Been a busy few days here.  Unfortunately, my Mother passed away in NY on 
Thurs., and I was with her and family there.  Funeral was yesterday in 
Milwaukee.  In between I made the trip to Iowa to liberate my KR2 project.  
Fellow list member Joe Weber met me there-- in fact he beat me there.  Turns 
out he had been there several years back too.  The seller is 70, and has flown 
nearly 50 years.  Built a gyrocopter which flew briefly once, but fell victim 
to reversed controls.  He has worked on the plane (on and off) since 1975.  
Before I had seen her, I asked Joe what he thought, and got the answer I was 
looking for...   He simply looked at me and said... "With a little work, it 
will fly!"Fuselage is still on my trailer in my hangar... wings and canopy 
still in my van in the driveway.  Can't wait to get working on her.  I looked 
for appropriate tail numbers (like 7507 for the year the plane was started and 
when it will hopefully fly, but all were taken).  Joe mentioned 2007 will be 
the 35th anniv. of the KR, so I asked to reserve 3507 (X, W, B, C, or D in 
order), as I guess I will be "building" a 35th Anniversary 2007 KR-- though It 
does feel a bit like cheating!  Please consider this my confession!Marc Lee 
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