Re: [kubernetes-users] Unique DNS records for every pod in a autoscaled deployment

2018-03-01 Thread james . masson
1. Can't change the apparent hostname of the worker to be either an IP/ dash-seperated IP worker DNS, as Airflow only supports a direct getfqdn call in our version. no - hostname detected on the pod has to be resolvable on other pods. On Thursday, 1 March 2018 21:43:53 UTC, Tim Hockin wrote:

Re: [kubernetes-users] Unique DNS records for every pod in a autoscaled deployment

2018-03-01 Thread james . masson
I'm using Apache Airflow, which uses a scale out worker model. The workers run jobs, and the job logs are collected from the workers via a http call from a central server. These pods definitely do have specific identity, but they are not important individually in the way that StatefulSet is des

[kubernetes-users] Unique DNS records for every pod in a autoscaled deployment

2018-03-01 Thread james . masson
Hi list, I'm following this guide: I wish to have each pod in a deployment have a unique hostname, which allows another pod to contact each of the autoscaled pods by hostname. However, a