
> Last 9th November the French politic police unleashed in Paris, under 
> the Spanish Civil Guard, raid against the-PCE ( r) and the GRAPO 
> arresting our Secretary General and several members of the Central 
> Committee of our Party. This is a new step in the growing repressive 
> collaboration between the Spanish fascists and the French police 
> services against the whole of the political movement of resistance 
> that confronts the Spanish fascist State. Nowadays, 7 militants of 
> our Party and the GRAPO and more than 70 Basque independentists are 
> jailed in French prisons. 
> The fact that the Spanish monopolist and fascist regime is 
> powerless to control the people's discontent and to stop the activity 
> of the revolutionaries and the patriots is becoming more public and 
> evident. In these bitter moments for the current rulers of the PP 
> government they resort to the intenational police collaboration under 
> the excuse of supporting the Spanish democracy in its struggle 
> against terrorism - to chase implacably the communist 
> revolutionaries, the antifascists and the Basque patriots. All this 
> exposes the growing fascistization of the European imperialist 
> fortress. The leaders and militants of our Party detained in Paris 
> have been arrested by the mere fact of denouncing consistently the 
> ruling Spanish fascist regime and organizing the working class to 
> overthrow it. In Spain the fascist laws do not allow even the tiniest 
> loophole to organize the workers politically in the perspective of 
> the struggle and the combat for socialism. The underground character 
> of the communist organization is something that is imposed by the 
> very nature of the fascist regime            and the repression that 
> it exerts permanently against it. The Leadership of our Party has not 
> remained underground and at exile for more than 15 years as a matter 
> of taste but in order to ensure the politic and organizational 
> survival of the whole Antifascist Resistance Movement, securing its 
> leadership and making possible in this way that it can be in 
> conditions to face up the needs that the sharpening of the class 
> struggle in our country imposes. We will continue firmly along this 
> path showed to us by the comrades that have been arrested. 
> Today, the French special judges accuse the leaders of our 
> Party of belonging to a "criminal association related to a terrorist 
> organization", repeating in this way the old-fashioned arguments that 
> the Spanish politic police has been incapable to prove nor even a 
> single time in the last 25 years. They pretend to involve our 
> Secretary General in the planning of the GRAPO actions when even the 
> Spanish judges have been forced to admit on more than one occasion 
> that the PCE(R) and the GRAPO are two different organizations. The 
> French special judges should not ignore the fact that our militants 
> are sentenced and jailed in Spain accused of "unlawful association", 
> an essentially political offence, that the 'Spanish democracy" took 
> directly from Franco's laws. The Spanish fascist State, the same one 
> that launched under successive governments its death squads (GAL, 
> Spanish Basque Battalion) to assassinate political refugees on French 
> ground allows itself nowadays the cheek of presenting our leaders and 
> militants arrested in Paris as "terrorists". 
> This is not the first time that our Party is attacked in France. In 
> 1979, already after the "democratic reform", the Spanish secret 
> service assassinated in Paris Francisco Javier Martin Eizaguirre - 
> responsible of the International Relations Commission of the Central 
> Committee- and Aurelio Fernandez Cario. In 1986, also in Paris, three 
> militants were arrested and spent several years in the French 
> prisons. One of them, Milagros Caballero Carbonell, was extradited to 
> Spain after serving her sentence in France. Nowadays she needs to use 
> a walker as a consequence of a paralysis resulting from the long 
> hunger strike that she maintained in 1990-91 together with the rest 
> of her imprisoned comrades to confront the policy of torture and 
> extermination of the political prisoners. 
> Waiting for their possible extradition to Spain, our comrades 
> arrested in Paris are nowadays imprisoned in the special jails built 
> by the French bourgeoisie to annihilate those who oppose their 
> system. In view of the policy of extermination through the white 
> torture of isolation that the French gendarme- State is perpetrating 
> against the militants of Action Directe, the Basque independentists 
> and other political prisoners like the Turkish communists and anti-
> imperialists of DHKP-C, we have no doubt that our comrades are also 
> going to be submitted to the same treatment. At the same time they 
> will try to use our comrades as political hostages in order to 
> blackmail our Movement. 
> We appeal to the internationalist solidarity with our comrades 
> imprisoned in France in order to demand the French government their 
> immediate release. It becomes necessary to promote mobilizations and 
> campaigns to denounce the political nature of their detention and the 
> collaboration of the French authorities with the Spanish fascist 
> State. 
> The French gendarmes want to hand our comrades to the Spanish 
> torturer police and fascist army. The Spanish politic police has 
> pronounced lon ago its own death sentence on one of the militants of 
> the GRAPO and on our Secretary General. Let's impede this crime! 
> Besides, we call upon the European collectives of support to 
> political prisoners, specially the French ones, to provide our 
> comrades all the help that they may need in these moments to avoid 
> that their situation of imprison- ment becomes aggravated by the fact 
> of being in a foreign country. 
> Stop the French police collaboration with the Spanish fascist and 
> terrorist State! 
> No to the extradition of the Spanish communists detained in France! 
> Freedom for all the revolutionary political prisoners! 
> COMMUNIST PARTY OF SPAIN (reconstituted) 
> CC International Relations Commission 

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