>From: "dhkc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:@mailhost1.dircon.co.uk;>
>Subject: Part One - Speech at London Political Prisoners Event
>Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 14:29:50 +0100

>(The following is the English version of a speech to be delivered at the
>September 23 London event in solidarity with political prisoners
>organisations by groups and committees from both Turkey and Iran. The speech
>is being sent in two parts.)
>International Solidarity Evening
>with Political Prisoners
>On behalf of the organisers of tonight's event, we welcome you to this, the
>first international event in solidarity with political prisoners in London.
>As an expression of deep admiration and respect, extending our solidarity to
>all those resisting torture and the inhuman brutality of the fascist and
>reactionary regimes in prison, particularly those in Iran and Turkey, and to
>honour the memory of the hundreds of communists, revolutionaries and
>militants who gave up their lives but did not give up their secrets, we ask
>every one to observe a one-minute silence as an act of defiance.
>Thank you.
>Comrades and friends, we are here tonight on the occasion of the 12th
>anniversary of one of the most horrific events in the history of the
>struggle of the Iranian people against imperialism and reaction. Twelve
>years ago, the "Islamic republic" regime, having continued the reactionary
>war with Iraq for eight years, at an incalculable human and material cost to
>the Iranian people, suffered humiliating defeat. Feeling vulnerable and
>weak, and sensing the rising tide of popular discontent, and in order to
>once and for all end any opposition or any possibility of a threat to its
>very existence, the regime commenced a campaign of annihilation and
>extermination of thousands of political prisoners. Within a very short
>period of time in September 1988, some of the best sons and daughters of the
>oppressed peoples of Iran were slaughtered. The estimates of the numbers of
>those murdered vary, but it is generally regarded to be between seven and
>twelve thousand. The bodies of those killed were buried in unmarked mass
>graves and were never returned to their families or loved ones.
>The onslaught of the regime against workers and the other toiling masses and
>the revolutionary forces began immediately following the February 1979
>revolution, right from the first day that the Islamic republic regime was
>established. The crimes of the Islamic republic regime against the workers
>and the other toiling masses of Iran are far too many to be listed in the
>brief time that we have tonight. But the significance of the events in
>September 1988 is that it marks the worst atrocity of this reactionary
>regime against the Iranian peoples and shows the degree of anxiety of the
>regime confronting the heroic resistance of the political prisoners in Iran.
>But contrary to the dreams of the regime and despite its crimes against the
>workers and other toiling masses of Iran, the past twelve years of rule by
>the Islamic republic have not been a peaceful time. Social crisis spurred on
>by endemic economic crises and the financial, political and moral bankruptcy
>of the regime have brought a new generation of fighters and militants onto
>the political and social scene. Their present-day struggle against the
>Islamic republic regime, inspired by the heroic resistance and determination
>of the martyred political prisoners, is writing new pages in the history of
>class struggle in Iran. The tricks and plots of the fascist regime and other
>reactionaries and the imperialist powers have failed to affect the masses.
>And once again prisons are being filled with the most honourable, just and
>advanced sections of the population. In present-day Iran, every day there is
>an uprising in a different city. Every day, the masses express their utter
>hatred of this barbaric regime. Every day new fighters are evolving and
>developing in the midst of this intense life-and-death struggle. We have no
>doubt, notwithstanding the plots and machinations of the Islamic republic
>regime and the extent of repression and atrocities committed by this inhuman
>regime, that Iran will be the scene of further revolutionary storms in the
>not too distant future and that the Islamic republic regime will be
>overthrown and the final victory will belong to the workers and the
>oppressed masses of Iran.
>We are holding this event tonight to highlight the critical nature of the
>intense struggle that is being waged today, inside and outside prisons in
>Turkey against the implementation of the F-type isolation cells.
>On September 26th 1999, in Ankara Ulucanlar Prison, following a deliberate
>attack organised by the state security forces, soldiers, police and prison
>guards, 10 prisoners were savagely murdered and dozens were badly wounded.
>This was not an isolated incident. It was the latest crime in the campaign
>of murders, lies and deceit carried out by the fascist regime to advance its
>policy of imposing the coffin prisons, officially branded "F-type prisons".
>Following the massacre in Ulucanlar Prison and the mass protests against the
>brutal attack against the political prisoners, the regime in Turkey in order
>to justify the imposition of the F-type prisons and attributing these
>murders to the infighting among the prisoners themselves, has chosen to put
>on trial the surviving 86 political prisoners from Ulucanlar Prison. The
>regime and its controlled media are creating the false impression among
>public opinion that the state is no longer in control in prisons in Turkey
>to justify the imposition of the notorious policy of F-type prison systems.
>The resistance and struggle of the political prisoners in Turkey has a
>glorious history. Time and time again the heroic political prisoners in
>Turkey, by laying their lives on the line, have succeeded in defeating the
>attempts of the reactionary and fascist regime to impose its will and break
>the resistance of the revolutionaries in prison. In the past twenty years
>every time, the regime has raised the issue of the isolation prison cells,
>it has had to retreat because of the determined struggles, protests and
>hunger strikes of the political prisoners and the wide-scale solidarity and
>support from outside the prisons.
>Today, having constructed many new prisons and having planned the
>transformation of several prisons into F-type prisons, the fascist state in
>Turkey is more determined than ever to win on this issue. However, the
>political prisoners who have proven that they are united and more resolved
>than ever to resist the plans of the regime in Turkey have declared that "if
>necessary they will die but they will not go into the cells". This means
>that we will witness more massacres and attacks by the regime. The struggle
>of the political prisoners in Turkey today represents one of the most
>determined and the most advanced detachments of the anti-imperialist,
>anti-fascist and popular movements in the Middle East. This is the critical
>nature of the intense struggle in the prisons in Turkey that needs to be
>understood and acted upon today. It is important that the people throughout
>the whole world and particularly those in Europe, since Turkey is now a
>candidate member of the European Union, join and support the international
>solidarity campaign for the political prisoners in Turkey.
>In the presentations that will be made by our comrades from Iran and Turkey,
>on behalf of the organisers of tonight's event, the particular issues and
>lessons of the struggle in each country will be dealt with in more depth.
>However, there are some issues which we need to point out in relation to our
>reasons behind holding such an event, which we hope will gather momentum and
>support from all progressive, democratic and revolutionary people,
>organisations and campaigns, in the preparation for our future cooperation
>in defence of political prisoners and other issues which uphold the causes
>of the people's struggle against imperialism, reaction and fascism
>Why does a regime such as the barbaric Islamic republic regime, which has
>already captured and imprisoned, tortured to death, dismembered, stoned to
>death, executed pregnant women, assassinated people, carried out bombings
>and raped 8-year-old children in prison, decide that it needs to exterminate
>tens of thousands of those who have already served or are serving prison
>sentences for their beliefs?
>Why does a regime such as the one in power in Turkey, which has one of the
>darkest records of human rights, which has razed to the ground entire towns
>and villages and forced the evacuation of millions of people from their
>homes, killed, tortured and maimed tens of thousands of communists,
>revolutionaries and militants, which has turned Turkey into a prison and
>concentration camp of nations, need to implement a policy such as the F-type
>isolation cells?
>The answer to these questions lies not in the particular or the unique
>nature of these regimes but the fact that they are tied with a thousand and
>one strings to the imperialist system and are part of a general trend. That
>their nature and behaviour arises and is dictated by the nature and
>behaviour of the imperialist system as a whole. Their very existence is tied
>to the existence of imperialism.
>We are living through one of the most intense economic, political and
>financial crises of the world imperialist system. Without a doubt this is
>the worst of the cyclic peaks of the endemic crisis of capitalism to date.
>Despite what the imperialist media and their cronies wish to portray, that
>this is the era of the new world order, globalisation, end of history and
>class struggle etc. and that any hardships and difficulties that societies
>are faced with are the price that has to be paid for the advance of human
>society, the truth is that we are still living in the era of imperialism,
>the highest stage of capitalism and the era of world proletarian
>revolutions. And that despite the imperialist offensive and attacks against
>the workers and the oppressed peoples of the world and despite the setbacks
>in the cause of revolution in the past decades, the main trend in the world
>continues to be revolution.


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