From: "mart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [pttp] Fw: US Hypocrisy At UN Blocks Middle East Peace

From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 5:11 AM
Subject: US Hypocrisy At UN Blocks Middle East Peace
 Jordan Times
 August 30, 2001  
 American hypocrisy at UN blocks Middle East peace
 By Ray Hanania 
 WHEN IT comes to reaching a just peace in the Middle
 East, US policy abounds with double standards and
 Nowhere is that more apparent than at the United
 Nations, the very place where the Middle East conflict
 began some 53 years ago. With the United States
 threatening to retaliate by withholding important
 foreign aid, the UN voted on Nov. 27, 1947 to impose
 an unworkable land partition on Palestine.
 But while the world pays the heavy cost of American
 hypocrisy, the US remains delinquent in its own
 obligations - Washington's debt to the UN is now more
 than $3.3 billion in arrears.
 It is remarkable that a nation that hasn't met its
 membership responsibilities continues to use its
 position to bully others into conforming to its
 selfish political agendas.
 In November 1947, it was the US that pushed for the
 infamous vote to divide Palestine into six
 criss-crossing and unworkable sections that were to
 represent the so-called Jewish and Palestinian states.
 They had to have UN support. Once they got it, the
 strength of the world body quickly diminished.
 Since 1948, the US used its veto powers to block
 criticism of Israel more than in any other
 circumstance. These American vetoes were void of the
 concepts of "justice" and "fairness." The first
 American veto was cast in 1970 to protect Britain
 against a resolution calling for an end to the
 apartheid system in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). The
 second was in 1972, to shield Israel from criticism of
 its violent policies - cast by none other, than former
 president George Bush, the incumbent president's
 Ever since, the US has cast, or threatened to cast,
 its veto in defence of Israel more than it has on any
 other single issue. After all, while the US can't seem
 to find the cash to bring its UN membership
 up-to-date, it doesn't mind dipping into the pockets
 of its own tax-paying citizens to give Israel some $6
 billion a year, in grants, loans and loan guarantees.
 The Israeli propaganda machine is very sensitive to
 the issue of American tax dollars being used to shore
 up Israel's weak economy, and the issue is a major
 part of pro-Israel activism plans widely distributed
 by AIPAC, Israel's Washington-based lobbying
 How does Israel really spend that money? AIPAC will
 pounce upon any member of Congress who even asks about
 the annual budget appropriations to the Jewish state.
 It's a habit Israel picked up watching its mentor, the
 US, react to UN members who don't fall in line.
 When Arab countries rightly said they would raise the
 issue of Israel's mistreatment of Palestinian
 civilians "living" under its occupation at the
 upcoming racism conference in Durban, South Africa,
 the US stepped in and warned that not only will it
 boycott the conference, but also withhold funds.
 Never mind that debating such issues is what democracy
 is supposed to be about. And never mind that the
 racism conference will also address other important
 issues, such as reparations for the American
 descendants of Africans brought to the US as slaves in
 the 17th and 18th centuries.
 Three times this year, the US said it would veto a
 Palestinian proposal asking for "monitors" to help
 bring the violence to an end. The issue of placing
 observer forces at scenes of conflict seems to be
 something the US favours everywhere else, except
 To be approved, a resolution like that proposed by the
 Palestinians would require nine votes in support of
 passage, and no veto from any of the five permanent
 members of the Security Council which controls the
 UN's policies. 
 If UN monitors were placed in the West Bank, the world
 would quickly see that the violence is being provoked
 by Israel. It would show that the very fact that there
 are six times as many Palestinian deaths as Israeli
 deaths, and that most of the Palestinians killed are
 civilians, while Israeli deaths involve professional
 soldiers, proves that Israel must be a major part of
 the cause of the violence.
 The issue of neutral observers coming in to monitor
 any situation is a sure giveaway about who is right
 and who is wrong, even when it doesn't pass. The
 guilty party is usually the one who doesn't want any
 witnesses while engaged in criminal activity. The
 victims always want an outside monitor to prove their
 Israel's refusal to permit outside observers to
 determine who is responsible for the violence is an
 indication of Israel's guilt.
 Israel never feels any remorse in its brutal policies
 against the Palestinians - after all, the Jewish state
 was built on a policy of evicting Christians and
 Muslims from their lands and homes.
 When the Palestinians try to complain about the
 brutality and land theft, the US is always there,
 threatening to use its veto power.
 One might think, the UN at some point, might cast a
veto against the US. If you don't pay your dues, you
 don't get to exercise your veto.
 That might motivate the US to take one of those hefty
 cheques it sends over to Israel, and re-endorse it in
 favour of the United Nations.
 But there is one common characteristic that bullies
 like Israel and the US seem to share. When they are
 beating up on someone, they never feel any guilt.
 You can bet your last tax-dollar on that one!
 The writer is an award-winning Palestinian American
 journalist and author. He contributed this article to
 The Jordan Times.

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