>Beginning Balance                                       3575.26
>Current Balance                                         3957.28*
>*We may have several hundred dollars in additional
>hat and shirt sales.

When I went to make the bank deposit I was off by $80.  They counted
it three times and I brought the whole thing home and counted it
again.  Sure enough, I was in error.  Sorry about that.  The new (corrected)
balance is $3877.28   I guess that's what happens when you use both
fingers and toes to count and don't take off your socks. :-)

It also crossed my mind that I need to correct some line items.  We had
92 meals at the banquet but four were "guest", Jeanette and Susan, and
the county board chairman and wife.  The totals will remain the same but
I'll adjust the amounts in the banquet tickets and hats / shirts entries.

I should have the info to Bob Lee for posting to the Gathering site in the
next few days.

Larry Flesner

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