
I completely agree. When I ran a test creating a test account for myself and
then going to the the reset link, I got the e-mail in my spam folder.

@Matthias, do you have the karma to check the logs on the vm, or should I
contact Mechtilde?



On 2022-05-26 at 01:53, Олексій Ворошило <v.olek...@ukr.net> wrote:

Hi, Keith, hi all!

At this stage it is not matter user name. During password resetting I have to
enter e-mail address, not user name.

 But I still receive no e-mails from Pootle server. It will be better, that
admin of Pootle server checks logs and discovers cause of this problem 🙏🏻

Have a nice day! 💛💙



25 травня 2022, 18:05:48, від "Keith N. McKenna" <keith.mcke...@comcast.net>:


There was a typo in the Welcome mail. The user name should have been
silversheart, not

silversheary. Please try again with the user name silversheart.  Again my
apologies, I am usually this incompetent.



On 2022-05-25 at 09:01, Олексій Ворошило <v.olek...@ukr.net> wrote:

I have received welcome email, gone to the pootle web-site for password reset

but received no email with link to reset.... No spam, no inbox... 😥

Sorry... 😥

25 травня 2022, 15:41:02, від "Keith N. McKenna" <keith.mcke...@comcast.net>:

Welcome! Account silversheary created and enabled for Ukranian.Please go to
https://translate.apache.org/accounts/password/reset/Then you will able to
login at https://translate.apache.org/accounts/login and translate at
https://translate.apache.org/A detailed Pootle guide is available at
https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Pootle_User_GuideIf you don't want to miss
announcements you should subscribe to this mailing list: send an empty e-mail
message to l10n-subscr...@openoffice.apache.org and respond to the
confirmation request you will receive.




З повагою - Олексій


З повагою - Олексій

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