> CP of Greece, Solidarity Statement with the Palestinian People taken in
>                             Athens meeting
>     -------------------------------------------------------------
>                    From: Communist Party of Greece
>                http://www.kke.gr, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Solidarity Statement with the Palestinian People taken in Athens meeting
>We representatives of Communist and Workers Parties of the Southern and
>Eastern Mediterranean, the Gulf Region and the Red Sea, meeting in
>Athens on 16th December 2000 at the fringes of the 16th Congress of the
>Communist Party of Greece, declare our condemnation to the Israeli
>bloody aggression on the Palestinian people, and confirm our full
>support with their legitimate just struggle for independence and
>national sovereignty and the return of the Palestinian refugees
>according to the resolutions of the international legitimacy and condemn
>the American policy that take the side of its strategic ally Israel.
>We salute the just struggle of the Palestinian people and its heroic
>steadfastness and great sacrifices in facing the Israeli aggression, and
>we appeal to all peace-loving and freedom forces all over the world to
>accelerate their solidarity activities with the Palestinian people to:
>1.  Stop the Israeli aggression and its bloody crimes and lift the
>Israeli military, economic sanctions imposed on the Palestinian people.
>2.  Continue the struggle and pressure on all levels to force the
>Israeli government to abide to the international legitimacy especially
>resolutions 242,338,194 and implement them to ensure the complete
>Israeli withdrawal from all Arab territories in Syria and Lebanon
>occupied since the 5th of June 1967, and demolish all its settlements
>and  establish the Palestinian independent sovereign State with Eastern
>Jerusalem as its capital.
>3.  Provide immediate international Protection to the Palestinian People
>to ensure their security until  their independence.
>4.  Form international investigation commission to investigate the
>Israeli occupation, and punish the criminals according to the
>International Law and Geneva agreement.
>5.  Demand the UN sponsor to the future negotiations to brake the
>American monopoly in leading the negotiations, due to the American role
>in taking bluntly the side of Israel in its aggression.
>Athens, 16th December  2000
>Egyptian Communist Party
>AKEL of Cyprus
>Communist Party of Greece
>Tudeh Party of Iran
>Iraqi Communist Party
>Communist Party of Kurdistan-Iraq
>Communist Party of Israel
>Jordanian Communist Party
>Lebanese Communist Party
>Palestinian Peoples Party
>Communist Party of Sudan
>Syrian Communist Party
>Syrian Communist Party

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