(please read ENTIRE e-mail)

All my family visitors for the week have once again left us with an 
empty nest. :-(  I took time this morning to compute the finances for 
the Gathering.  This years Gathering was disappointing in attendance 
with only 50 at the awards banquet and 5 KR's flying in.  Weather had 
much to do with the poor attendance as well as a lot of schedule 
conflicts for regular attendees.  I think those that were able to 
attend enjoyed their stay in Mt.Vernon.  We were able to hold 6+ 
hours of forums and share a lot of KR info.  Unfortunately, we didn't 
get to do much flying.

The small crowd at the banquet was generous in donating $317 toward 
expenses.  THANK YOU !  Banquet ticket sales totaled $705.  Hat and 
shirt sales plus some additional donations totaled $1757.  That left 
us coming up short approximately $700 over our starting figure.  Not 
too bad for the low attendance.  I still have 15 shirts and 24 hats I 
can sell, which, if all sell, would leave us only a couple hundred 
short of our starting point.

I will start mailing hats and shirts next week to those that have 
already ordered and paid.  I will start taking orders on the 
leftovers as of today.

I have the following sizes:

11 each size "large"
2 each size "extra large"
2 each size "medium"
24 hats

Shirts are $25
Hats are $12
Shipping on each order is $8.50 in the USA.  That's an average and 
pretty much covers all orders.  Trying to keep it simple.

I will fill orders in the order of the time stamp on your e-mail 
until all are sold.  Checks or money orders only, no pay-pal.  Wait 
to mail check until I tell you your shirt / hat is in the mail.  When 
ordering, give me the shirt size and complete mailing address.  I'll 
give you the address to mail the check when I fill the order.

PLACE ORDER TO MY E-MAIL ONLY, NOT TO THE NET.    flesner at frontier.com
PLACE ORDER TO MY E-MAIL ONLY, NOT TO THE NET.    flesner at frontier.com
PLACE ORDER TO MY E-MAIL ONLY, NOT TO THE NET.    flesner at frontier.com
PLACE ORDER TO MY E-MAIL ONLY, NOT TO THE NET.    flesner at frontier.com
PLACE ORDER TO MY E-MAIL ONLY, NOT TO THE NET.    flesner at frontier.com

I will send the finances to Bob Lee for posting to the Gathering web 
page in the next day or two.

Thanks to all that helped out at the Gathering.  See you in 
California next year ???????????

Larry Flesner

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