More than 200 arrested at  immigration rights rally in D.C.
by: _Mark Gruenberg_ 
October 9 2013 
People's World

WASHINGTON (PAI) - For several years now, Lisa Bergmann of New Haven, 
Conn.,  has been anxious about many of her Spanish-speaking friends and  
The former Unite Here member was one of more than 20,000 people - including 
 thousands of unionists -- who marched down the Washington, D.C., Mall on 
Oct. 8  to demand the U.S. House immediately pass comprehensive immigration  
reform.  Bergmann says the danger to her friends is why she came to the  
"I'm a citizen. I don't have to worry," she said.  "But I worry about _a 
lot of my friends who are waiting to get their  papers_ 
( .  
And I have friends 
who are incarcerated" because  they're undocumented.  
"And some are afraid to drive" because police could stop them and demand  
proof of legality - which they lack - on pain of detention and  deportation." 
Concerns like that -- which would be alleviated, if not ended, by 
_comprehensive immigration reform_ 
  -- brought the  thousands to the Mall.  And 
200, including 90 union leaders and union  members and eight members of the 
House of Representatives were arrested when, in  an act of civil 
disobedience, they blocked a street in front of the  Capitol.  
Arrestees included Bergmann, SEIU 1199 member Delphine Clyburn and activist 
 Joelle Fishman, both also from Connecticut, Communications Workers  
Secretary-Treasurer Annie Hall and Political Director Yvette Herrera, The  
Newspaper Guild's president, Bernie Lunzer, and Paul Booth, the top assistant 
AFSCME's president.  Among the nation's top labor leaders also taken into  
custody were AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Tefere Gebre, AFT President 
Randi  Weingarten, Unite Here President D. Taylor and Maria Elena Durazo, 
executive  secretary treasurer of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor. 
Among the lawmakers arrested were Reps. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.), John Lewis 
 (D-Ga.), Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.), Joe Crowley (D 
-  N.Y.), Al Green (D-Texas), Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) and Charlie Rangel  
"I'm not really worried about getting arrested," Hall said beforehand.   
"_This reform is long overdue_ 
upport-for-immigration-reform/) .  And it's about  people who are coming to 
this country to seek and find economic justice for  themselves and their 
Unions, led by contingents from the Service Employees and their Local 32BJ, 
 the Laborers and Unite Here, contributed a large share of the  
demonstrators.  Other unions represented included AFSCME, the  Communications 
Workers/TNG, Labors Council for Latin American Advancement, AFT  and the United 
The rally, which went on with National Park Service cooperation despite the 
 federal government shutdown, was a sea of colorful banners, flags, 
T-shirts and  signs, punctuated by strong pro-reform speeches and lively music. 
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., pledged to use every method  
available to get a comprehensive reform bill to a floor vote, where all 200  
Democrats and several dozen Republicans would vote for it - over GOP 
leaders'  opposition.  "We have the votes to pass the bill," Pelosi declared. 
The massive protest followed more than 160 rallies for immigrtion reform 
held  across the nation Saturday and came a week after House Democrats 
introduced  their own immigration bill based on two pieces of bipartisan 
legislation: one  from the Senate and one approved by the House Homeland 
The demonstration occurred as a government shutdown and fight over raising  
the debt limit gripped the nation's capital and the rest of the country, 
with  the GOP House leadership saying it will not hold a vote on the 
immigration bill  or anything else, for that matter, that a majority of GOP 
Democrats said the protests show that supporters of immigration reform will 
 not be deterred by Republican intransigence and that they are prepared to  
continue the battle until the House leadership puts the immigration bill up 
for  a vote. 
"Let them vote," hundreds chanted repeatedy during the  demonstration.  
The bill the GOP has put on hold includes a long, although as some say,  
"torturous" path to citzenship for the 11 million undocumented people in the  
It also would immediately bring them under U.S. labor laws, preventing or  
lessening the dual exploitation of workers by venal and vicious employers:  
Hiring the undocumented and paying them rock-bottom wages, threatening them 
with  deportation if they unionize - and using the threat of hiring the 
undocumented  to force native-born workers to accept lower wages and benefits 
and worse  working conditions.  
The big march in D.C. and the prior marches on Oct. 5, including several  
busloads of CWA members who showed up at GOP House Speaker John Boehner's  
district office in Springfield, Ohio, that day, are designed to put pressure 
on  the Republicans to budge, CWA President Larry Cohen said.  
"This is what democracy looks like," he said, gesturing  to the 
multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-lingual crowd during an  interview.  
The public pressure also has indirect focus, another union leader said: The 
 mass movement will grab the attention of Republican moneymen and political 
 operatives. They in turn will pressure the House GOP to pass comprehensive 
 reform, or lose their party's backing and cash.  "It's a bank shot around  
the Tea Party," the unionist said.  
The political machinations, however, were not much on the minds of the  
marchers.  They were there to show enormous public backing for legalizing  the 
undocumented.  "I'm human.  I want people to have good pay, a good  job, 
good health care and respect on the job," Clyburn said.  "We'll help  people 
get this if immigration reform is passed."  
"It's personal for me," said a marcher named Lauro - he declined to  give 
his last name - from New York City who was carrying a large Laborers Local  
79 banner.  "It's for my family, and it's for my guys" in the union.   "I 
immigrated 16 years ago myself."  
"How long will we be here?" Cohen asked.  "One day longer.  There's  a very 
deep passion." 
John Wojcik contributed to this story. 
Photo: Eight Democratic members of Congress, along with immigration  rights 
activists, were arrested yesterday when they blocked a street near the  
Capitol. Among the lawmakers arrested, seen in this photo from left to right,  
are Rep. Al Green (D-Texas), Rep. Joe Crowley (D-N.Y.), John Lewis (D-Ga.), 
Raul  Grijalva (D-Ariz.), Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), and Rep. Luis Gutierrez 
(D-Ill.).  AP 


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