>U.S., British Planes Hit Iraq
>.c The Associated Press
>BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - U.S. and British warplanes struck targets in southern
>Iraq on Friday, and Baghdad said the attack killed one person and injured two
>The U.S. Central Command headquarters said in a statement that the warplanes,
>patrolling the no-fly zone in southern Iraq, attacked a radar system and
>anti-aircraft sites with precision-guided weapons.
>The command, based in Tampa, Fla., had no report of casualties and still was
>assessing the damage. ``We go to great lengths to avoid injuries,'' said Maj.
>Jeff Blau at MacDill Air Force Base.
>An Iraqi military spokesman said the warplanes struck ``civil and service
>installations in the provinces of Basra and Nasiriya, resulting in the
>killing of one civilian and the injury of two others,'' according to the
>Iraqi News Agency.
>``Our heroic (anti-aircraft) missile units confronted the enemy warplanes,
>forcing them to leave our skies for Saudi Arabia and Kuwait,'' the
>unidentified spokesman said. The report did not say where the casualties
>Basra is 340 miles south of Baghdad and Nasiriya is 248 miles south of the
>The U.S. Central Command said the sites ``were targeted to further degrade
>Iraq's ability to jeopardize coalition pilots and aircraft.''
>U.S. and British jets have been patrolling no-fly zones over northern and
>southern Iraq in a program designed to protect Kurdish and Shiite groups
>against government forces. Baghdad has been challenging the planes since late
>1998, saying the zones violate its sovereignty and international law.
>AP-NY-12-22-00 1625EST


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