Espacio Laical is a journal published by the Archbishopric of the Roman
Catholic Church of Havana who have become cheerleaders for the restoration
of capitalism and have become very close to the Cuban government.


Espacio Laical, “The Sixth Party Congress and “Lineamientos”: A Turning
Point for 
Posted on June 17,
by Arch Ritter <>

Just Published on *Espacio Laical*, Suplemento Digital No.132 / 16 de Junio
*Tomado de la sección Búsqueda (revista 3-2011)* Hyperlink here:
¿Un punto de viraje para Cuba?
* <>

The Sixth Congress of the Cuba’s Communist Party will likely be of immense
importance for Cuba’s future. The ratification of the revised *Lineamientos
de la Política Económica y Social del Partido y la Revolución *“by the
National Assembly means that it is now politically correct to support,
advocate and implement an ambitious reform agenda.  By implication, it also
is politically correct to draw the conclusion that a half century of
economic experimentation with the lives of Cuban citizens was for the most
part misguided, counterproductive, and unsustainable.  Despite attempts to
create an impression of historical continuity by referring to the “updating”
of the economic model, the old approaches to economic management have been
deeply discredited as also have their architects. The shifting climate of
opinion regarding how the Cuban economy can best function has been certified
as reasonable by the National Assembly.  It now appears that a regression to
old modes of economic operation is now highly Improbable..

The economic future for Cuba clearly lies in a *newly-rebalanced albeit
vaguely-envisaged mixed market economy that will be the outcome of the
various reforms that are slated to be implemented.*  This is a surprising
reversal of fortunes. It also constitutes a vindication of the some of the
views of critics such as Oscar Chepe, twice incarcerated for his dissenting
economic analyses.

The “*Lineamientos*” represent an attempt by President Raul Castro to forge
his own “legacy” and to emerge from the long shadow of his brother, as well
as to set the Cuban economy on a new course. The ratification of the reform
agenda represents a successful launch of the “legacy” project.  President
Raul Castro would indeed make a unique and valuable contribution to Cuba and
its citizens were he to move Cuba definitively towards representational
multi-party democracy with full respect for human civil and political
rights, as codified in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other
Covenants to which Cuba is a signatory. The establishment of authentically
independent labor unions with the collective bargaining and strike rights
embodied in various International Labour Organization Conventions would also
be a vital step forward. Are moves in these directions likely to happen? Not
under current political circumstances. However, there are bottom-up
pressures building and some official suggestions that movement towards
political liberalization is not impossible. In the meantime, Raul’s
de-centralizing, de-bureaucratizing and “market-liberalizing” reforms been
launched. This is a good start for the construction of a positive
independent “legacy.”

*I. **Cuba’s Economic Situation*

In various speeches since 2006, Raul Castro has indicated that he recognizes
the problems that Cuba confronts in terms of the production of agricultural
and industrial goods and improvement of Cuba’s infrastructure (despite the
ostensibly solid GDP performance from 2005 to 2009 before Cuba was hit by
the international recession.) He is well aware of the central causal forces
underlying weak Cuba’s economic vulnerabilities and weaknesses such as the
unbalanced structure of the economy, the overburden of deadening rules and
regulations and a sclerotic bureaucracy and the monetary and exchange rate
pathologies and dysfunctional incentive environment that deform the energies
and lives of Cuban citizens.

Cuba’s economic plight can be summarized quickly with a couple of
illustrations. First, Cuba’s underwent  serious de-industrialization after
1989 from which it has not recovered, reaching only about 51% of the 1989
level by 2009 (Chart 1)

ONE AEC, 2004, Table 11.1 and 2IX.1 *

*Note: Data for 1990-1997 are not available*

There are a variety of reasons for the collapse of the industrial sctor:

(a)    The antiquated technological inheritance from the Soviet era as of

(b)   Insufficient maintenance over a number of decades before and after

(c)    The 1989-1993economic melt-down;

(d)   Insufficient levels of investment; (The overall level of investment in
Cuba in 2008 was 10.5% of GDP compared to 20.6% for all of Latin America
according to UN ECLA, 2011, Table A-4.)

(e)    The dual monetary and exchange rate system that penalizes potential
exporters that would receive one old (*Moneda Nacional*) peso for each US
dollar earned from exports;

(f)    Competition in Cuba’s domestic market with China which has had a
grossly undervalued exchange rate, coexisting with Cuba’s grossly overvalued
exchange rate.

Second, the collapse of the sugar agro-industrial complex is well known and
is illustrated in Chart 2. The sugar sector essentially was a “cash cow”
milked to death for its foreign exchange earnings, by insufficient
maintenance, by insufficient re-investment preventing productivity
improvement, and by the exchange rate regime under which it labored.
NU CEPAL, 2000 Cuadro A.86; ONE, 2010 Table 11.4*

The consequences of the collapse of the sugar sector include the loss of
about US$ 3.5 billion in foreign exchange earnings foregone (generated
largely with domestic value added); reductions in co-produced electricity; a
large increase in idled farm land; a destruction of the capacity to produce
ethanol; damaging regional and local development impacts, and a destruction
of much of the “cluster” of input-providing, output-processing and marketing
activities related to sugar.

Third, the production of food for domestic consumption has been weak since
1989, despite some successes in urban agriculture.  Food imports have
increased steadily and in recent years account for an estimated 75 to 80% of
domestic food consumption despite large amounts of unused farm land.
Meanwhile agricultural exports have languished,


Chart 3  *Cuban Exports and Imports of Foodstuffs, 1989-2009*
*(excluding Tobacco and Alcoholic Beverages) (Millions CUP)*

NU CEPAL, 2000 Tables A.36 and A.37, and ONE, AEC, Various Years.*

Fourthly, “inflation-adjusted “ or “real” wages in the official economy
collapsed and have not recovered significantly according to estimates from
the *Centro de Estudios sobre la Economia Cub*ana (Chart 4.)  This is indeed
a major calamity for the official state economy. But though the official
2008 wage rate remained around 25% of its level of 1989, most people had
other sources of income, such as remittances, legal self-employment, home
produced goods and services, economic activities in the underground economy,
income supplements in joint ventures, goods in kind from the state and
widespread pilferage.  Those without other sources of income are in serious

*Chart 4   Cuba: Real Inflation-Adjusted Wages, 1989-2009
(*Pesos, *Moneda Nacional**)*


Vidal  Alejandro, Pavel, *“Politica Monetaria y Doble Moneda*”, in Omar
Everleny Perez et. al., Miradas a la Economia Cubana, La Habana: Editorial
Caminos, 2009

Furthermore, despite the exceedingly low official rates of unemployment –
around 1.6 to 1.7%, (far below the “natural rate” of unemployment which
represents normal new entrants, job-changers and structural changes in any
economy) – underemployment is obviously very high. Presumably the 1.8
million workers considered by the Government to be redundant and subject to
probable lay-off and transfer to small enterprise, are “underemployed”,
accounting for around 35 per cent of the labor force.

A further dimension of the fragility of Cuba’s economic situation is the
dependence on the special relationship with Venezuela that relies upon high
oil prices and the presence and munificence of President Chavez.

It is to the credit of President Raul Castro that he has faced these
problems directly, diagnosed their sources, and produced the “*Lineamientos*”
to deal with them. The central sources of the difficulties are the general
structure of incentives that orients the economic activities of Cuban
citizens, this including the dual monetary and exchange rate system, the
tight containment of individual economic initiatives, the detailed rules and
regulations of the omnipresent bureaucracy. Paradoxically, in attempting to
control everything in the past, the government has ended up controlling very
little. The effectiveness of stricter state controls actually leads to
weaker genuine control due to their promotion of illegalities, corruption
and the ubiquitous violation of unrealistic regulations.

*II. **The Lineamientos*

The objective of the “*Lineamientos*” is *“to guarantee the continuity and
irreversibility of Socialism”* as well as economic development (p.10). This
is to be achieved through an “up-dating” of the economic model that should
result in utilization of idle lands, reversal of decapitalization of
infrastructure and industry, a restructuring of employment, increased labor
productivity, increased and diversified exports, decentralized
decision-making and elimination of monetary and exchange rate dualism (p.

*But the term “Socialism” remains somewhat ambiguous in the document.
 Reference is made to “socialist property” and “preserving the conquests of
the Revolution.”  Especially interesting is the statement that*

*“…socialism signifies equality of rights and equality of opportunities for
all the citizens, not egalitarianism” (p.9)*

This assertion could be of game-changing significance, as it articulates a
fundamental principle of “Social Democracy” more so that a traditional
principle of  “Socialism.”  This leaves questions unanswered and doors

The “*Lineamientos*” are in effect an ambitions and comprehensive
“wish-list” or statement of aspirations. Many of the 313 recommendations are
fairly obvious, trite and general statements of reasonable economic
management. Some statements have been made repeatedly over a number of
decades, including those relating to the expansion and diversification of
exports, science and technology policy, the sugar agro-industrial complex,
or the development of by-products and derivatives from the sugar industry
(an objective at least since 1950.) Restating many of these as guidelines
can’t do much harm, but certainly does not guarantee their implementation.

There are also opaque elements among the guidelines and seeming
contradictions as some of them stress continuity of state planning and
control while others emphasize greater autonomy for enterprises.  For
example, Guideline 7 emphasizes how “planning” will include non-state forms
of enterprise and “new methods…. of state control of the economy” while No.
62 states “The centralized character …of the degree of planning of the
prices of products and services, which the state has an interest in
regulating will be maintained.” But numerous other guidelines spell out the
greater powers that state and non-state enterprises will have over a wide
range of their activities including pricing (Guidelines 8 to 22 and 63.)

While there are a few gaps and shortcomings in the “*Lineamientos*” as well
as the references to planning and state control, they include some
deep-cutting proposals on various aspects of economic organization and
policy that represent the inauguration of a movement towards a
“market-friendly” economic policy environment. Among these are:

   - Greater autonomy of the enterprise in numerous dimensions, hiring and
   firing, wage structures, financing, price setting, investing, and also in
   facing bankruptcy;
   - A phase-out of rationing and the ration book and the more careful
   targeting of social assistance to those who need it, thereby also
   strengthening incentives to work (No. 162);
   - The establishment of wholesale markets for inputs for all types of
   enterprise. (No. 9);
   - Continuing distribution of unused state lands to small farmers (No.
   - Reduction of state controls regarding small farmers and cooperatives
   regarding producer decision-making, marketing of crops, provision of inputs,
   and (No. 178-184)

A central policy thrust is the expansion of the self-employment and
cooperative sector in order to absorb ultimately some 1,800.000 state
workers considered redundant. The legislation already implemented in October
2010 liberalized policy somewhat so as to encourage the establishment of
additional microenterprises – especially by the liberalization of licensing,
the establishment of wholesale markets for inputs and the recent relaxation
of hiring restrictions. However, the limitations of the policy changes are
highlighted by the modest increase in the number of “Paladar” chairs – from
12 to 20.

Unfortunately current restrictions will prevent the expected expansion of
the sector. These include the heavy taxation that can exceed 100% of net
earnings (after costs are deducted from revenues)  for enterprises with high
costs of production; the prohibition of the use of intermediaries and
advertising, and continued petty restrictions. Perhaps most serious
restriction is that all types of enterprises that are not specifically
permitted are prohibited including virtually all professional activities.
The 176 permitted activities, some defined very narrowly, contrast with the
“Yellow Pages” of the telephone directory for Ottawa (half the size of
Havana) that includes 883 varieties of activities, with 192 varieties for
“Business Services”, 176 for “Home and Garden, 64 for “Automotive”  and 29
for “Computer and Internet Services.” Presumably policies towards micro-and
small enterprise will be further liberalized in the months ahead if laid-off
workers are to be absorbed productively.

One short-coming of the “*Lineamientos*” is the lack a time dimension and a
depiction of how the various changes will be implemented. There are no clear
priorities among the innumerable guidelines, no sequences of actions, and no
apparent coordination of the guidelines from the standpoint of their
implementation. It remains a “check-list” of good intentions, though
none-the-less valuable.

The absence of a vision of how change was to occur and the slow pace of the
adoption of the reforms so far is also worrisome. However, the
Administration of Raul Castro has been deliberative and systematic though
also cautious. It is probable that somewhere in the government of Raul
Castro there is a continually evolving time-line and master-plan for the
implementation of the reform measures.

A careful and well-researched approach to economic reform is obviously
desirable. The difficulties encountered in laying off 500,000 state sector
workers and re-absorbing them in the small-enterprise sector by March 31,
2011 has probably encouraged an even more cautious  “go-slow” approach.
 Perhaps “slow and steady wins the race!”

A process of economic —but not political— reform seems to have already begun
following the Congress. Where it will lead is hard to predict. Presumably
Raúl Castro’s regime would like the process to end with the political status
quo plus a healthy economy. The latter would require a new balance between
public and private sectors, with a controlled movement toward the market
mechanism in price determination and the shaping of economic structures, and
with the construction of a rational configuration of incentives shaping
citizens’ daily economic actions so that their private endeavors become
compatible with Cuba’s broader economic well-being.

In such a reform process many things would be changing simultaneously with
symbiotic impacts and consequences that will likely be painful and are
difficult to foresee. Will President Raul Castro have the courage to take
the risks inherent in an ambitious process of economic change? This remains
to be seen. But the economic and political consequences of inaction are so
bleak and the attractiveness of a positive historical “legacy” are so
enticing that President Raul Castro will continue.

The economic reform process has been launched. It is in its early stages. It
will likely continue under the leadership of Raul Castro. It will proceed
far beyond the “Lineamientos” under new generations of Cuban citizens in
economic as well as political spheres.


Naciones Unidas, CEPAL, *La Economia Cubana: Reformas estructurales y
desempeňo en los noventa**, *Santiago, Chile, 2000, Second Edition.

Oficina Nacional de Estadisticas (ONE), *Anuario Estadistico de Cuba* (AEC),
various years. Website:

Partido Comunista de Cuba,  *Lineamientos de la Política Económica y Social
del Partido y la Revolución,* Aprobado el 18 de abril de 2011, VI Congreso

United nations, Economic Commission for Latin America and the
Caribbean, ***Preliminary
Overview of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean**, 2010,
Chile January, 2011

Vidal Alejandro, Pavel, *“Politica Monetaria y Doble Moneda*”, in Omar
Everleny Perez et. al., *Miradas a la Economia Cubana*, La Habana: Editorial
Caminos, 2009

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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