Hi.  I want to thank all who voted in the KPFK LSB election. Your choices 
are generally outstanding and hopefully, transforming.  More on that, later. 

After the results, yet another penetrating, eye-opener by Naomi Klein.  



The national election supervisor just announced the official KPFK Local 

Station Board results:  the elected listener-sponsor candidates, in the 

order of highest votes, are:


1. Kimberly King

2. Terry Goodman

3. Bill Gallegos

4. Lamont Yeakey

5. Israel Feuer

6. Reza Pour

7. Grace Aaron

8. Lydia Brazon

9. Arturo Lemus


Staff winners: Maria Armoudian, Margaret Prescod, Rodrigo Argueta

 You asked for my evidence, Mr Ambassador. Here it is 

In Iraq, the US does eliminate those who dare to count the dead 

Naomi Klein 

The Guardian  : Saturday December 4, 2004

David T Johnson, 
Acting ambassador, 
US Embassy, London 

Dear Mr Johnson, On November 26, your press counsellor sent a letter to the 
Guardian taking strong exception to a sentence in my column of the same day. 
The sentence read: "In Iraq, US forces and their Iraqi surrogates are no longer 
bothering to conceal attacks on civilian targets and are openly eliminating 
anyone - doctors, clerics, journalists - who dares to count the bodies." Of 
particular concern was the word "eliminating". 

The letter suggested that my charge was "baseless" and asked the Guardian 
either to withdraw it, or provide "evidence of this extremely grave 
accusation". It is quite rare for US embassy officials to openly involve 
themselves in the free press of a foreign country, so I took the letter 
extremely seriously. But while I agree that the accusation is grave, I have no 
intention of withdrawing it. Here, instead, is the evidence you requested. 

In April, US forces laid siege to Falluja in retaliation for the gruesome 
killings of four Blackwater employees. The operation was a failure, with US 
troops eventually handing the city back to resistance forces. The reason for 
the withdrawal was that the siege had sparked uprisings across the country, 
triggered by reports that hundreds of civilians had been killed. This 
information came from three main sources: 1) Doctors. USA Today reported on 
April 11 that "Statistics and names of the dead were gathered from four main 
clinics around the city and from Falluja general hospital". 2) Arab TV 
journalists. While doctors reported the numbers of dead, it was al-Jazeera and 
al-Arabiya that put a human face on those statistics. With unembedded camera 
crews in Falluja, both networks beamed footage of mutilated women and children 
throughout Iraq and the Arab-speaking world. 3) Clerics. The reports of high 
civilian casualties coming from journalists and doctors were seized upon by 
prominent clerics in Iraq. Many delivered fiery sermons condemning the attack, 
turning their congregants against US forces and igniting the uprising that 
forced US troops to withdraw. 

US authorities have denied that hundreds of civilians were killed during last 
April's siege, and have lashed out at the sources of these reports. For 
instance, an unnamed "senior American officer", speaking to the New York Times 
last month, labelled Falluja general hospital "a centre of propaganda". But the 
strongest words were reserved for Arab TV networks. When asked about al-Jazeera 
and al-Arabiya's reports that hundreds of civilians had been killed in Falluja, 
Donald Rumsfeld, the US secretary of defence, replied that "what al-Jazeera is 
doing is vicious, inaccurate and inexcusable ... " Last month, US troops once 
again laid siege to Falluja - but this time the attack included a new tactic: 
eliminating the doctors, journalists and clerics who focused public attention 
on civilian casualties last time around. 

Eliminating doctors
The first major operation by US marines and Iraqi soldiers was to storm Falluja 
general hospital, arresting doctors and placing the facility under military 
control. The New York Times reported that "the hospital was selected as an 
early target because the American military believed that it was the source of 
rumours about heavy casual ties", noting that "this time around, the American 
military intends to fight its own information war, countering or squelching 
what has been one of the insurgents' most potent weapons". The Los Angeles 
Times quoted a doctor as saying that the soldiers "stole the mobile phones" at 
the hospital - preventing doctors from communicating with the outside world. 

But this was not the worst of the attacks on health workers. Two days earlier, 
a crucial emergency health clinic was bombed to rubble, as well as a medical 
supplies dispensary next door. Dr Sami al-Jumaili, who was working in the 
clinic, says the bombs took the lives of 15 medics, four nurses and 35 
patients. The Los Angeles Times reported that the manager of Falluja general 
hospital "had told a US general the location of the downtown makeshift medical 
centre" before it was hit. 

Whether the clinic was targeted or destroyed accidentally, the effect was the 
same: to eliminate many of Falluja's doctors from the war zone. As Dr Jumaili 
told the Independent on November 14: "There is not a single surgeon in 
Falluja." When fighting moved to Mosul, a similar tactic was used: on entering 
the city, US and Iraqi forces immediately seized control of the al-Zaharawi 

Eliminating journalists
The images from last month's siege on Falluja came almost exclusively from 
reporters embedded with US troops. This is because Arab journalists who had 
covered April's siege from the civilian perspective had effectively been 
eliminated. Al-Jazeera had no cameras on the ground because it has been banned 
from reporting in Iraq indefinitely. Al-Arabiya did have an unembedded 
reporter, Abdel Kader Al-Saadi, in Falluja, but on November 11 US forces 
arrested him and held him for the length of the siege. Al-Saadi's detention has 
been condemned by Reporters Without Borders and the International Federation of 
Journalists. "We cannot ignore the possibility that he is being intimidated for 
just trying to do his job," the IFJ stated. 

It's not the first time journalists in Iraq have faced this kind of 
intimidation. When US forces invaded Baghdad in April 2003, US Central Command 
urged all unembedded journalists to leave the city. Some insisted on staying 
and at least three paid with their lives. On April 8, a US aircraft bombed 
al-Jazeera's Baghdad offices, killing reporter Tareq Ayyoub. Al-Jazeera has 
documentation proving it gave the coordinates of its location to US forces. 

On the same day, a US tank fired on the Palestine hotel, killing José Couso, of 
the Spanish network Telecinco, and Taras Protsiuk, of Reuters. Three US 
soldiers are facing a criminal lawsuit from Couso's family, which alleges that 
US forces were well aware that journalists were in the Palestine hotel and that 
they committed a war crime. 

Eliminating clerics
Just as doctors and journalists have been targeted, so too have many of the 
clerics who have spoken out forcefully against the killings in Falluja. On 
November 11, Sheik Mahdi al-Sumaidaei, the head of the Supreme Association for 
Guidance and Daawa, was arrested. According to Associated Press, "Al-Sumaidaei 
has called on the country's Sunni minority to launch a civil disobedience 
campaign if the Iraqi government does not halt the attack on Falluja". On 
November 19, AP reported that US and Iraqi forces stormed a prominent Sunni 
mosque, the Abu Hanifa, in Aadhamiya, killing three people and arresting 40, 
including the chief cleric - another opponent of the Falluja siege. On the same 
day, Fox News reported that "US troops also raided a Sunni mosque in Qaim, near 
the Syrian border". The report described the arrests as "retaliation for 
opposing the Falluja offensive". Two Shia clerics associated with Moqtada 
al-Sadr have also been arrested in recent weeks; according to AP, "both had 
spoken out against the Falluja attack". 

"We don't do body counts," said General Tommy Franks of US Central Command. The 
question is: what happens to the people who insist on counting the bodies - the 
doctors who must pronounce their patients dead, the journalists who document 
these losses, the clerics who denounce them? In Iraq, evidence is mounting that 
these voices are being systematically silenced through a variety of means, from 
mass arrests, to raids on hospitals, media bans, and overt and unexplained 
physical attacks. 

Mr Ambassador, I believe that your government and its Iraqi surrogates are 
waging two wars in Iraq. One war is against the Iraqi people, and it has 
claimed an estimated 100,000 lives. The other is a war on witnesses. 

ˇ Additional research by Aaron Maté

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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