Diky moc. Uz mi to jede :p Je to fakt potreba zafixovat.
Prima den
On Thu, 19 Jun 2008 15:02:27 +0200, Filip Jirsák <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Pokud NB neřeknete, že má používat externí Maven, použije svůj
vestavěný – proto se liší chování při spuštění z příkazového řádku a z
K vypisované chybě – doporučuju v POMu nebo nastavení Mavenu zafixovat
verze maven pluginů, protože jinak se vám projekt bude kompilovat
pokaždé jinou verzí pluginu. Podívejte se na release info k verzi
2.0.9, tam je o tom napsáno víc.
Filip Jirsák
2008/6/19 Petr Burdík <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
pouzivam mevenide ve spojeni s netbeans 6. Pri prechodu na freebsd7,
nakopirovani .m2 repozitare do preinstalovaneho systemu a prechodu na
netbeans 6.1 mi hlasi netbeans tvrdosijne podobne hlasky jako je tato:
Scanning for projects...
snapshot org.codehaus.mojo:cobertura-maven-plugin:2.2-SNAPSHOT:
checking for
updates from codehaus-snapshots
[WARN]repository metadata for: 'snapshot
org.codehaus.mojo:cobertura-maven-plugin:2.2-SNAPSHOT' could not be
retrieved from repository: codehaus-snapshots due to an error: Error
transferring file
Repository 'codehaus-snapshots' will be blacklisted
[WARN]Failed to load plugin descriptor for: Plugin
[org.codehaus.mojo:cobertura-maven-plugin]. Assigning this plugin to be
resolved again just prior to its execution. NOTE, This may affect
of the mojo: clean if its default phase (given in the plugin
descriptor) is
used. Check debug output (-X) for more information.
[WARN]Skipping addition to build-plan for goal: clean in execution:
clean of
plugin: org.codehaus.mojo:cobertura-maven-plugin because no phase
information was available (either through the mojo descriptor, which is
currently missing, or in the POM itself).
[ERROR]Maven cannot calculate your build plan, given the following
[ERROR]- clean
[ERROR]- install
[ERROR]Current project:
[ERROR]Group-Id: net.itbridge
[ERROR]Artifact-Id: itsynapse20
[ERROR]Version: 2.0-SNAPSHOT
[ERROR]From file: /home/pet/work/svn/itsynapse20/trunk/pom.xml
[ERROR]Error message: Failed to load plugin descriptor for:
org.codehaus.mojo:cobertura-maven-plugin:2.2-SNAPSHOT:clean. Cannot
it's default phase, specified in its plugin descriptor.
[ERROR]Root error message: Unable to download the artifact from any
For more information, run with the -e flag
Total time: < 1 second
Finished at: Thu Jun 19 11:07:26 CEST 2008
Final Memory: 95M/123M
Divne ale je ze z prikazove radky ten pom file normalne nakompiluju.
Ve starem systemu mi normalne tento pom kompiluje. Nesetkali jste se
s podobnym chovanim?
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