As most all of you know last summer was not a good summer of flying for me. I 
had three incidents which grounded me. The first was the deer strike on May 
15th. Then came the crank breakage on August 16th and then the cam gear failure 
on November 1st. But now, this is the "Dawning of the age of new flight" for 
me. Over this past brutal Wisconsin winter, I once again tore my engine 
completely down for yet another rebuild. I am at the point that I can build a 
Corvair engine with only looking at the manual for torque values. So does that 
make me a professional Corvair builder. NO. And that is why this time I choose 
to Hire Mark at Falcon Automotive to help me build this engine. And I must say 
that he has served me well as has William Wynne (for obvious reasons), Dan 
Weseman (for his fifth bearing), Mark Langford (for all the designs of his that 
are on my engine), Joe Horton (for his knowledge and encouragement).....Gee I 
could keep naming names but I do not have all night. So, thank all of you in 
the Corvaircraft and KR world who have helped me maintain flight status and all 
the encouragement from all of you. Anyway, I now have 6.5 flight hours on my 
new engine which has the Weseman Fifth Bearing. I just returned from a 1.2 hour 
flight this evening and I must say I have a totally dry engine. There is not a 
drop of oil leaking anywhere. This took some work but I achieved the dry engine 
and I am one happy camper. The  engine is performing flawlessly and the fifth 
bearing has made a difference of night and day in the performance. This engine 
is smoother than any of my previous builds. I used to fight a bad vibration as 
I reduced rpm from 3450 to 3000. This was like a no fly range for me. With 
Dan's fifth bearing I can now fly at any rpm I choose since 99.8% of the 
vibration has disappeared. I am sure with dynamic prop balancing I can 
eliminate virtually all the vibration. For some reason my confidence level in 
this wonderful engine is growing immensely. As a matter of fact, tonight I was 
at 7500' doing wing overs and very unusual attitudes. Simply having the time of 
my life. When I pulled back in the hangar, I removed the cowl and there was not 
a drop of oil anywhere. Life is good and flying is awesome. Keep up the 
building guys 'cause I want all of you to experience the exhilaration that we 
as Corvair and KR flyers get to enjoy. 

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Stevens Point, WI

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