For all the KRs with laminar flow airfoil sections,this might be 
interesting.During a World Gliding Competition,the American champion dumped 
water ballast onto the German champion below,who was gaining on him in 
climb.Naturally this dirty trick infuriated the German champ,and at the 
official enquiry,the American champion stated that he left the thermal to dump 
his water ballast for the time specified by his glider manufacturer and 
returned to the thermal.I cant remember the outcome but I wondered why the dump 
valve was not closed as a precaution before re entering the thermal.One has to 
go to great lengths to keep a laminar flow airfoil clean.My KR 2 S has the 
standard airfoil,and I wont worry too much about bugs,water .dust etc picked up 
while flying.Strangely enough my first homebuilt,a Duster glider had a midnight 
blue leading edge which I painted on from mainspar to leading edge.This portion 
got very hot in the sun while the rest stayed cool.Other pilots complained they 
couldnt see me clearly while ridge running etc. so I painted it all white and 
the performance dropped.I then re did it in red and the performance improved 
,it "felt better".Probably just a figment of my imagination - no scientific 
proof whatsoever.
Eric Evezard,
South Africa.

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