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From: *Elana Wesley* <ela...@post.tau.ac.il <mailto:ela...@post.tau.ac.il>>
Date: Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 11:43 AM
Subject: Netanyahu Panics When Folks Like Kathy Kelly Come to Visit 
Palestine by Sea or By Air
To: Elana Wesley <ela...@post.tau.ac.il <mailto:ela...@post.tau.ac.il>>

« Israel Battles Gaza Flotilla on Two Fronts 

      Netanyahu Panics When Folks Like Kathy Kelly Come to Visit
      Palestine by Sea or By Air


by James M. Wall

the Israeli government discovered that a large contingent of American 
and European activists were coming to visit Palestine, Prime Minister 
Benjamin Netanyahu went into his full military stance.

He made one huge mistake. He forgot to ask: What is the enemy’s goal? If 
he had asked himself that question, he would have known that the 
overarching purpose of the flotilla and the flytilla was to draw 
attention to the harsh and ugly reality that Israel maintains absolute 
military control over the lives of Palestinians living under occupation 
in Gaza and the West Bank.

Did he not know, could he not have realized, what a burden it is for 
the /New York Times /to cover up the harsh and ugly reality of 
occupation when Israel so dramatically shuts its doors to anyone it 
brands as “pro-Palestinian”?

In its report on the airport blockade,/ The Times/ was forced to use a 
headline that said the visitors were blocked from attending a 
“conference” in Bethlehem. That did not come out very well for 
Netanyahu. The Israeli line was that the visitors were blocked because 
they were a threat to Israeli security. Both the /Times/ and Israel know 
that “conferences” are held in Bethlehem all the time without all this 

How is this flytilla different? Could it be because this “conference” 
was clearly intended to draw world attention to Israel’s treatment not 
only of Palestinians, but also to its behavior toward friends of 

/The Times /inserts a brief observation that Palestine has no airport of 
its own/. /And why, pray tell, an astute reader will want to know, is 
there no airport in Palestine? /The Times/ does not say. It also fails 
to mention that Israel will not permit Palestinians to build their own 
airport. Nothing gets built in occupied Palestine without Israeli approval.

In her Friday story, the /Time’s/ Isabel Kershner 
<http://nyti.ms/owy9wR> reported that Israel was aware that the air 
travelers had been invited by Palestinian activists to come to Bethlehem 
for a week of “fellowship and actions”.

    Most of the foreigners who planned to fly to Tel Aviv and join the
    “Welcome to Palestine” initiative were either deterred from trying
    to come or were prevented from boarding flights to Israel by foreign
    airlines, on instructions from the Israelis.

    The Palestinian hosts decried the Israeli measures, but also chalked
    up a small victory.

    Fadi Kattan, a Palestinian organizer, said at a news conference in
    Bethlehem that he was “pleased — sadly pleased” that the episode had
    exposed what he described as Israel’s draconian anti-Palestinian

Netanyahu’s initial response to this planned event proved once again 
that a man in a panic does not think clearly. Instead of letting the 
party go forward, Israeli authorities put together a “no fly” list of 
“peace and justice” passengers believed to be “threats” to Israel’s 

Outside groups are frequently invited to Palestine to travel to 
Bethlehem and other parts of both Israel and  Palestine to talk, pray 
and plan. Religious types often get through passport control clutching a 
Bible or a guidebook to the “holy sites”. It also helps if you know the 
name of an Israeli rabbi, just in case you get into a second round of 
questioning. But this time was different. Both sides knew the game was on.

/Ha’aretz/ reported:

    Over the past few days, hundreds of police officers were deployed in
    and around the airport near Tel Aviv. Prime Minister Benjamin
    Netanyahu toured the base of operations at Ben-Gurion with his
    internal security minister, the police chief, security branch
    representatives and immigration officials.

Netanyahu demanded that European airport authorities do to air 
passengers what the Greek Coast Guard did to the flotilla, halt them at 
the alpha point. Knowing some passengers would make it to Tel Aviv, 
Netanyahu took personal command of his second line of defense, Ben 
Gurion airport.

Ben Gurion authorities had to sift through the long line of American and 
British Bible tour groups, Christian pilgrims, business travelers, and 
the European Holy Land travelers, to find those dangerous passengers who 
made it through the security net.

/Al Jazeera <http://bit.ly/o9YOea>/ reported that “of the 600 Tel 
Aviv-bound pro-Palestine activists who wanted to fly Friday, the 
majority were prevented from boarding their flights”.

The Palestinians and their international allies had set Netanyahu up. 
 He fell for it hard in his response to the Freedom to Enter flytilla 
campaign which originated in Bethlehem under local Palestinian leaders 
like Mazin Qumsiyeh.

Netanyahu’s overreaction to the international flotilla left him looking 
like the town bully who gets his way with other nations by using his 
Daddy’s money.  In the case of both the flytilla and the flotilla, 
Netanyahu is the big loser.

Kathy Kelly is shown in action in the picture above, holding her weapon, 
a microphone. She was one of those passengers who made it to Tel Aviv. 
She was already well-known to Israeli officials, just as she is well 
known to her many friends and admirers elsewhere, including those of us 
in her home town of Chicago, Illinois, where the author of this blog, in 
the interest of full disclosure, must confess to having known, and 
admired her, for more than two decades.

Kelly was among the passengers on the /Audacity of Hope/, the US ship 
which was sailing to Gaza, when it was intercepted by the Greek Coast 
Guard. Undaunted, she wrote in /The Palestine Chronicle/ 
<http://bit.ly/rbiLW1>that she would fly to Tel Aviv. She explained her 
reactions as she prepared to leave Athens:

    I leave Greece tonight with sincere regret that I didn’t spend more
    time learning from these sturdy activists.

    I, and another US Boat to Gaza campaign member, Missy Lane, will
    head to Tel Aviv, where we plan to be part of a “flytilla,” a new
    campaign which will bring hundreds of activists together in Israel’s
    Ben Gurion airport, all of us intent on reaching Palestinian refugee
    camps and/or visiting Gazan families.

    Earlier this evening, a group of U.S. activists who’ve been able to
    remain longer, here in Athens, demonstrated at each of the heavily
    guarded streets leading to the residence of the U.S. Ambassador to
    Greece. The Ambassador is hosting a huge festival tonight, in
    celebration of the U.S. July 4 holiday that commemorates independence.

    Several Greek people passing us read our signs seeking freedom for
    Gaza and asked us to understand that as recently as one year ago,
    the government of Greece showed no sign of submitting to Israeli or
    U.S. pressure and allowed international flotilla boats to sail. But,
    now they are dependent on the whims of financial elites around the
    world. The IMF is prescribing draconian measures which will wreck
    their economy and make them subservient to the dictates of foreign

Kelly and Missy Lane landed at Ben Gurion, where they were detained by 
airport authorities. No word yet on what will happen next to the two of 
them, though a swift return back home is likely.

Kelly, by the way, would be the first to insist that we acknowledge here 
that she is but one of more than 600 travelers who participated in both 
the flotilla and flytilla projects. There are many more Kathy Kelly 
stories among those peace and justice travelers to Palestine. And their 
number is growing. No wonder Netanyahu is in such a panic.

Here are the beginning words from the citation presented to Kelly from 
the Justice Studies Association when Kelly was awarded the 2011 Noam 
Chomsky honor for her work on peace and justice issues:

    Kathy Kelly is a long-time pacifist and co-coordinator of Voices for
    Creative Nonviolence. A tireless activist whose efforts toward peace
    transcend borders, regions and time zones, writer Studs Terkel wrote
    of her: “She has visited more countries, cities and small towns not
    listed in Baedeker’s [travel guide] than anyone I have ever known.”

    Born, raised and educated in Chicago – as a student at St.
    Paul-Kennedy High School, Kelly watched the film Night and Fog which
    exposed her to the horrors of the Holocaust. She also was exposed to
    the writings of Daniel Berrigan and the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
    All of this convinced her to make a commitment never to sit by and
    watch evil happen.

    Now 58, Kelly has spent her life living up to her commitment. Over
    the last 30 years, she has helped the victims of war wherever they
    were – whether in Bosnia, Haiti, the West Bank, Iraq or Afghanistan.
    A war tax resister since 1982, Kelly has perhaps most notably used
    her resources (financial and spiritual) to provide medicine and
    other supplies to those trapped by the politics of militarism. Kelly
    co-founded Voices in the Wilderness, a peace group that highlighted
    the suffering of Iraqi civilians during the U.N. imposed economic
    sanctions of the 1990s./ (To read the complete citation, click
    here.) <http://bit.ly/nQ8a9s>/

No American television coverage has yet to emerge from the flytilla. But 
there is a clip available from the English language channel of RT 
(Russia Television), which provides an interview with Pippa Bartolotti, 
a British passenger who made it successfully through Ben Gurion passport 
control. A video is available.  To view it, maybe try googling *Russia 
Television video interview with Pippa Bartolotti.*

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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