Workers' Party of Belgium
International department

Boulevard M. Lemonnier 171

1000 Brussels

Tel.: +32-2-5040.139, +32-2-5040.111

Fax: +32-2-5040.141, +32-2-513.98.31


 Brussels, November 26, 2000

 Proposal of a common communist platform
against the European Summit in Nice (France)

Dear Comrades,

On the occasion of the European Summit in Nice (France) on 7th and 8th
December 2000, we propose to present a common communist platform, endorsed
by as many communist parties and organisations as possible.

If your organisation supports the platform, please mention hereafter the
full name and address (including E-mail address) of your organisation, as
well as the name of a responsible with his/her function.


Our organisation supports the platform 'No to the European State'



 Name of a responsible with his/her function

You will find the text we propose hereafter (also in attachment).

With our fraternal communist greetings

Jean Pestieau
International Relations Secretary
International department
No to the European State

On the 7th and 8th of December, the heads of State of the countries of the
European Union will gather in Nice. Their agenda: the reform of European
institutions. In fact, it is about the creation of the foundations of a
European State. A good thing ?

This State is a creation of the European bosses. The group that has the most
influence on the European deciders is the European Round Table of
Industrialists, an association of 48 managers of the big European
multinationals: Philips, Fiat, Renault, TotalFina Elf, Bayer, Siemens,
Unilever, Shell, BP Amoco, Suez-Lyonnaise, etc. Founded in 1983 with the
support of the European Commission, it was behind the setting up of the
single market, the Maastricht Treaty, the creation of the Euro, the
expansion to the East and the submission of these countries to Western
capitalism. Today these employers want a political entity at the European

This state is and will be anti-democratic. The Parliament has only very few
powers. All power is concentrated in the Commission, in the Council of
ministers and in the European Council. Each of them are under the influence
of employers' lobbies like the Round Table. Think tanks like the European
Policy Centre, where politicians and businessmen sit next to each other,
orientate the debates about Europe. All this happens without the workers
knowing and against them.

For of course this state is also anti-social. The almost unanimous desire of
European leaders is to make of Europe a supercompetitive entity, whose
companies will be able to beat their American and Japanese rivals. To this
end, the workers must agree to make themselves available for employers
according to the conditions of the latter : extreme flexibility, decrease of
salaries and of social allowances, dismantling of social security systems,
night and week-end work, generalisation of temporary employment and
part-time work, etc. The Social Charter that is to be ratified in Nice is
another example of social regression: no right to employment, no right to
housing, no right to income.

The European State is and will be a war machine. First against the workers.
Then against the East European countries incorporated by force into the net
of European multinationals. Finally against the US and Japan. Because the
interest of European bosses in such a state is to be able to counter the
political and military hegemony of Washington. At the end of the day, it is
to be able to replace the US as the world dominant power. It is an
imperialist project.

We, communists, defend the following :

the right to a decent job for every worker
maintaining workers' established rights
democratic rights for everybody
the right for each Third World country to develop in an independent way
support for the national liberation movement in the Third World
the struggle for peace and against the dangers of war caused by the desire
for power of the US, the European Union and Japan
the development of the socialist countries
For we think that, to destroy this European state, to stop the globalisation
of markets and capital, to suppress the wealth gap in the world, in order to
create an economy centered on the human being, we have to change society.

Join us.

 Contact address : [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Workers'Party of Belgium)

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