I need to update my building page as  I'm still building although VERY slowly.  

Last spring I decided that my 24x24 garage wasnt big enough for building an 
airplane and other toys so I decided to build a 2 story 3 car garage - 24'x40'  
Did everything myself from digging and pouring the foundation right up to the 
cupola. Entitled - "How I Spent My Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring Vacation"  
giving me a grand total of almost 2800 square feet of workspace + 1800 square 
feet of living space - but thats the wifes domain. 

The KR2S is in there under a parachute however in the process I managed to add 
to the collection an ARF Titan Tornado, Rotax 582, 2 snowmobiles 4 dirtbikes 
buying (another one today) and lots of air tools, welding equipment, trailers, 
etc.   Had to buy the wife a new mercedes to shut her up - I also lost a bay to 

I'll never buy another house with anything less than a 5 car garage!

Although I think I'll have one of the lowest cost Kr's, the accessories and 
activities during the building process probably come to about $130k !  If she 
had really crunched the numbers she would have been smarter to let me buy that 

Rich Parker
Peterborough, NH

Message: 4
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2005 17:43:00 -0800 (PST)
From: Ron Smith 
Subject: KR> Looking at the list
To: kr...@mylist.net
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Kr's under construction, I see alot of projects that have not been updated in 
years. I was wondering if these guys lost their digital cameras 
or,..........lost interest?

Dave Mullins? That guy building the Italian job?  Updates?

Just wondering.......it's Friday after all.

Ron Smith,
Kr2s creeping along.

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