Translated from Arabic for original  go to url:

Statements of the Free Syrian Army: We reject any relationship with the
Zionist enemy
Posted on May 5, 2013
The first statement

FSA confirms that called Hassan Alrstnaoa, which appeared on one of the
channels Alasraúlah under the name of a media spokesman for the Free Syrian
Army is known to the Free Army which does not represent any party belonging
to the Free Syrian Army.

What mentioned said that the station represents the point of view only and
is not linked to the opinion of the leadership of the Free Army

The leadership of the army free to consider the Israeli enemy that
traditionally was still an enemy and will remain so until the liberation of
all occupied Arab of براثنه dirty

Long live free Syria father

Mehmed director of the Information Office of the Free Syrian Army

The second statement

Chairman of the Military Council in Aleppo, Colonel Abdul-Jabbar Aqidi

In the name of God the Merciful: peace, mercy and blessings of God today
apologized for going to attend a symposium held at the Washington Institute
for Near East Studies from the date of May 8 to 10 where he has been for me
an invitation to attend this symposium and deliver a speech on May 9 in a
panel discussion on the conflict in Syria and you have I decided to go
after consulting many friends, but I was surprised today that among the
audience, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni and this is the reason for not
attending the symposium
*Lebanon:The Shiite Split*

*Aid and Refugees*

An investigation by London's Independent on Sunday -- of $1.5 billion
pledged by 42 states in January --- indicates that Arab states, including
Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Bahrain, and
organisations have failed to deliver $650


*Saudi Arabia pledged $78m. As of 1 May, the kingdom was recorded as
contributing $21.6m. The United Arab Emirates pledged $300m. It has given
$18.4m. Qatar, which will spend tens of billions hosting the 2022 football
World Cup, pledged $100m to the UN effort. It is recorded as delivering
$2.7m. Bahrain, which last month hosted a Formula One grand prix at a
recently built $2bn circuit, pledged $20m. There has been no recorded aid
given since. Iraq pledged $10m in Kuwait; nothing has yet been recorded in
aid delivered.------


* Syria Audio Analysis: The Significance of the Israeli Airstrikes ---
Scott Lucas with Monocle


Monday, May 6, 2013 at 8:38 | Scott
 in EA Middle East and
, Middle East and

I spoke this morning, along with correspondent Daniella Peled, on Monocle
24's The Globalist about the details and consequences of Israel's
airstrikes inside Syria this weekend.

*Listen from 7:09 mark --- with my contribution from 10:20 --- onThe
Globalist's homepage <>
or in separate
pop-out window <>*

Take-away points:

1. A lot of the supposed information on the airstrikes --- such as Israel
targeting weapons like Iranian-made Fateh 110 missiles or Israel acting
without notifying the US --- is misleading or incorrect;

1. "Everyone --- the regime, the insurgency, regime supporters like Iran,
opposition supporters like the US, Turkey, and Arab States --- has to
re-calculate strategy in light of these attacks";

3. "But fundamentally, this does not change the calculus: is Assad going to
help firm or step down? Are the opposition and insurgency going to be able
to unify to help build international support?"

4. "The Israelis are trying to degrade Assad's military capabilities, which
just happens to help the insurgents if they decide to make a push on

I also talk about Sunday's curious report that a United Nations
investigator has claimed "suspicions" of insurgent use of the nerve agent


SUNDAY, MAY 05, 2013
Might does not make

 Again and again the Syrian revolution is condemned as some kind of foreign
"conspiracy" that is aimed against the self-described bastion of Arab
resistance to Israel. Last night's Israeli attack against an Assad regime
research facility in Damascus has brought out of the woodwork all sorts of
individuals who, silent in the face of the massacre in the coastal city of
Banyas for the past three days, have suddenly found their voices. The
pictures we saw coming out of Banyas these past few days were truly
horrific, and were reminiscent of the images we saw emerge from the Sabra
and Chatilla massacres during the Lebanese civil war. Yet these self-styled
anti-imperialists did not retweet and angrily condemn these murders.
Instead they chose silence and wilful ignorance.

Today they are trying to portray last night's Israeli air raids as an
attack on Syrian sovereignty, as if that is not what Assad has been doing
to Syrians for the past two and a half years. Apart from the evident
hypocrisy of this position, there are also two fallacies underlying their
argument. Firstly that the Syrian regime represents Syria, and that an
attack on it is an attack on the country and its people, and secondly that
Israel did this in support of the Syrian revolution.

With regards to the second point most Syrians, including those who support
the revolution, are missing the fact that Israel hasn't the slightest
concern for the Syrian revolution or the Syrians who are dying. It is
focused first and foremost on its battle with Iran and Hezbullah, and has
consistently stated that it will not let the more advanced weaponry in
Syria's arsenal fall into Hezbullah's arms. When it attacks Assad's bases
and arsenals, it is doing so with a clear strategy and based on these
calculations only.

Syrians supporting the revolution should neither cheer nor lament the
involvement of Israel's attacks on Assad's arsenal. From a practical point
of view it is very much an advantage to the revolution (armed as well as
peaceful), as it is far better for the regime's arsenal and advanced
divisions to be obliterated than that they be used against Syrian towns and
villages. We have seen the piles of bodies in Banyas and countless Syrian
villages and cities, and so close to the anniversary of the Houla massacre
which was perpetrated by Assad regime thugs. These images will forever be
engraved in the collective memory of Syrians and never again must we allow
ourselves to be in such a position, that Syrians be slaughtered like sheep
in an abattoir.

To cheer for Israel's attack on Assad, apart from being misguided, also
makes the mistake of siding with one oppressor against another. How
different is it, then, that people would side with Iran simply because it
claims to be fighting for the Palestinians? This is a fallacy, and more
importantly the answer is not to wag the finger at Israel and claim that
once we finish with Assad we will drive over and liberate Jerusalem in a
Golgotha of blood.

We must instead reinvent our narrative. International law, human rights,
and morality are with us as they are with the Palestinian people, and it is
through this path that we can then achieve true justice for all and make
good cause with good people across the world.

True Syrian sovereignty begins with us as people and not as a regime. It is
when we realise this simple political fact that we can decide how best to
champion the cause of oppressed people the world over. We, as Syrians, *and
the Syrian transitional government should take note*, have a unique
opportunity to right the wrongs of the past, and to be a shining beacon of
human rights and democracy not just to the Middle East but to the world. We
can and should create a national self-belief that we are a unique mix of
people who will never accept might as right. A Syria committed to human
rights and the rule of law will protect itself from Israeli missiles and
warplanes far better than expensive, and largely ineffective, Russian S-300
air defence systems. When we become the change that we have fought for so
fervently, we will become far better champions for the downtrodden than all
the divisions of Hezbullah and Iran put together.
 . <>



Syria: Hezbullah's

Nasrallah's speech earlier today was, rhetoric not withstanding, a
declaration of war on Syria. Syria, as some people would like us all to
forget, is not the Assad regime, it is the Syrian people. And it is the
Syrian people that are revolting against Assad, a fact that Nasrallah
conveniently ignores in his discourse. His talk today was couched in the
same kind of vague language that the Syrian regime uses to refer to the
"crisis", with veiled references to "outside actors" without mentioning
names, and with promises that details may perhaps be revealed "in future".
That is all fluff, and observers will notice that the rhetoric Nasrallah
uses to explain Hezbullah's sometimes controversial (to his followers)
behaviour is intended to filter down the cult of resistance pyramid - to
politicians, journalists, and social media - and shape the discourse. In
this way he creates the epistemic grounds for legitimizing what his party
does. But that is another blog post for another day.

Most interesting to me was Nasrallah's statement regarding Damascus. He
promised that Damascus would never fall militarily and I believe he means
what he says. It is one thing when all of us feel that a sustained push
against the regime in Damascus is long overdue, but another thing when
Nasrallah confirms this view because that means that somebody is in a
position to try and take the city soon.

The statement that the city will "never fall" can mean two things, and
neither bode well for the Damascenes and other Syrians who have fled there.
The first is that Hezbullah (and Iran) may be heavily invested in the
capital and will emerge in full force to support Assad when the campaign
begins, and secondly that there will be such a rain of destruction on the
city that Aleppo will look like a walk in the park in comparison. Assad's
artillery and bases on Mount Qasiyoon, overlooking Damascus, have been
raining destruction on the city suburbs for almost a year, and can easily
level the old city if it looks like the regime will lose it. But this is
not yet the case, and here it looks like Nasrallah's warning is intended to
point to an alternative that he desires, negotiations. But these are not
the negotiations that most people would understand.

I've said previously that when Assad's allies speak of "negotiations", they
use a different meaning. Assad will use "negotiations" to refer to
discussions with a loyal opposition, whilst his allies really mean
negotiations between the United States and Russia on one level, and perhaps
an uneasy understanding between the Gulf states and Iran on the other. The
elephant in the room is the Syrian opposition in all its flavours, from the
Muslim Brotherhood to the Muaz al Khatib current. This is because they are
the only party that Assad and his allies cannot allow to operate freely
within Syria. To allow any of these currents will mean genuine political
plurality and a real challenge to the regime, therefore its downfall.

The recent, and controversial, statement addressed to him by Muaz al Khatib
appears to have not even registered with Nasrallah. Instead he chose to
focus, as an ally of Assad, purely on the narrative that there is an
international conspiracy against the Syrian regime and that negotiations
should really be with the "foreign backers" of these armed gangs. This is
unfortunate and he may come to regret this olive branch later, especially
when the fighting reaches Lebanon - and it will at some point.

Between Assad negotiating with his loyal opposition, and his foreign allies
pushing for the world to abandon Syria's revolution, the real Syrian
opposition in all its spectrums, is to be starved to death, and the Syrian
people will be returned back to their fifty year induced coma. In summary,
Nasrallah has dug in his heels over Assad's regime and declared war on
Syria. His party will fight on under the pretence of protecting Lebanese in
the country, and on the pretence of protecting the shrine of a woman who is
revered by Sunnis as well as Shiites.

Hezbullah is now fully embroiled in the Syrian quagmire, and has committed
itself to supporting the Assad regime. This is a grave error of judgement
for while Hezbullah might be strong in Lebanon, it is not strong in Syria.
One need only recall the dreadful blow it received through the
assassination of Imad Mughniyeh in Damascus a few years ago, right in the
heart of Assad's security district. Furthermore, Hezbullah's soldiers are
not familiar with the territory they are fighting in, and they are far from
their supply lines and support base.

It is clear they have been having an extremely difficult time in the
Qusayr, which may be part of the reason why he chose to address his
followers about it and also to justify the involvement. Finally, whilst the
situation in Lebanon is still not serious enough to concern him, politics
in Lebanon can escalate very quickly. By underestimating his domestic
opponents and involving himself with a costly fight in Syria, Nasrallah
will compound his errors and find himself biting off more than he can chew.

Nasrallah told us tonight that it is not important how "you" understand the
situation (regarding Shiite interests in Syria), but how other people (his
people) see it. But with his fighters trickling back to Lebanon in boxes,
Mr Nasrallah seems to be misreading the situation. The only people who's
understanding he needs to consider carefully is that of the Syrians, and
they have already made their views of his involvement very clear. It was
not long ago that Israel slipped away during the night after its failed and
costly involvement in Lebanon. Today Hezbullah appear to be making the same
 . <>



SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 2013
Al Azm on 

Dr Sadiq Jalal al Azm is somebody I've been wanting to read more of and
never had the chance to. I just stumbled upon a recent translation of his
interview and I'm impressed by his razor sharp analysis. Of particular
interest to me was his classification of the so-called anti-imperialist
camp that has made it their mission to obfuscate and confuse the discourse
surrounding Syria since the start of the revolution.

*Whereas the smaller bloc of the left has hardened its old positions, as if
nothing happened after the end of the Cold War, and with time its attitudes
and methods became of the same nature as that of the Taliban-Jihadis or
dogmatic closed-minded sectarians, or even that of terrorist “Bin
Ladenites,” in its blind defiance of the West, global capitalism (a global
capitalism that Russia and China are now a part of) and imperialism. This
bloc from the left, in the Arab world and internationally, is today the
most hostile to the Syrian revolution and the closest to defending the
tyrannical military-security-familial regime using several arguments, not
least of which is that the entire world plotted, apparently, against this
regime that is peace-loving and stable. This type of leftist emphasizes
“the game of nations” and “geopolitical analysis,” with stories of
collision of interests and plans of the great powers and their dominance in
our region, and does not want to view the revolution in Syria through
anything other than through this lens, and neglects all that happens inside
Syria and to Syria’s revolutionaries today, as well as ignoring all the
reasons that led its people to a peaceful revolution, and later to taking
up arms in the face of a “nationalist” tyranny that is allied with this
kind of leftist. In other words, this leftist has no problem with
sacrificing Syria if it leads to a victory being handed to their
international camp and “geopolitics” that wants a global victory in the
“game of nations.” Their first priority is not Syria or its people in
revolt to restore the republic, their freedom, and their dignity, but the
game of nations at the global level of analysis and the side that they want
to win.*

 The English translation of the interview is well worth a read

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