Dual sticks and retracts go together for me. When teaching grandchildren how 
to fly, for me it would seem most comfortable to have the throttle in the 
center for ease and access to both occupants and the dual sticks so that the 
center is free of obstruction for retracting gear. On one of my current 
projects I am using the old retract system (for the third time) and a third 
lock-up or down is at the center where the single control stick was located. 
The latch is a simple push (bicycle hand brake like) control arm which 
engages a latch at the center and rear of the spar. I am working the bugs 
out at this very moment  trying to make it unlatch the other gear locks as 
called for on the prints. I have done the fixed gear route and it is 
wonderfully simple and reliable but so is the retract system. Building a 
(what we still refer to as a KR), is an exercise in ingenuity, engineering 
AND asthetics. Enjoy it all!  I have been with the KR forums for a third of 
a century and have been inspired, amused, educated, etc. by all of you. Many 
of us are not building KR's any longer. We're doing our own things with- 
more than a bit of advice and ideas from the forums.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <laser...@juno.com>
To: <kr...@mylist.net>
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 2:09 PM
Subject: KR> Retractable gear

>>"the first thing I would do, would be to get rid of that retract gear,
> and the next thing would be to put in dual sticks."

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