----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Glazebrook" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> No sanctions on Cuba, Iraq and north Korea!
> 7pm, Thursday, 22 Feb
> Conway Hall, Red Lion Square (Holborn tube, central line)
> London
> Dear Companeros,
> May we take this liberty to state that as a Union Society dedicated to the
> soveriegnty of Cuba against physical, ideological and trade provocations
> imperialism (the US particularly) we also show our support for other
> of imperialism.
> In this context we denounce the on-going (WEEKLY!) bombing of Iraq and the
> deadly sanctions that have been put on Iraq. However much Bush and Blair
> try, they will not terrorise people into submission. What hypocrisy about
> 'humanitarianism' for the Iraqi people when 1, they starve them into the
> dark ages and 2, ignore the real aggressors in the Middle East who have
> massive weapons of mass destruction and USE them daily on the Palestinians
> and 'cannot have breakfast' without breaking several UN resolutions on the
> Zionist settlements, the right of return and the end of occupation of the
> West Bak and Gaza Strip. Not a murmur against the state of Israel, Turkey,
> Colombia...
> May we also take this oppurtunity to state that we are working hard o
> out a meeting on this subject of sanctions and bombing of Iraq in unity
> Poda Poda society, Palestine Society and any other society which might be
> interested. Until this time we would like to point your attention to a
> meeting on Sanctions on Iraq, Cuba and north Korea orgainsed by the
> Socialist Labour Party in London.
> Imperialista No! Por la solidaridad internacional!
> No sanctions on Cuba, Iraq and north Korea!
> 7pm, Thursday, 22 Feb
> Conway Hall, Red Lion Square (Holborn tube, central line)
> London
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