My web mail plays havoc with graphics in html, so I've forwarded this copy
of LUV News, as well as posted the text here. The hot links of course do
not come through, so you'll have to open the attached copy and use them.

I highly recommend joining the Popular resistance newsletter, as non
Corporate news is rather hard to come by all things considered...

Here are the firt 2 links for those who don't want to see the graphics
that go with the articles in the LUV news.



Yesterday, Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese announced their new web site,
Popular Resistance, at Alternet.  Here's their first newsletter, and we
recommend you subscribe to it.  Here's their website, covering actions
going on around the country, mostly not being covered by mainstream media.

One way that social movements are crushed is the silence of mainstream
media.  If few people know an action occurred, is is usually not very
effective, and corporate media make sure the masses don't understand the
issues, covering them unfairly to the public interest when they do give

You may join at no cost, donate, and participate.  Send them your own
local actions so your friends and neighbors might find out what you are
doing, since they won't be reading about it in the local newspaper.  If
this grows and captures a lot of eyeballs, it can significantly change the
world for the better, but it will take a willingness by individuals to get


The "Justice" Department will hold meetings to explain its spying on
journalists, but those who attend must be sworn to secrecy, as they will
be "off the record."  Can't let the unwashed masses know why their press
require spying, in the Land of the Free.

But may we count on the government to at least protect us, if it doesn't
protect the press?  Glenn Greenwald tells us President Obama's choice for
FBI Director is the guy who approved the warrantless wiretapping program
under the Bush regime, James Comey.  Obama had previously considered Comey
for the Supreme Court, but couldn't get support from the liberals to sell
out at that lofty level.

But, combing through this morning's news, is there any hope that we can at
least get support from a think tank that purports to represent
progressives, The Center for American Progress?   Sadly, they are on the
take from the corporations, but appear to fear that the liberals will find

The disparate groups calling themselves the "Syrian rebels" are as often
at each other's throats as they are fighting the Syrian government.  Many
are from other nations, many are religious fanatics who have been fighting
against US forces, and some even identify with being "al Qaeda."

Here's a piece in al Jazeera this morning saying the Syrian rebels will
not even show up for the peace talks in Geneva.  They are upset that
Hezbollah forces out of Lebanon are fighting them.  They are demanding
that foreign Hezbollah forces withdraw, without admitting that many of
their own are just as foreign (one Russian piece we cited reported 70% of
the "Syrian rebels" are from nations outside of Syria) .

American mainstream media are reporting official propaganda, which is why
most Americans have their heads filled with thoughts of "evil Syrians who
may be bombed," as they once had their heads filled with "Evil Libyans,
evil Iraqis, evil Afghanis who may be bombed."  The propaganda always
comes first, then the massive bombing campaigns.

I listened to Andrea Mitchell (wife of the former chairman of the Fed and
corporate-viewpoint "journalist") yesterday on MSNBC goading one guest
after another when their rhetoric fell short of bombing Syria, "We must do
something, people are dying."  When corporate journalists take that tone,
it usually means that "we" are about to add greatly to the numbers of
people dying, as we've done in so many countries since this phony "war on
terrorism" began.

All of the people calling themselves "journalists" who appear on my cable
TV, with channels going up into the thousands, seem eager for more war,
casually pointing to countries on the globe that will be next to be
bombed, without ever hinting at the massive horror that the populations of
those nations experience.  If we had a free mainstream media at least one
of them would support the Russian peace process, or some diplomatic

Syria is the current target, and the ruling Forces of Greed won't stop
demonizing the Syrian government until they get a docile government in
power that will turn over resources to the transnational corporations,
kneel submissively before the Empire, and make wage slaves of their
population on behalf of globalization.

The Obama regime doesn't even seem to be concerned that they might end up
with a far more extreme government than the Taliban, who were created in
the aftermath of the Carter-Reagan Mujahadeen terrorists released on the
people of Afghanistan.  And why, one should ask, don't they care if new
Osama bin Ladens take power from this?  Is it because it would "justify"
more Pentagon appropriations, and a continuance of the lucrative madness
for corporate profit?  --Jack Balkwill

Chaos in the Ranks

Syrian Rebels Turn on Their Political Leadership


Syrian rebel groups have strongly criticised their political leadership
outside Syria, saying it has no real connection to the rebellion and
calling for half of its members to be drawn from fighters inside the

The rebuke follows a chaotic week for the Syrian National Coalition (SNC)
and is likely to further undermine the standing of the opposition to
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad which has been treated by its foreign
backers as if it were capable of replacing Mr Assad and its regime.

A meeting of the exiled SNC in Istanbul has still not decided if it will
attend a peace conference in Geneva, tentatively planned for June, and, if
so, who should attend. It is also deadlocked about Western-supported
proposals to broaden the membership of the 60-member coalition with more
secular representatives.

The statement issued in the name of the Revolutionary Movement in Syria
said that the failure of the opposition had opened the door to “blatant
interference” by outside powers. This is probably a reference primarily to
Saudi Arabia and Qatar, which support different opposition factions; Qatar
supports the Muslim Brotherhood, which is regarded with suspicion by the

As serious diplomatic moves aimed at a negotiated settlement initiated by
the US and Russia begin, the total disarray and rancorous disagreements of
the Syrian opposition will seriously hamper efforts by their foreign
backers to support them as the new leadership of Syria.

The Revolutionary Movement of Syria said it could not “bestow legitimacy
upon any political body that subverts the revolution”. Moaz al-Khatib, the
former leader of the coalition, said he had stepped down because he had no
influence and the group was a proxy for Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

The chaos in opposition ranks is also likely to discredit the EU decision
to end the arms embargo on supplying weapons to the rebels. Russia warned
that the decision would damage plans for peace talks being made by Russia
and the US. In response, Russia has already said it will send
ground-to-air S-300 missiles to Syria, while Israel has said it will act
to stop their delivery.

Meanwhile, inside Syria elite troops are being sent to reinforce the
government offensive against the town of Qusayr outside Homs, near the
Lebanese border.

Rebels there have been under heavy attack for a week but are still holding
out in parts of the town, which is heavily damaged. Fighters from
Hezbollah in Lebanon are for the first time playing a central and open
role in the fighting, which has also been joined, on the rebel side, by
Sunni fighters from Lebanon.

In a further development, Britain said it had sent a letter to 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon with new information of alleged
chemical-weapons use by the Syrian government. Britain’s UN Ambassador
Mark Lyall Grant said his Government has continued to provide new
information to the UN.

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