Desmond Tutu: UN owes it to Syria's children to act
DateSeptember 24, 2013

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[image: Syrian refugee children signal to onlooking media, from a camp set
up by Syrian refugees talk in a camp set up by Turkish Red Crescent in the
Turkish town of Yayladagi in Hatay province, Turkey, Friday, June 10, 2011.
The Turkish region borders with Syria and said Wednesday it would open its
borders to aid Syrians who are fleeing from violence, as Syrian troops
backed by dozens of tanks massed near the border, Friday, preparing to move
on Syrian protesters and what they called mutinous forces.(AP Photo/Burhan

"The children of Syria are in a narrow, dark place. We must be their
friends. We must end this war." *Photo: Burhan Ozbilici*

Noor - not her real name - is a heavily pregnant 22-year-old Syrian with an
air of relief about her. Just two weeks ago she arrived, hungry and
exhausted, to the Za'atari refugee camp in Jordan, with her three children
in tow.

Hunger finally did what continuous violence hadn't so far and forced the
family from their home because there simply was no more food to be had.
They trudged for five nights to escape their homeland, afraid to travel
during the day for fear of shelling.

In the camp, Noor carefully holds her baby, Yazan (also not his real name),
who is thin. Too thin. Diagnosed with severe calcium deficiency, Yazan has
yet to develop any teeth - despite being more than a year old.

Since the war started in Syria, the country has slowly disintegrated. More
than one-third of hospitals have been destroyed, according to the World
Health Organisation. According to Save the Children, 3900 schools have been
destroyed, damaged or are occupied for non-educational purposes since the
start of the conflict.

Syria today is no place for a child and, outrageously, more than 1 million
have already been forced to flee with their families to camps and host
communities in neighbouring countries. Those are the lucky ones - thousands
upon thousands have already been killed. Where is the outrage?

And every child forced out of education, or forced to flee, or whose
development is stunted like Yazan's because of this conflict is a thorn in
our collective conscience. The international community is not only failing
to bring a peaceful end to this conflict but we are compounding that
failure by neglecting to address its dreadful consequences. In our failure
to ensure that people in Syria are getting the food and basic supplies they
need, we condemn children to hunger on top of the horrors of war.

Families trapped inside Syria are today witnessing some of the worst
violence yet seen in the 2½ year conflict. Whole families cannot get access
to the aid they desperately need and when their voices are heard they tell
of a desperate struggle to survive, living under bombardment, the threat of
violence and ever-dwindling supplies as the war chokes Syrian cities.

The situation is bleak for families trying to feed their children. Save the
Children this week releases a report that shows how a lack of food combined
with soaring prices is exposing the children of Syria to a serious risk of
malnutrition. Until recently a food exporter, now 4 million Syrians - half
of them children - are in need of emergency food assistance. As the
destruction continues, this number will grow. Children who three years ago
could rely on three healthy meals a day will now go to bed hungry, afraid,
and all too aware that they have been abandoned by the world outside. There
are already cases of children dying in Syria because they couldn't get
enough food or medical support. Where is the outrage?

Even where there is food available, Syrians face an appalling choice: slide
into hunger or put themselves in the line of fire. There are widespread
reports of people being targeted while queuing for bread. Imagine it:
hungry, desperate and under fire.

At the United Nations General Assembly this week, our leaders must
recognise the human cost of this war. They must recognise the need to use
their global platform to bring the world's attention to this crisis and get
agreement for life-saving aid to get to Syria. They must recognise our
outrage over how thousands of our bright and innocent children are being
flung into the chasm of human hatred.

In Syria, they have an old saying: a narrow place can contain a thousand
friends. The children of Syria are in a narrow, dark place. We must be
their friends. We must get them help. We must end this war.

*Desmond Tutu is Archbishop emeritus of Cape Town.*

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