>From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [STOPNATO.ORG.UK] World Bank, IMF Beyond Reform - Shut Them Down

>Helping the poorest to get poorer
>The World Bank and the IMF are beyond reform. Shut
>them down
>Special report: debt relief
>George Monbiot
>Thursday September 21, 2000
>The Guardian
>A few months ago I used this column to argue that the
>World Bank was destroying health and education in the
>developing world.
>In Zambia, for example, the conditions the bank had
>attached to its loans - cuts in state spending and the
>privatisation of services - had contributed to a 25%
>increase in infant mortality since 1980 and, as
>parents now have to pay to have their children
>educated, a disastrous decline in school enrolment.
>The bank, oddly enough, didn't seem to be too happy
>about my analysis. "It is simply false," Mats
>Karlsson, one of its vice-presidents wrote, "to claim
>that the World Bank is further impoverishing people."
>It was, he insisted, lending developing countries more
>money for health, education and poverty reduction than
>ever before.
>This is perfectly true. This year, for example, the
>World Bank will be handing out some $1.9bn for schools
>in poor countries. It will also be destroying
>schooling worth many times this amount by continuing
>to insist that countries put debt repayments ahead of
>public spending. It has yet to explain why on earth it
>is making dollar loans for schools in the first place,
>when nearly all their costs are incurred in local
>currencies. Only if local provision is to be replaced
>by foreign contractors, or if children are to be given
>computers before they are taught to read or write,
>does lending hard currency for basic education make
>sense. First they break your legs, then, by way of
>compensation, they offer you a pedicure.
>At their grand summit in Prague at the end of this
>week, the World Bank and the International Monetary
>Fund will insist, as the IMF's former managing
>director has claimed, that they are now "the best
>friends of the poor". The bad old days of "structural
>adjustment" -forcing all the countries they deal with
>to accept precisely the same neoliberal prescriptions
>- are over. Instead of being obliged to accept
>policies imposed by the first world, debtor nations
>will now be allowed to devise their own
>"poverty-reduction strategies".
>This sounds fine, until you discover that, as the
>World Development Movement has documented, the
>recipient countries can request whatever they want as
>long as it's neoliberalism. As one senior bank
>official pointed out, the new scheme is a "compulsory
>programme, so that those with the money can tell those
>without the money what they need in order to get the
>To me, the abiding mystery surrounding the World Bank
>and the IMF is why anyone still believes that they are
>capable of reform. The New Economics Foundation
>concludes its devastating critique of the two bodies
>by suggesting only that they should "undergo
>democratic overhauls". Even the Guardian's usually
>far-sighted economics editor, Larry Elliott, has
>argued that those who believe the World Bank and IMF
>are inherently corrupt "are not only wrong, but are
>giving succour to extremists on the right who oppose
>all but minimalist government and despise
>internationalism". There is, most commentators agree,
>no alternative to the existing global financial
>This is not a consensus that John Maynard Keynes would
>have joined. In 1944, he warned that a financial
>system which imposed penalties and strictures on
>debtor nations but not creditor nations would ensure
>that the rich became richer and the poor became
>poorer. He proposed a global financial institution
>which would charge interest on both debt and credit.
>Creditor nations would thus be encouraged to spend
>their surpluses in debtor nations, automatically
>correcting imbalances in trade.
>The US proposed an alternative system. Help for debtor
>nations would be confined to a fund and a bank which
>lent them money when they got into trouble. These
>would both be based in Washington and effectively
>controlled by the creditors. As Keynes foresaw, the US
>proposal would ensure both that debtor nations fell
>further into debt and that creditors - the US in
>particular - could exercise ever-greater economic and
>political power over them. But the US told Britain
>that if we didn't accept its proposal, we wouldn't get
>our war loan.
>The World Bank and the IMF, in other words, were
>conceived as the policemen for a coercive and grossly
>unbalanced world order. The idea that they could
>deliver anything but disaster for the world's poor is
>laughable. If, as they will claim in Prague, they want
>to help build a fairer world, then they must start by
>closing themselves down.
>ï George Monbiot's new book, Captive State: the
>Corporate Takeover of Britain, is published today by
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