On 02/27/2012 11:09 AM, Prateek Sharma wrote:
      I know this is not the right forum for this, but i am looking for
the recent specification/documentation of the AMD NPT and SVM
features. All i can find is the old pacifica document dating back to
2005, and only the NPT whitepaper.

The technical SVM documentation is in the AMD64 Architecture Programmer's Manual (APM) Volume 2:

SVM is detailed in chapter 15, with appendix B & C containing the needed bits for the data structures. Other chapters in this document contain details about paging, though this is mostly not AMD specific.


     The reason i seek this documentation is that i wish to modify some
KVM code. Specifically, i am interested in how the hardware
sets/resets the accessed/dirty bits of the guest/nested tables

Any help will be appreciated.


Andre Przywara
AMD-Operating System Research Center (OSRC), Dresden, Germany

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