>From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


>Time for UN Security Council to Revisit Kosovo Issue,
>Says Ivanov
>OTTAWA, Sep 13, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) The
>United Nations Security Council will have to review
>the situation in Kosovo and come up with an action
>plan to implement its previous decisions, Russian
>Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said Tuesday.
>After meeting with Canadian Foreign Minister Lloyd
>Axworthy, Ivanov reiterated Russian opposition to the
>holding of local elections in the Yugoslav province.
>He said that both Canada and Russia supported UN
>Resolution 1244 which, among other things, confirms
>Yugoslav sovereignty over the territory.
>"Unfortunately," Ivanov told a press conference, "the
>events in Kosovo are a cause for concern.
>"The Security Council should take urgent steps to stop
>the negative developments that we have been
>"The situation in Kosovo is not conducive to holding
>local elections at this time," he added.
>Ivanov said that UN Resolution 1244 insisted that any
>elections in Kosovo must be "democratic, free and open
>to all parts of the electorate."
>Those conditions, he said, do no exist because there
>were still 200,000 Serbs, Gypsies and others who
>remained expelled from Kosovo.
>Under these conditions, he said, "talk of elections
>would be a mockery." ((c) 2000 Agence France Presse)
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