JUNE 13, 2013 · 8:07 AM
Series #1: A Visitor’s

With this quartet of posts, I’m initiating a novel concept at Here is
Havana: a series of old and new writing, linked by theme. While reading
every post in the entire series is only for the anal/OCD among us (and by
linking posts thematically, I clearly qualify), each also stands alone.
Read one or read them all: I hope you take away some insight. This first
installment in my serial post concept focuses on practical tips and
strategies for making the most of your Cuba trip – whether it’s your first
or 40th visit (yes, some people like it here that much).

In the following posts, published here and elsewhere over the past couple
of years, you’ll find everything from how to navigate the double economy
and 10 peso taxis to throwing a dinner party:

DIY Dining in Havana <>

Trip Tips: Havana

Conner’s Cuba Rules <>

As for new content, I offer this post dedicated to how to shop at a Cuban
‘agro’ and not get fleeced.

*Cuban Agros: The Basics*

There are several options for where to buy fresh fruits, vegetables and
meat in Havana, but grocery stores aren’t one of them (see note 1). No
matter where you find yourself shopping, my advice is bring your own
plastic or other reusable bags for carting away your goods (though at many
markets, little old ladies sell plastic bags for a peso apiece). Also, once
you’ve had your produce weighed and have paid, look for the ‘Area de
Consumidor’ – this is where you can have your purchases re-weighed to see
how much you’ve been ripped off (see note 2). When this happens – as it
does to everyone, Cuban and foreign – you simply go back to the seller and
they’ll rectify the error without batting an eyelash.

   Where to Shop:

*Agropecuarios* – There are two types of these markets: those with price
caps, heavily subsidized by the state, and those where supply and demand
dictate price. You can see side-by-side examples at Tulipán, where the
chaotic EJT (price-capped) market has long lines and lots of root
vegetables mostly, while a block away, the tidy supply and demand market
offers stacks of carrots, mounds of tomatoes and all the *fruta bomba*,
watercress, red peppers, limes and string beans to get mouths watering. Not
surprisingly, prices are higher at the latter.

*Organopónicos *– These organic markets are heavy on the veggies, but light
on fruit; prices are reasonable for the (mostly) organic produce – not all
of it is grown on site. Much of it is however, and I’ve bought
just-harvested lettuce, bok choy, okra and basil frequently at *
organopónicos*. The area around the Plaza de la Revolución is peppered with
these markets. Two farther afield favorites are the one at 5ta Avenida and
Calle 44 and the so-called ‘*organopónico japonés*’ out on Avenida 25 in
the Cubanacán neighborhood. The latter has an awesome orchid selection, as

*Ferias agropecuarios *– There used to be monthly (or more often)
neighborhood ‘produce fairs’ where trucks heavily laden with bananas,
onions, garlic and anything else in season rolled in for a weekend to sell
as much as possible at great prices. Two popular ones occupying blocks and
blocks included the one on Avenida 13 in Playa and along Carlos III in
Centro Habana/Plaza. Fish, house wares, *artesanía*, and prepared foods (
chicharrones! <>)
were also sold at these fairs, where locals flocked to load up for the week
or month. I haven’t seen one of these in at least a year; I’d love to know
what happened to them. Anyone?

*Mobile vendors* – These are a new phenomenon made possible by the economic
reforms initiated in 2010. While convenient, these door-to-door produce
sales chap my ass. First, they’re gutting state markets (often the price
capped ones), snatching up merchandise to resell at a markup – usually by
100-200% (see note 3). Second, some of these agros-on-wheels sell
pre-bagged and weighed goods. Of course, when you open that sack of
okra/potatoes/peppers in your kitchen, rotted and otherwise inferior
produce lurks.

How to shop for some specific, perhaps unfamiliar, items:

*Quimbombó (okra)* – A popular vegetable in these parts, to ensure you’re
getting fresh okra, snap off the tip of a few (or do like we do and test
every single one before committing – don’t worry, sellers won’t mind). Tips
should snap off crisply, not bend over.

*Melón (watermelon)* – Watermelon halves are a no brainer. When you’re
after a whole one, however, things get murkier. In this case, bring the
melon to your ear and give it a few hard taps with your fingertips. A good
one will return a “dry” pok, pok, pok sound, according to my local expert.
Most sellers will also offer to cut out a small triangle so you can sample
before buying.

*Limones (limes)* – A staple in many Cuban dishes (and mojitos of course!),
most cooks have been duped by limes that look luscious but then turn out to
be dry and worthless. To avoid this fate, choose limes which have smooth,
shiny skin. Most sellers will prove the juiciness of their limes by cutting
one open and squeezing out a long stream with a dramatic flourish.

*Guayaba (guava)* – I remember the first guava I ever ate, off the tree, in
the Costa Rican jungle. It was delicious for the first, second and third
bite. On the fourth, I bit into a little white worm. I didn’t eat another
guava for decades. Cuban advice on how to avoid guava worms? Don’t think
about it: the majority has them, even if you don’t know it.

*Fruta bomba (papaya; see note 4)* – Unlike in other latitudes, there’s
only one variety of papaya sold in Cuba – bigger than a loaf of bread and
orange as a basketball. Choose one that is uniform in color and smells
sweet; if it has a few over ripened black spots, don’t discount it.
Instead, ask the seller to cut out a small triangle to taste.

*Mamey* – I ascribe the licorice axiom to this odd fruit: either you love
it or won’t touch it. Mamey look like mini footballs and have brown skin.
The flesh is a deep coral color, with a distinctive, slightly perfumed,
taste. Mamey diehards scoop it up with a spoon but it’s mostly used in
fruit shakes and ice cream. Sellers will flick off a piece of skin to show
you it’s ripe.

*Yuca (yucca)* – A ubiquitous root vegetable, these long tubers are brown
to reddish on the outside, blindingly white on the inside. When cooked,
yucca is soft and always served with an addictive garlic sauce/bitter
orange sauce called*mojo*. Fresh yucca “weeps” from the cut end – you
should see little droplets of gathered moisture. Some sellers display a
dish of already cooked yucca at their stalls to prove that “*se ablanda*” –
it cooks up soft.

*Malanga (taro) and boniato (sweet potato)* – While consulting friends for
this post, I asked how they distinguished the good malanga and boniato from
the bad. Everyone agreed: these root vegetables a *caja de sorpresa*.
Translation: you never really know what you’re going to get. The same can
be said for*zanahoria* (carrots), any bunch of which can contain a few that
are sweet and toothsome and others that taste like soap.

*Miel (honey)* – Fresh honey is sold in repurposed Havana Club bottles at
many agros and is a real treat. To make sure the honey you’re buying hasn’t
been cut with sugar (an old trick in these parts), invert the bottle; the
honey should try your patience it moves so slowly and importantly, have a
large air bubble making its way to the top.


1. In my experience, many visitors think, logically, that fresh produce and
protein can be purchased at grocery stores. Not so here in Havana.

2. So widespread is the practice, each market now has an *Area de Consumidor
*. Old hands come to market with their own hand scale to weigh their
purchases in front of the seller, before paying.

3. This is also happening in other sectors, whereby ‘*cuenta propistas*’
(freelancers) buy light bulbs, cleaning products and hardware in state
stores to re-sell at a steep markup.

4. In Havana and many surrounding areas, ‘papaya’ is not used to designate
this fruit, but is instead reserved for a certain part of the female
anatomy. In the Oriente, papaya means the fruit.

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