."
> Shadow foreign secretary Francis Maude made pointed remarks about people
>inside the Tory party spreading poison while former Prime Minister Sir
>Edward Heath commented that Hague "seems to have got into a slight muddle".
> He went on: "My own position on race has been known all the time, ever
>since I sacked Enoch Powell. And nobody has ever questioned that. What the
>leader of our party has got to do now is to make it absolutely plain where
>does he stand in all of this."
> Tom Butler, the Bishop of Southwark, accused Hague of breaking a pledge
>not to raise the issue of race to make political capital. The bishop, whose
>diocese includes Peckham, said that the McPherson report had transformed
>relations between the police and ethnic communities.
> He said that although there are now fewer police, their support from the
>community is greater and therefore they are getting better information on
> He also said it was foolish to link Damilola's death with a shortage of
>police: "With this particular crime we don't know what happened. It is very
>foolish to speculate."
> But it was Bill Morris, general secretary of the Transport and General
>Workers' Union, who brought out the growing similarities between Hague and
>He compared Hague's remarks with Enoch Powell's "rivers of blood" speech
>and warned that racists would interpret Hague's views as "permission to
>attack young black people".
> "Looking at this speech I recall the famous speech by Enoch Powell, the
>rivers of blood speech. I don't believe there has been another political
>speech that has done more damage to race relations than the speech which,
>sadly, Mr Hague has made this week," said Bill Morris.
> But Hague's speech is an indication of some of the thinking that lurks in
>the back rooms of the Tory party and is a dire warning to us that we must
>on no account allow the Tories to be elected at the coming general election.
>                             *************************
>4) International story
>Mid-East talks while Palestine burns.
>by Our Middle East Affairs correspondent
>PALESTINIAN and Israeli negotiating teams have arrived in the United States
>for talks to end the fighting and breath new life into the US-sponsored
>peace process.
> Neither side showed any signs of optimism when they arrived at the Belling
>Air Force Base on the outskirts of Washington. Not surprising given the
>mounting Arab death toll as the Israeli army and armed settler gangs
>continue their rampage throughout the occupied territories.
> The day the negotiators arrived in America two more Palestinians were
>killed -- one a 10 year-old boy shot in the head in the Gaza Strip and the
>other a Palestinian firefighter killed when an Israeli army jeep opened
>fire on his fire-engine in Gaza.
> The same day the Anglo-American imperialism showed its true colours again
>when they moved to kill the proposed UN international protection force at
>the UN Security Council.
> The proposed force, which would have operated throughout the occupied
>territories was backed by eight of the 15 Security Council members, one
>short of the number needed to get it passed.
> The United States said it would veto it anyway, if there was any
>likelihood of being carried. In the end the resolution's sponsors --
>Bangladesh, Jamaica, Malaysia, Mali, Namibia and Tunisia and backed by
>People's China and Ukraine -- knew they would even get a symbolic victory
>when the Russians said they would join the Anglo-American abstention bloc.
> The other abstainers were Argentina, Canada, France and the Netherlands.
>All claimed such a move would endanger the current talks in Washington.
>That wasn't the view of the Palestinians.
> "The objection to a UN mission in the Palestinian territories will spur
>Israel to carry on its atrocities." Nabil Abu Redina, an adviser to
>Palestinian President Yasser Arafat, declared. "The international community
>should protect the Palestinian people," he stressed. "The UN General
>Assembly should take into consideration the Security Council resolutions
>and international laws regarding protection for the Palestinians".
> Back in Tel Aviv rumours abound about a new "deal" for the Palestinians.
>Premier Ehud Barak, who is seeking a new mandate, they say, is prepared to
>make more concessions to Arafat to help the Israeli leader woo his domestic
>peace movement and get him re-elected in the polls set for 6 February.
> There's speculation of a greater Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank and
>more direct control ofthe Islamic shrines in Jerusalem if Arafat agrees to
>end the fighting and accepts more years, if not decades, of Israeli
>occupation of large swathes of occupied Palestine.
> But there's no sign that Barak, or anyone else in the Israeli
>establishment, is prepared to meet the Arabs' legitimate demand for the
>Zionist entity to withdraw from every inch of the West Bank and the Gaza
> Barak's snap premiership election ploy has already paid-off - former
>Premier Benyamin Netanyahu of the extreme right-wing opposition Likud blee
>- has failed to get parliamentary approval to stand as a private citizen in
>the poll. This means Barak will face a Likud challenge under their current
>leader - the equally extreme but less popular General Sharon.
> But Baraks biggest problem is that it's not Arafat or the Israeli
>peaceniks he need to accommodate -- it is the Palestinian masses
>themselves. They're the ones defying the tanks and guns of the Zionists.
>They're the ones ready to fight and die for their freedom. They know what
>they want and they are determined to get it now.
>                               *********************
>5) British news item
>A bleak new year for industry and jobs.
>THE ANNOUNCEMENT of the Vauxhall motor company's intention to close its
>Luton plant and axe 2,000 jobs two weeks ago has been followed by
>reverberations and echoes throughout British industry.
> Within days Tony Woodley, the Transport and General Workers' Union chief
>negotiator, was warning that Vauxhall's Ellesmere Port factory on
>Merseyside was also in danger of closure.
> Mr Woodley reported he had been told by Vauxhall's chief executive Nick
>Reilly last year that any plant closure in Britain could have "a domino
> "I was told," he said, "that if Vauxhall closed one plant, it could hit
>production at another plant. I have no reason to believe that situation has
> The Ellesmere Port workers will have to wait until February to know if
>their jobs are safe.
> Workers at Rolls Royce are also fighting for their jobs after the company
>threatened to relocate 1,300 key research and development jobs to Canada as
>the start of a total withdrawal from Britain.
> A consultative ballot among the 2,400 research staff at Ansty, near
>Coventry resulted in 85 per cent in favour of strike action. Full ballots
>are expected to be conducted by the MSI general union next year.
> John Wall, the union's national secretary, said: "There is no economic
>case for the job cuts in Britain and especially at Ansty." He added that
>members fear this decision means "the beginning of an exodus of Rolls Royce
>from Britain."
> TUC general secretary John Monks criticised the Government for failing to
>defend British jobs. In particular the ease with which workers in Britain
>can be sacked compared to their German counterparts where there are laws
>governing minimum notice periods and laying down the rights of works
>councils, which include unions, to information and consultation.
> Mr Monks said: "Trades unions simply do not understand why our members
>should be treated in this shoddy way, and why Labour rejects every
>opportunity to do the decent thing.
> "It is intolerable that British workers should have second class rights.
> "My message to the Prime Minister is clear. British workers are fed up
>with being kept in the dark and treated like mushrooms.
> The general downturn in motor manufacturing was also reflected last week
>in a decision by the German firm Mercedes Benz to drop 63 dealerships from
>its network of 156 outlets.
> The motor industry is one of the steel industry's major customers and with
>just about every motor manufacturer in the world currently cutting
>production, thousands of steel jobs are also threatened.
> The Llanwern steel works, owned by the Anglo-Dutch firm Corus, is now
>under serious threat. A company spokesperson said there has not yet been
>any decision to close the plant but confirmed that the firm's core business
>of carbon steel production is seeing substantial losses.
> "Some major action will be necessary," he said.
> If the plant is closed the effect on South Wales will be devastating and
>it will signal the end of the steel industry there.
>                               *********************
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