From: "mart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

link at BHHRG
(I like Matt Taibbi's alter acronym for OSCE - Organization for Sanctioning
Corrupt Elections - and of course for anathematizing clean ones. jy)
The OSCE in Belarus as the Midwife of instability
by Nataliya Airepatova

The last ten years have seen the active expansion of the OSCE across the
whole post-Soviet expanse and, in spite of this, one cannot say that the
presence of missions in the countries of the CIS, or the manner in which
they work, is entirely suited to new realities. In spite of its fundamental
raison d'être and goals, the OSCE, starting in around 1994, has turned
itself completely on its head with respect to its own declarations. As a
result, the presence of OSCE missions (or of other OSCE structures) in CIS
countries frequently leads to interference in that country's internal
affairs. This interference, in its turn, produces a threat (which is
occasionally checked in time) to the stability and sovereignty of that
country, whether it be Russia, Georgia, Moldava, or Belarus. And to the
extent that Belarus provides the very best example of the OSCE's technical
working over (including involvement in pre-election affairs), it is useful
to examine the experience there (especially if we mean to take into account
the fact that missions and other OSCE structures are often headed by
professionals from Western secret services, as is the case in Belarus and
In this context the occurrences in the run up to the presidential elections
in Belarus have an entirely precise and significant character. Take for
example, the presence on her territory of the OSCE's advisory and monitoring
group group (AMG). Let us remember that this doubtful gift to Minsk was made
to Belarus by the great "friend of Belarus" Evgenii Primakov, who forced our
allies to accept (without any basis) the practically permanent presence of
the AMG. The Group began its work in 1998 and was headed by Mr. Hans Georg
Wieck - former German ambassador to the USSR in the 1970s, permanent
representative of Germany to the council of NATO at the beginning of the
1980s, and president of the Federal spy service of Germany (BND) in the
mid-1980s. It is curious that between 1993 and 1996 Hans Georg Wieck was
advisor to the government of Georgia and "worked" fully with George
Shevardnadze (after which, it must be pointed out, Georgia made her
well-known "achievements" in the development of democracy, the defence of
human rights, and likewise, in her subsequent anti-Russian politics, which
have prepared her for the "invitation" to join NATO). According to Mr.
Wieck, "the OSCE is only the midwife" for the change, but the "product", as
he revealed to Nezavisimaya Gazeta's investigator, lies in the soil. Today
however, the OSCE is more akin to the midwife of instability in Belarus and
moreover, this instability is only strengthening over time, very much
"thanks" to the presence of the KNG.
Let us not forget that the AMG's mandate covers, first and foremost, working
with the Belarusian authorities to develop democratic institutions - that is
to say, cooperation with the government. However, the AMG in the Belarusian
side's opinion, has concentrated its activity in quite the opposite
direction by providing assistance (including, here, financial help) to the
Belarusian opposition. To be more precise, the AMG has occupied itself with
the active formation of the opposition, with consolidating it and even to
some extent with making its conception appear to be an independent one. So
the recent "feat" of the Belarus coalition in unifying around a single
candidate for the presidency in the person of Vladimir Goncharyk - follows
wholly and directly from the activity of the US Ambassador and the OSCE AMG
(The Belarusian authorities have put forward the most astonishing evidence
of this activity). The result of all this is that the OSCE is operating the
harsh imposition of "democratic standards" while at the same time completely
disregarding national laws and structures; it is continually overfeeding a
politically unreliable opposition (unreliable in the sense of its
intellectual capacity); it is forming what one Belarusian called "its own
local administration" and, likewise, oversupplying them; it is establishing
throughout the country a broad network of various "information coordination
centres" (with the wholehearted sponsorship of the USA), which the Americans
unsurprisingly call "resources" in spite of the fact that what it really is
is a resource for the preparation for whatever kind of overthrow you care to
think of (any political revolution is preceded by an "informational
revolution"). All this creates parallel structures of power and means that
it is no longer possible to talk about any kind of stability in a country,
whichever country happens to have been the focus for such operations. It is
clear that in the face of such a total attack on governmental power of
Belarus by outside "third forces", and the synchronisation of all-sided
support for the opposition, the development of a normal dialogue between the
government and non-governmental structures was going to be problematic from
the start. 
At the same time Mr Wieck of course denies any interference in the internal
affairs of a sovereign country regardless of the repeated protests of the
Belarus authorities: "We are not here to interfere but rather to offer a
hand of help to both the government and the opposition because we are
interested in the most democratic procedures and not in any particular
result in favour of Mr A or Mr B" said the head of the AMG to the NG
investigator. But if you run a little further down the Russian alphabet then
it is quite clear what Mr G, that is Goncharyk will gain from the midwife
and indeed how good it is going to be for Mr D (Domash), both of whom,
thanks to the AMG and the US embassy have become leaders in Belarus'
Presidential race. Minsk has presented reliable evidence of the fact that Mr
Wieck presided at a confidential meeting of the Belarus opposition in the
autumn of last year in an East European capital. At this meeting, the
opposition, which had been arguing amongst itself, received a serious
talking to from the leadership of the OSCE AMG in which the "younger
brothers" were severely reprimanded for their loss at the parliamentary
elections. Judging by this source, Mr Wieck called on those present to put
forward one candidate for the presidential elections and in this way the
"unique phenomenon" of the unification of the opposition which the AMG
speaks openly about, was created by Mr Wieck himself even though he
generously attributes the "authorship" to his Belarusian comrades.
Amongst the evidence in the hands of the Belarusian authorities is another
interesting document: this is a copy of a letter, sent by the treasurer of
the Parliamentary assembly of the OSCE in Spring 2000 connected with which
the debts of the former Supreme Soviet 13th convention are to be the OSCE AMG guaranteed by the very same Mr. Wieck! Moreover
the "debts" would be covered at the political level until the next annual
assembly. It would be interesting to know who gave the power to the head of
the OSCE AMG to freely use the budget of the European organisation to pay
off the debts of Belarusian politicians who are no longer active on the
political scene? Subsequently, the money of Western taxpayers or charitable
sponsors are spent through OSCE channels on upholding a local opposition
which seems to have no future. And just as the Western investigator, like
the Western European governments, doesn't doubt the negative image of Minsk
thanks to the efforts of Mr Wieck and his colleagues, so, it seems, they do
not suspect that their money is essentially being used for the
destabilisation of a European country and not to the ends of supporting the
victory of democracy.
The completely specific actions of the AMG and its head irritates the
representatives of European countries. The reports of the head of the AMG
about the situation in Minsk directed by the European embassies and
structures display such a detailed and tendentious character that one is
instinctively reminded of the saying that there is no such thing as an
ex-spy. However, a similar informational tendentiousness  (which real spying
"for one's own" would not tolerate with the exception of planned
provocations) prepares "the necessary" and inadequate reaction of the
Western countries with regard to Belarus - as a blow to various
international ties. In the words of our source who wishes to remain
anonymous, the tendentiousness of the head of the AMG does not in any way
allow for a new quality of relations between, for example Minsk and Berlin,
which both would be interested in. Germany is reckoning on the energetic
expansion of Belarus in various spheres but the tendentiousness on the part
of the head of the AMG seriously gets in the way of this. And so discussions
with potential German partners have fallen apart many times only because for
a counter-argument, they looked to the rather "particular opinion" of the
former head of the BND for the counter-arguments.
The head of the OSCE AMG subsequently creates a virtual image of the
Belarusian opposition as a real organisational power (which it is not), and
one which poses a serious threat to Aleksandr Lukashenka. Imagine this bluff
in the form of solid reports from a solid person relayed to the ambassadors
of the Western countries and European structures - it makes sense that they
will not spare any means to support the "interesting phenomenon" and the
"long term coalition" of the opposition, which has no basis in nature. In
this way the cultivation of Belarusian political humunculuses are paid for
year after year from the OSCE budget.
It might be thought that it would be in the OSCE's interests to change the
negative image created by its interfering in the internal affairs of a
country, and likewise, to take measures to restore its reputation as an
authoritative European organisation. And if we are talking about the
necessary civilised (lawful) reformation of Belarusian authority, then the
time has come to speak also about the reformation of the OSCE whose
declarations and real aims today are clearly at divergence with each other.

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