>SCIENCE AND EDUCATION SKOPJE, Sept 7 (Tanjug) - Macedonian Education and
>Science Minister Gale Galev has received Yugoslav Ambassador to Macedonia
>Zoran Janackovic to discuss bilateral cooperation in science and education,
>the Yugoslav embassy said in a statement on Thursday. Ambassador Janackovic,
>at whose request the meeting was scheduled, urged for more intensive and more
>productive cooperation through annual and short-term plans, aided by specific
>regulations, the statement said. Yugoslavia is particularly interested in
>cooperation related to the education of pupils and students in Yugoslavia and
>Macedonia in their native languages, Janackovic told Galev. During the past 3
>years, the Yugoslav embassy in Skopje has been providing ethnic Serb pupils
>receiving education in their native language with books and accessories,
>Janackovic said. He inquired about possibilities for organizing
>Serbian-language education in Macedonian secondary schools and universities as
>well. Galev said that his government was willing to revise the current
>Yugoslav-Macedonian accord on cultural and educational cooperation, and adopt
>amendments on scientific cooperation. Galev stressed that the attitude of the
>Macedonian educational authorities towards all national minorities was equal,
>adding that it was defined by fundamental minority rights, not by the
>statistical significance of a particular minority group.
>CARRY OUT ITS TASKS NIS, Sept 7 (Tanjug) - Yugoslav Army Chief of General
>Staff, Gen. Nebojsa Pavkovic said on Wednesday that the Kosovo unit presented
>to the home and foreign public last week was absolutely ready to carry out the
>special tasks in the southern Serbian province, secure the state border, and
>protect cultural goods. Speaking in a broadcast of the regional program of
>Serbian Radio Television RTS in the central Serbian town of Nis, Gen. Pavkovic
>said the unit comprised highly skilled professional members of the Yugoslav
>Army and the Interior Ministry who will protect and defend the Serb population
>from ethnic Albanian terrorists. "The unit is not intended for a violent
>return home," Gen. Pavkovic emphasized. "There are other forces for such an
>alternative. Other Yugoslav Army units are prepared for such activities,
>actually. However, we are duly implementing in principle the (U.N. Security
>Council) Resolution 1244 and we do not wish to be the ones who will be blamed
>for its non-realization. That is why we can proudly say that our army is ready
>to join in the peace process and we think it would make a great contribution
>to that peace mission because the KFOR and UNMIK have demonstrated that they
>are incapable of doing so," Gen. Pavkovic said.
>Sept 7 (Tanjug) - Ethnic Albanian separatists blew up two Serb houses in
>Klokot village, eastern Kosovo and Metohija province, late Wednesday. There
>have been no reports of casualties. The blasts razed the houses and also
>damaged neighbouring objects, Belgrade Radio said. This is the latest in a
>series of onslaughts by ethnic Albanian separatists on the Serb population of
>Klokot village aimed at expelling them from this area.
>COUNTERPARTS NEW YORK, Sep 6 (Tanjug).- Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic
>has arrived in New York to attend the Millennium Summit as a protege of his
>Slovenian and Croatian counterparts Milan Kucan and Stjepan Mesic, clearly
>showing to both the people of Yugoslavia and the entire world what his
>intentions are and with whose aid he plans to realize them. The role played by
>Kucan and Mesic and their regimes in violating one of the fundamental
>principles contained in the UN Charter - that of respecting the sovereignty of
>states - is not surprising. The people of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
>can hardly forget where the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia had
>started, who was the first to give support to ethnic Albanian separatism in
>Serbia's Kosovo-Metohija province, who had opened fire on troops of the
>Yugoslav National Army (army of the former Yugoslav federation), how much
>blood was shed for that reason, how many millions of people have lost their
>kin and their homes, and who had boasted about all this. Djukanovic's conduct
>obviously should come as no surprise either. By accepting Kucan and Mesic as
>his sponsors, he has clearly unveiled his true intentions, his moral values
>and his political (im)maturity, as well as the falseness of his claims that he
>wishes to preserve Yugoslavia. He allegedly dislikes only the central
>authority in Belgrade. If so, it is clear why. That authority respects the
>will of the majority of the people in both Yugoslav republics to live in a
>joint state. What is surprising, though, is the conduct of the UN, which, by
>allowing the illegal presence of a representative of one of Yugoslavia's
>federal units, most drastically demonstrates its support to separatism in the
>heart of Europe, although the problem of separatism is on the Summit's agenda.
>Many world analysts have noted just before the Summit that the overall record
>of the UN in the past 50 years has been negative, keeping in mind above all
>the great errors the world organization has made in the region of the former
>Yugoslavia. They have particularly pointed to the incomprehensible error the
>UN is making in Kosovo-Metohija, scene of violence and terrorism perpetrated
>by ethnic Albanian separatists. By pushing Djukanovic to attend the Millennium
>Summit, even under Kucan's and Mesic's sponsorship, the US advocates of that
>illegal act have pushed the UN into making a new serious error that brings
>into question the good intentions regarding a fundamental reform of the world
>organization, demanded practically by the entire world and consequently an
>issue on the present Summit's agenda. The world is, however, demanding
>precisely such changes that should bring about a fierce fight against
>separatism, violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of
>sovereign states, terrorism and dominance of the UN by a single power. At the
>same time, according to the latest statements by many Summit participants, the
>world is demanding the creation within the UN of a mechanism that would
>prevent or punish any foreign interference in the internal affairs of any
>state. Finally, the theory of limited sovereignty should also be the subject
>of a serious discussion, as it is being used today as a justification for
>"humanitarian interventions" which have, it has turned out, only fanned the
>arms race and have made no contribution to world peace and security.


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