[kubernetes-users] Re: Filter the cadvisor metrics

2017-07-25 Thread wangpeng007
Is there any suggestion? On Tuesday, July 18, 2017 at 4:06:57 PM UTC+8, wangpeng007 wrote: > > cAdvisor returns metrics for a lot of the running processes on the system > its running on. This results in a lot of extra metrics that cAdvisor > exposes, and for the most these are metrics we do not

[kubernetes-users] kubelet/kube-proxy in-place upgrade ordering

2017-07-25 Thread Matthias Rampke
Hey, I could not find an easy answer for this, and I suppose it's a bit of a niche question – what's the correct ordering to upgrading kubelet / kube-proxy on live nodes? Usually (except for the upgrade onto 1.6) we just upgrade either of them and restart, then the other, all the while the node i