Housing is a Human Right: Take Back the Land!

By Michael Novick, L.A. Housing and Hunger Crisis Conference, GrassrootsKPFK
(versions of this article have appeared in Change-Links April issue 
and "Turning the Tide: Journal of Anti-Racist Action, Research & 
Education," April-June 2011, v24n2

Are you facing foreclosure or eviction? Are the police trying to 
sweep you off the street or drive you out of public housing? Are you 
struggling to put food on the table for your family? YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

More than 20% of Angelenos are not able to eat nutritious meals every 
day. Hundreds of thousands of homeowners face foreclosure. LA is 
carrying out a national strategy to privatize public housing and 
drive poor families of color to the outskirts of the region. Police 
treat poor and homeless people like criminals. Meanwhile schools and 
transportation are used to anchor real estate deals to gentrify 
neighborhoods. Public funds subsidize sports multi-millionaires. 
Taxpayers are forced to bail out the banks that have caused the 
housing crisis and economic crash.

It's time to stop blaming ourselves or looking for scapegoats. It's 
time to get together, figure out the roots of these problems, and 
begin to take collective direct action to solve our problems once and for all.

People are fighting back, across southern California and the US and 
around the world. People are struggling for food and water 
sovereignty, to defend the human right to housing and to take back 
the land! On April 8-10, an important conference on the housing and 
hunger crisis in Los Angeles will be held at the Southern California 
Library for Social Studies and Research and the Angelus Plaza 
auditorium downtown. It will bring together people victimized by the 
banks and the government in the current crisis, including homeowners 
facing foreclosure, tenants facing eviction or slum conditions, 
public housing residents facing privatization and displacement, and 
homeless people confronted by police sweeps and hate crimes. We will 
be addressing issues of hunger as well. As the food banks are being 
overwhelmed by families in need, the issue of food and water 
sovereignty must be a high priority.

At the conference, we will attempt to build practical unity for a 
collective fight-back around all these issues, while addressing some 
key questions. Why did the current economic crisis develop and spread 
out of the real estate sector in the U.S.? How did the collapse of 
housing prices and home sales, and the resulting credit crunch, lead 
to unyielding double digit unemployment? Why is the system willing to 
spend millions on a parking lot for real estate magnate Eli Broad's 
museum, but unwilling to maintain and provide decent public housing? 
Why are the prisons and jails, as Mumia Abu-Jamal has said, the 
largest public housing projects in the US?

What theoretical and strategic understandings can guide us in 
fighting back against the bailout of the banks even as they continue 
to foreclose on tens of thousands? How can we link together the 
separate struggles being waged by homeowners with those of tenants, 
public housing residents, and the homeless? How is it that land, so 
central to the economy and to life itself, is so often overlooked in 
economic and political analysis?

The system wants us to blame ourselves or to scapegoat others for 
these problems. But it is not the fault of the individual mortgage 
holder coerced by redlining into an adjustable rate sub-prime 
mortgage on an over-valued property. The impoverished residents of 
public housing or sub-standard slums are not to blame. The system 
wants to stigmatize unhoused people and those living in vehicles, or 
get us to point the finger at migrants. But the formerly incarcerated 
people looking for transitional housing should feel no shame, nor the 
unemployed and underemployed hunting desperately for jobs that aren't 
there. The fault is neither in our stars nor in ourselves - it is the 
system that's guilty.

Land -- the earth and water and all the creatures they support -- 
have always been the source of US wealth and the keystone of the US 
Empire. In the blood-soaked soil of southern CA in particular, "real 
estate" has been the linch-pin of capitalist wealth accumulation. 
When I wait for the train outside KPFK at the Metro Red Line 
Universal Studios station, the history of land theft is festooned on 
the platform, recounting the inglorious adventures of Indian killer 
Kit Carson and land-locked 'privateer' John Fremont in the conquest 
of Los Angeles and California. When the city dug to build a cultural 
center in La Plaza downtown, they unearthed the bones of the 
indigenous people who were here first.

  The collapse of the housing bubble and the resulting credit crisis 
and bail-out of Wall Street revealed the truth of the importance of 
land to capital and capitalism -- the open secret that the mortgage 
market is larger than the stock market. This underscores the fact 
that land and labor are the basis of all wealth. Debt, especially 
mortgage debt, far exceeds equity. Even without the drop-off in 
housing prices after their absurd and unsustainable run up, interest 
payments on mortgages are always much greater than the value of the 
homes that guarantee them.

The effort by the banks to disguise this reality by "securitizing" 
toxic loans - pretending to turn bad debt into a kind of asset or 
equity - only magnified the problem. The popping of the bubble 
exposed a deeper reality - that land, housing and how we organize and 
finance them are as central to the nature of this system as labor. 
Real wealth is not in money or even gold, but in the land, its 
resources and the labor of its inhabitants. That's why to really deal 
with the current crisis in housing, or foreclosures, evictions and 
gentrification, we will need to take on the system and transform it.

Capitalism began with the transformation of land, and of nature 
itself, into "capital" through the private expropriation of the 
commons. By privatizing land and turning housing into a commodity, a 
proletariat was created that had to sell its labor power to survive. 
The extension of this system from Europe around the globe through 
settler colonialism is at the base of the subsequent "globalization" 
of capital.  Empire is a house of cards based on the illegitimate 
conquest and theft of the land. Solidarity and unity in solving the 
problems of unemployment, layoffs, foreclosures or evictions, must 
begin with support for self-determination and sovereignty.

Title to land is not suddenly problematic only because the banks 
sliced and diced mortgages to sell them off in "credit default 
swaps." There is a fundamental challenge to the Empire's title to the 
land raised by the Hawaiians, the Maya, the Mohawk, the peoples of 
Africa, the Aboriginal Australians and all other indigenous peoples. 
It undermines the very concepts of private ownership of land and of 
Empire-state national boundaries. It exposes the theft and fraud on 
which the edifice of mortgage debt, credit default swaps and 
derivatives rested and ultimately collapsed. It helps explain why 
high home-ownership rates in the US, subsidized by tax policy, have 
helped to suppress working class struggle and unity.

The ability of the Empire to loot the resources and labor of people 
in Africa, Asia and Latin America, including the social wealth 
accumulated in the old Soviet bloc and in China under "communism," 
resulted in levels of capital accumulation unparalleled in human 
history. Bust follows capitalist 'boom' -- vast, steep and protracted 
economic contraction. It should not surprise us that just as in 
Eastern Europe, both the accumulation and the contraction have 
entailed the elimination of the life savings and social security of 
hundreds of millions of people. The imposition of austerity through 
attacks on the social safety net, public education and social 
services and pensions, is now spreading and deepening into an attack 
on organized labor. In Eastern Europe, privatization of social wealth 
resulted in a near-genocidal reduction in life expectancy. The 
pension system was looted by new, and newly rich, private 
entrepreneurs. We can expect the same here unless we unite and fight back.

The state carried out the expropriation of the lands and conquest of 
the peoples on which the production system is based. It has enforced 
the on-going social relationships that allow for the extraction of 
private wealth from economic growth. How long will the power of the 
state enforce the continuing extraction and accumulation of wealth 
from economic contraction (which may involve fascist or totalitarian 
methods of rule as it did during the Great Depression)? The answer 
depends on our ability to unite our separate but inter-related 
struggles and to recognize that winning requires a fundamental 
transformation of the economy, and our relationship to each other and 
to the land.

It sometimes seems as if different aspects of our movement are like 
the blind men and the elephant -- is an elephant like a rope, a tree 
trunk, a hose? If we unite our perspectives, we see it's like all of 
those but something more. Not to mention using our nose, because an 
elephant sure doesn't smell like a rope, hose or tree trunk! Through 
a process of struggle we can begin to synthesize our perceptions 
about the true, stinking nature of this system! The Los Angeles 
Housing and Hunger Crisis Conference is an effort to advance that 
necessary process. The super-rich, the banks and the politicians have 
always used divide-and-conquer techniques to keep us from seeing that 
all their wealth comes from the people they exploit, and all their 
power comes from the people they oppress. By uniting, we can exert 
our power. The conference aims to bring together at a grassroots 
level people facing all the manifestations of this crisis, and to 
build unity in practice based on solidarity and mutual aid.

We will combine practical workshops about how to avoid foreclosure or 
eviction, defend tenants' rights, stop homeless sweeps and protect 
public housing and parks, with direct action strategies for growing 
and sharing healthy food, and rebuilding the commons. We will discuss 
using foreclosed housing and shuttered buildings to provide shelter 
fit for human habitation while we also seek to confront those 
corporate forces and politicians who have been gorging themselves at 
the expense of the common public good.

Come learn about indigenous rights, tenant and homeowner organizing, 
urban gardening and farmers' markets, urban environmental justice, 
and how to "fight city hall" and win! Meet Rob Robinson of the "Take 
Back the Land" Movement in New York, Miami and DC, and Corinne 
Fairbanks of the American Indian Movement (Santa Barbara chapter). 
Come share your own organizing efforts and struggles, share 
perspectives and help shape on-going strategies to shift the balance 
of power in favor of popular sovereignty, self-determination and 
solidarity. We can only solve these problems by building a strong 
movement that can transform the economic and political system that 
produces them!

The LA Housing and Hunger Crisis Conference will take place over 
three days. On Friday, April 8, from 7-10:00 PM at the Southern 
California Library, 6120 S. Vermont, LA there will be an opening 
program on the Culture of Resistance with music, art, teatro and 
spoken word. On Saturday, April 9, from 10 AM - 4:00 PM, the 
conference will shift to the Angelus Plaza Auditorium, at 255 S. Hill 
St. for the keynote speakers and plenary, skills share, know your 
rights and educational workshops, and a free lunch. On Sunday, April 
10, at 12 noon it will tentatively return to SCL, 6120 S. Vermont 
Ave., L.A., for strategy and alliance-building workshops, and end up 
at the March for Zapata rally at Lincoln Park/Parque de Mexico in East L.A.

The conference is sponsored by a coalition that includes 
GrassrootsKPFK, South Central Farmers, ARA, Coffee Party, Food Not 
Bombs, Workers Solidarity Alliance, Echo Park Community Leadership 
Council, Union de Vecinos, Black Riders and Brown Riders Liberation 
Party, Watercorps,  Maggie Phair Institute, Puerto Rican Alliance, 
Venice Justice Committee, LA CAN and the MLK Coalition for Jobs, 
Justice and Peace. For more info, call 310-495-0299, or email h2c...@yahoo.com.


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