Brazil: Great success of the second Pan American School of the
International Marxist
Written by In Defence of Marxism Tuesday, 22 March 2011

*From 15 to 19 March the second Pan American School of the International
Marxist Tendency (IMT) was held in Florianópolis, Brazil. Amid the greatest
economic, social and political instability of the world capitalist system in
decades, the American Marxists have come together to participate in a series
of discussions on topical issues on the class struggle and the socialist
revolution internationally.*

character of this school was different to the previous meeting, as
attendance was strictly limited to experienced cadres. It brought together
more than fifty leading activists of the IMT from Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia
and Venezuela.

Also present in the School as special guests were leading members of the IMT
Alessandro Giardiello, from the national leadership of the Rifondazione
Comunista Party of Italy, who is the editor of the journal of the Italian
Marxist tendency *FalceMartello*, and Alan Woods, political editor of the
well-known web page In Defence of Marxism (

There were apologies from comrades in Mexico, Peru, USA and Canada who were
unfortunately unable to attend because of economic problems and last minute
difficulties in processing visas.
First session: The international situation and the Arab revolution

The first day of the school was devoted to a thorough discussion on the
global situation, with special emphasis on the dramatic events that are
shaking North Africa and the Middle East. Alan Woods introduced the
discussion, noting that the revolution in the Arab world is not only a
turning point in the international situation but in world history. The
example of the revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt and elsewhere, is affecting the
consciousness of millions of workers around the world. Before their very
eyes the masses can witness the unfolding of the revolutionary struggle
against tyranny and oppression, against imperialism and capitalism.

mass demonstrations in the United States itself, in the State of Wisconsin,
against the anti-working class policies of the Republican Governor Scott
Walker, are a vivid confirmation of this fact. In the marches of more than
100,000 people in the state capital, Madison, one could see banners with the
text. “Fight like an Egyptian”, or “Down with Hosni Walker”, comparing Scott
Walker with the former dictator Hosni Mubarak. This mobilization of public
employees in Wisconsin is sending shockwaves through the rest of the United
States, where there have been acts of solidarity and mobilizations, warning
the authorities of other States of the US of what they can expect if they
try to apply the same measures.

The Arab revolution is not an isolated event. It comes in the wake of the
mass awakening of the class struggle in Europe, where the workers have
overcome their fear of the first effects of the crisis that began in late
2008 and are moving into action. In France, Greece, Portugal, Spain,
Ireland, Italy we have witnessed the biggest strikes and mass protests of
the workers since the seventies. There have been protests against the cuts
in public spending in order to pay the unprecedented debts owed by states
and to save the big banks and companies.

And the struggle continues. Following the struggle of the student youth in
Britain in late 2010, now the British trade unions have called a mass
mobilization for the March 26 against the bourgeois government of
Conservatives and Liberal Democrats.

Only a few weeks ago the 8th general strike in Greece was called in the
space of just one year. On March 20 there is a national march in Madrid
organized by leftist organizations and trade unionists in protest against
the pension cuts agreed by the government, employers and the official union

The Arab revolution is not a single act but a process that will last for
years, with ups and downs, ebbs and flows. There will be revolutionary
explosions, followed by refluxes until in the end matters will be settled
decisively in one way or another – either by the victory of the socialist
revolution or the counterrevolution.

The IMT has come out categorically against any imperialist intervention in
Libya. The only force that can settle accounts with Gaddafi is the Libyan
people, and particularly the working class and revolutionary youth, not the
imperialists who seek only to impose a new puppet government, favourable to
their interests.

The most urgent task at present is the development of a strong Marxist
tendency in the revolutionary movement of workers and youth, able to give a
clear direction to the revolutionary aspirations of the masses and lead them
to victory.

The IMT does not confine itself to analyzing the root causes of the Arab
revolution and the most likely course of development, but is actively
involved in it. To the best of our ability we are striving to help resolve
the contradiction between the extraordinary maturity of the objective
conditions for the triumph of the socialist revolution and the immaturity of
the subjective factor, the absence of a leadership and the revolutionary

The discussion on the international situation was enriched by the
participation of many comrades, who filled out the statement of comrade Alan
Woods. Among other questions dealt with were China’s situation, the
Venezuelan revolution, the prospects for the government of Dilma Roussef in
Brazil, and the situation of Bolivia and Argentina. All these issues were
explained and analyzed in the discussion.

Finally, the different contributions were summarized by comrade Alan Woods
who underlined the urgency of strengthening and developing the Marxist
Tendency everywhere. He explained that the Arab revolution is the mirror in
which we can see the future of the working class and youth in Europe, USA,
Latin America, and in every country and continent in the world.
Commission on Italy

The first day's sessions ended with a special report by comrade Alessandro
Giardiello on the crisis of Italian capitalism. Comrade Alessandro analyzed
the terminal crisis of the Berlusconi government and the desperate attempts
of the Italian bourgeoisie to seek a replacement favourable to their
interests, as Berlusconi has become useless as a tool for implementing the
harsh policies of adjustment that it needs to save Italian capitalism, as in
the rest of Europe. Alessandro also spoke of the new and confident mood that
is emerging in the Italian working class, as demonstrated by the
mobilization of more than half a million workers in October, organized by
the metalworkers' union, the FIOM, and the resistance of the workers of FIAT
in the face of the attacks launched by the company.
Second session: The discussion on the United Front


The second day of school was devoted largely to discussion of the United
Front and its practical application in Latin America. The exposition of this
point was made by comrade David Rey, of the Socialist Tendency* El Militante
* of Argentina. Comrade David Rey gave an historical account of the concept
and practice of the united front from the Marxist standpoint.

In his leadoff and in the different interventions made by the comrades, it
was stressed that the united front between different tendencies of the
labour movement responds to the necessity of the maximum unity of the
working class in the struggle against Capital to achieve specific
objectives, whether economic or political. But it is also relevant in the
struggle of the Marxists to demonstrate to the entire working class the
superiority of their methods, ideas and agenda on the basis of common
experience of struggle. The Marxists, while defending the need for the front
united, always insist on maintaining their right to criticize the policy of
the other trends that make up the front, and to defend freely their views
and programme.

Comrade Ray pointed to the experience of the First International (The
International Workers’ Association-IWA) as an example of Marx’s flexible
approach to collaboration with other tendencies and in particular to the
policy of the Communist International with relation to the Socialist parties
in the 1920's. The bold application of the policy of the united front
allowed the Communist Parties to emerge as mass organizations in the world
labour movement.

The comrades also explained and analyzed the tactics of the Anti-Imperialist
United Front, adopted by the 5th Congress of the Communist International in
1924. The application of this slogan played an important role in
strengthening the role of the Communist parties in the struggle of the
colonial and semi-colonial peoples for independence and against direct
military rule of the imperialist countries, forging strong links between the
working class and rural poor in these countries.

However, subsequently this correct policy was distorted by the Stalinists
into the policy of class collaboration between the Communist Parties and the
national bourgeoisie, with the consequent abandonment of the struggle to
transform the national democratic revolution into the socialist revolution.
This led to bloody defeats of the workers and poor peasants in many
ex-colonial and semi-colonial countries from the late 1920's onwards.

Today, the slogan of the Anti-Imperialist United Front has little relevance,
except in cases of imperialist military occupation, because, given its
ambiguous character, it can easily lead to a policy of class collaboration
in a situation where the national bourgeoisie of all countries are tied up
with the interests of imperialism, as Trotsky explained in his theory of
Permanent Revolution.

The task in these countries is, therefore, to build the party of the working
class, linking the solution of the unresolved democratic national problems
to the struggle for the expropriation of the capitalists and the
imperialists under the democratic control of the working class, leading all
the other oppressed classes and strata of the nation, whose demands must be
incorporated into the revolutionary program of the working class.
The united front in Latin America

As far as the current situation in Latin America is concerned, the Marxists
of the IMT link their united front policy to revolutionary work in the mass
organizations of the working class, both trade union and political, even
when the latter include other classes and oppressed layers of society. Such
is the case of the PSUV in Venezuela, the MAS in Bolivia, the PRD in Mexico
(especially the tendency that is developing around the left wing of López
Obrador), the FMLN in El Salvador, the People's National Front in Honduras,
or the Polo Democrático in Colombia.

In countries where the working class already has mass organizations such as
the PT in Brazil, the Marxists, while working in these organizations, are
also involved in a united front with the poor peasants as the case of the
Landless Peasants Movement (MST). In Argentina, the Marxists of the CMI –
while clearly understanding the limitations of the Kirchnerist government
and agitating for a workers' party of the masses – have proposed a united
front to all the workers and popular organizations, including those linked
to Kirchnerism, against the destabilization attempts from the right wing and
the bourgeoisie, which is trying to impose a political alternative to the
right of the government of Cristina Fernández.
The discussion on so-called indigenism (the Native question)

second part of the session was devoted to the issue of *indigenism* and
racialism, particularly in regard to the black population in countries like
the USA and Brazil. These topics were presented in separate contributions of
comrades Jose Pereira, from the IMT of Bolivia, and comrade Miranda of
Brazil's Black Socialist Movement.

Comrade Jose explained how the ideological current of *
"indianism-indigenism"* has been gaining influence over recent decades in
several countries in Latin America. Revolutionary processes and explosive
events in countries such as Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru or Mexico – in parallel
with the loss of authority of Marxism in these countries during previous
decades, as a result of the crimes and betrayals of Stalinism – has given a
certain impetus to the movement that calls itself *indianista*, but also in
countries where the national question is secondary, such as Argentina and

*Indianism* covers a multitude of positions – from indigenism focused on
education and integration of the indigenous population in modern society to
"Katarism" in Bolivia, which demands a total break with modernity and the
restoration of the society of the Incas.

Many of the positions of indigenist groups are reactionary because they seek
to solve the problems of the indigenous and peasant masses, not by
identifying the real causes of oppression in the structure of society, in
private property, capitalism and imperialism, but in looking back through
the centuries and imagining a remote past that they attempt to idealize as
pre-Hispanic "community socialism."

The Marxists, while defending the most basic demands against discrimination,
respect for culture and language, democracy and full political rights of the
indigenous population, are opposed to any idea that leads to the division
and balkanization of the Latin American countries. Our position is not to
create new borders, but sweep away all frontiers. We defend the idea of a
Socialist Federation of Latin America.
The question of racism

On the issue of racialism and the Black question, comrade Miranda gave a
historical explanation of this phenomenon in the United States and Brazil.
He explained how racism has its origins in the introduction of slavery and
the brutal exploitation of black people, when millions were brought from
Africa to the United States, Brazil, the Caribbean and elsewhere. Comrade
Miranda, and other comrades who participated in the debate, insisted on
rejecting the concept of "race" in reference to blacks, whites and other
ethnicities. There is only one human race, which is divided into social
classes, exploiters and exploited, oppressors and oppressed. We fight all
forms of discrimination and privilege between one section of the population
and another.

in the case of *Indianism*, we oppose the reactionary slogan of territorial
self-determination for blacks in the U.S. or Brazil. We are against
so-called "positive discrimination" and the introduction of "quotas" to
establish a threshold percentage of blacks in universities and jobs in
businesses and public administration. We oppose the system of "quotas" for
blacks, women and other specific sections of the population because in a
crisis situation where there are not enough places for everyone in the
universities or jobs in companies, this can only enhance competition,
increase the venom of racism and sow hatred between ethnic groups, and
divide the working class. As in all social issues, the problem of racism can
only find an answer through the socialist transformation of society. Only
the expropriation of the capitalists and economic planning will ensure
homes, schools and jobs for all without having to resort to mechanisms of
"positive discrimination".
Third session: The work of the Marxists in the mass organizations and the
building of mass workers' parties in Latin America

The third day was dedicated to a discussion of the work of the Marxists in
the mass organizations and the prospect of building mass workers' parties in
Latin America. This session was introduced by comrade Serge Goulart, a
member of the national leadership of the Workers’ Party of Brazil (PT) and
leader of the Brazilian Marxist tendency Esquerda Marxista.

Comrade Serge gave a historical overview on the formation of socialist and
communist parties in the late nineteenth and twentieth century. In every
case he showed that the united front tactic and revolutionary work of the
Marxists in existing mass organizations was the prior condition for these
organizations to emerge in each historical period. And this is still the
case in the present day.

There were many interventions in the debate. The discussion also raised a
whole series of specific issues and challenges inherent in working in the
mass organizations, but especially the huge opportunities offered to the
Marxists to discuss with the most active layers of the working class.

The discussion also made clear that, as well as the work of the Marxists in
the mass organizations, it is also important to develop one’s own fronts or
work in other existing fronts, either among young people, the labour
movement, and other layers of the class.

In his reply comrade Goulart explained the tasks of the Marxist tendency in
the main countries of Latin America and the U.S.A. In countries where
workers' parties or mass organizations exist, such as Brazil, the followers
of the IMT work in the PT. We are active in the PSUV in Venezuela, in
Bolivia, in the MAS, in Mexico, in the PRD and its left wing is grouped
around López Obrador, in Uruguay in the Frente Amplio, in El Salvador in the

It is the duty of Marxists to participate and work within these parties and
organizations to defend the socialist program with a constructive and
fraternal method, but without hiding our ideas and positions.

In the case of the U.S., the Marxists who are in sympathy with the IMT are
agitating for the formation of a labour party based on the unions, which are
the only mass organizations with the power and capacity to undertake this
task. The same position is held by the Argentine Marxists, who while showing
the inability of the Kirchnerist government to solve the fundamental
problems of the working masses, maintain a friendly attitude towards their
rank and file in the social movements and in the unions, explaining the need
for an alternative working class policy independent of any wing of the

At the end of the session, the comrades of the Esquerda Marxista organized a
collection among the participants to help develop their revolutionary work.
The response was very enthusiastic and the collection raised US$3,400.

At the end of the day, comrade Alex, from the Esquerda Marxista entertained
the audience with his guitar, singing Brazilian revolutionary songs and the
day ended with the singing of revolutionary songs by all the comrades
Last day: Prospects for the Cuban revolution

*The last session of the School, on Saturday March 19 was devoted to the
situation in Cuba and the challenges facing the Revolution and the
implementation of the economic plan proposed by the government of Raul
Castro, to be discussed in the Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba in

*The session was opened by comrade Alan Woods, and the first thing he
emphasized was the IMT’s unconditional defence by of the Cuban revolution
and its conquests. The Cuban Revolution aroused great hopes in the working
masses of Latin America, and around the world. Great social advances have
taken place in education and culture, health, housing and other fields
thanks to the nationalized planned economy.*

*But the Cuban revolution was born with great contradictions within it, due
in part to the isolation of the Revolution and the criminal blockade of
imperialism. Alan explained that in Cuba the theory of the Permanent
Revolution took place in a peculiar way. It was subsequently conditioned by
Cuba's relationship with the Stalinist regimes that existed until the early
90's in the USSR and Eastern Europe. All this encouraged the development of
bureaucratic tendencies in the State and Party.*

*The revolution now faces great dangers. The disappearance of the Soviet
Union was a very hard blow for the Cuban economy, which has not yet
recovered. Now Cuba faces the ruthless dictatorship of the world market. It
is a small island with few resources that must buy 90% of its consumption
abroad at international prices. On the other hand, bureaucratic tendencies
exist, causing serious economic problems. To this must be added the
emergence of sharp social differences due to easy access to the dollar from
one part of the population (through Cuban emigrant remittances, the
tourism-related sector, etc.).*

*The proposed measures, such as the laying off of a large number of public
sector workers and their conversion into self-employed workers, the
promotion of small cooperatives, the elimination of certain basic benefits,
the promotion of foreign investments, etc., is explained by the serious
deterioration of the economic situation. But they contain within them the
danger of capitalist restoration, compounded by the absence of workers'
control over the economy and society.*

*In the long term, the fate of the Cuban revolution will be decided
internationally. If the socialist revolution does not extend to other Latin
American countries, beginning with Venezuela, the fate of the Cuban
revolution will be sealed.*

*Many comrades participated in the debate in a discussion that was very
lively. In his reply, Comrade Alan Woods said the prospect of a capitalist
restoration in Cuba was not yet settled. It has met with firm resistance in
parts of the party and youth. The Cuban Communists and the youth must
rediscover the ideas of Lenin on the organization of state and society in a
nationalized planned economy. What is required is reconstruction on Leninist
lines, with the introduction of workers' control and with an international
appeal to the international working class to carry out the socialist
revolution, starting with Latin America.*
Closing remarks

The second Pan-American School was closed by comrade Serge Goulart, who
expressed his appreciation for the enormous sacrifices and efforts made by
the comrades in Latin America in Argentina, Venezuela, Bolivia and Italy to
participate in this school. In particular, he thanked comrade Alan Woods for
his personal effort in being present in the School. Alan’s visit to our
continent will be completed in the coming days with visits to Bolivia and
Argentina, and finally a tour of Brazil to present a new collection of his
writings on the Arab Revolution in Portuguese and the Brazilian edition of
his book "Reform or Revolution. Marxism and Socialism of the XXI century."

Comrade Goulart said that the School had made the correct choice of the
topics for discussion: the Arab revolution, the united front and work in
mass organizations, Cuba, and *Indianism*. These are all highly topical
issues of practical importance for all Marxists and revolutionaries in Latin

The second Pan-American School of the IMT finished with the singing of *The
Internationale* by all the comrades present with raised fists and tremendous
enthusiasm. This Pan-American School will play an important role in
developing the activities of the International in all countries where it
operates in the coming weeks and months.
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