Mangaung Massacre and the rise of the new ANC



   - 21 DECEMBER 2012 08:42 (SOUTH AFRICA)


President Jacob Zuma closed the ANC’s 2012 national conference in Mangaung
on Thursday night as a conquering victor after crushing any and all forms
of dissent in the party. An array of political corpses lie strewn on the
Mangaung battlefield as Zuma and a new band of enforcers take charge of the
party, ready to change course and lead the ANC with an iron-fist. Their
victory was sweeping and seminal. By RANJENI MUNUSAMY/NewsFire.

It might not have occurred to Jacob Zuma that many in the gallery of
eminent ANC leaders purged from the party leadership in Mangaung this week
were once among his fiercest supporters in his battle against Thabo Mbeki.
Fikile Mbalula, Paul Mashatile, Cassel Mathale, Tokyo Sexwale and Mathews
Phosa were all on his side five years ago when Zuma and Mbeki fought for
the presidency of the ANC.

Kgalema Motlanthe was his deputy and the man he would later trust with the
presidency of South Africa when Mbeki was defeated, humiliated and recalled
from office.

Five years ago in the giant tent in Polokwane, on the closing day of the
ANC’s 52nd national conference, all these men clapped and sang triumphantly
in praise of the man they helped carry to the presidency of the party,
against the odds. In exactly five years, these men have now come to
represent the defeated. Most of them were absent from the closing session
of the 2012 conference, mortified by a badly fought campaign against Zuma
and humiliated by how things turned out for them.

Another set of notables has taken their place as the conquerors.

In the midst of Zuma’s final moment of glory after the announcement of the
newly-elected National Executive Committee (NEC), dominated by his new band
of his supporters, the president stopped in the middle of a passionate
rendition of a song in praise of the ANC’s former leaders and said: “I
wonder how it must be to be outside the ANC,” before laughing and
continuing his song.

It was the final insult to the group of ANC leaders who dared to go against
him in his march towards his second term as the part leader. Demeaned, they
have no place to go after being voted out of the ANC’s senior leadership.
They will have to stand back and watch the new leadership take over, with
their options restricted to no-win scenarios of joining another political
party, starting their own or remaining powerless in the ANC as it changes
course towards a more authoritarian leadership style.

Motlanthe, a former Robben Island prisoner and party deputy president,
Sexwale, a former death row inmate, Mashatile, detained without trial for
four years and Mbalula, former president of the ANC Youth League, will find
it untenable to be outside the ANC fold, where they spent their entire
adult lives. They will probably have to sit out the next five years under
the new band of ANC leaders, hoping that the party changes it again at next
national conference.

Zuma’s camp did not only make a clean sweep of leadership positions in the
Top Six positions and the NEC, they also stamped their authority on
constitutional and policy amendments. The ANC constitution is being amended
to strengthen internal disciplinary processes in order to quell dissent
from members and alliance partners.

After making an example of the former ANC Youth League president Julius
Malema, the party will institute disciplinary action against any ANC
member, office bearer or public representative “doing any act or making any
utterance which brings or could bring or has potential to bring, or as a
consequence thereof brings, the ANC into disrepute.”

The ANC has also come out forcefully against members who challenge the
party and its decisions publicly, particularly through the courts.

In his closing address, Zuma said through “decisive action against
ill-discipline, we will be able to root out all the tendencies that we have
identified over the years.”

“These include factionalism, the sowing of disunity and confusion within
the movement, the use of money to buy members, positions or influence in
the organisation, the hurling of insults or even worse, the attacks on
members of the ANC.”

He went on to say: “We will be able to deal with the comrades who disrupt
ANC meetings and those who want the ANC to be now run on technicalities and
through the courts.”

“The NEC must develop a code of conduct booklet to be circulated to all
branches within the first quarter of 2013,” Zuma said.

The ‘Forces of Change’ campaign, initiated to canvass for leadership at
Mangaung, particularly targeting Zuma, is now so defeated that they have
all but given up. Some of the leaders left the conference when the sway and
dominance of the Zuma camp became evident. They threw in the towel on
debates in commissions and in the plenary. The issue of nationalisation,
which was used as a proxy campaign against Zuma, was wiped completely off
the table with no fight back whatsoever from the lobby which campaigned for

While the ANC’s June policy conference resolved to support strategic
nationalisation of key sectors of the economy as part of a move towards
radical economic policy change, it was announced to the media on Thursday
that the resolution on economic transformation now states that there should
be “increased state ownership in strategic sectors where deemed appropriate
on the balance of evidence”.

The defeat of the hard-fought policy conference resolution on economic
transformation is the final nail in the coffin of the ANC Youth League's
“economic freedom in our lifetime” campaign and also goes against Cosatu’s
push for radical economic policy change.

Malusi Gigaba, now one of Zuma’s key lieutenants and the Public Enterprises
Minister, told NewsFire that there was no contest in the plenary session of
the conference to the amended resolution on nationalisation. This is in
stark contrast to the intense debates on nationalisation that raged at the
ANC’s national general council in 2010 and the policy conference.

After Zuma’s re-election, his loyalists made an immediate move to disband
the ANC Youth League national executive, which had become the base of
internal opposition in the ruling party. A belief that the League has
become a law unto itself is propelling moves to reduce the League’s powers
and influence and to reign in their militancy.

At the conference on Wednesday night, Gigaba and KwaZulu-Natal secretary
Sihle Zikalala motivated for the incoming NEC to assess and deal with the
League, still under the acting leadership of Ronald Lamola after Malema’s
expulsion. The voice of the Youth League has however already been curbed;
Lamola and others in the leadership were largely absent during the
conference and completely restrained.

NewsFire also understands that there will be a move early next year to
disband the provincial executive committee of Limpopo. That province has
also been dissenting against Zuma’s leadership and fought to maintain its
pro-change stance in the run-up to Mangaung. Mathale is also in the firing
line, with rumours circulating of his possible arrest and firing.

In two provinces where the pro-Zuma leadership faced court action from the
Forces of Change, the North West and Free State, provincial leaders are
fighting to suppress dissent. Immediately after the Mangaung conference
ended on Thursday night, provincial leaders Ace Magashule and Supra
Mahumapelo (both staunch Zuma supporters) called their delegations into a
joint caucus to stamp their authority.

The ANC’s new deputy president Cyril Ramaphosa seems to have read
immediately where the balance of power lies. He was given the opportunity
to make his maiden address to the ANC by reading out the conference
declaration in the closing session and began by chanting in praise of Zuma.
He also commended South African Communist Party (SACP) general secretary
Blade Nzimande on a rambling message he delivered to the conference earlier
in the afternoon in which he lashed out at the media and critics of the

“If you notice media heroes are all those who have made it their pastime to
attack, ridicule or sought to present themselves as being above the ANC.
That’s what independence has come to mean today. That is why every Tom Dick
and Harry, including pseudo intellectuals and intellectual charlatans, who
seek some publicity today must attack especially President Zuma, the ANC,
the alliance and government,” said Nzimande.

“In fact the print media, with very few exceptions, has in the run up to
this conference, attacked the ANC, its current leadership and the
government it leads. Yet in Friday’s papers they all of a sudden pretend to
be giving delegates to this Conference some seemingly sober advice. As the
SACP we are tempted to say do not take this advice from the media as it is
toxic and not good for the health of the ANC, our Alliance and indeed our
revolution as a whole,” he said.

South Africa will feel the assertion of the new ANC very soon. The new year
opens with the ANC’s 101st anniversary to be held on Zuma’s home turf in
Durban. It is bound to be as triumphalist as the national conference
closing ceremony. Zuma will deliver his State of the Nation address in
early February, bolstered by the ANC’s renewed confidence in his leadership
after a controversy-plagued 2012.

The ANC is likely to command its parliamentary caucus to close ranks in
support of Zuma as the opposition’s motion of no confidence will come
before the House early next year.

The Forces of Change are flattened and will never recover. Theirs is not
just a defeat but a dramatic upheaval to their political lives. They will
be under siege and some might be hounded out of their positions in

The ANC will face its biggest challenge since liberation in the 2014
national elections with the new Mangaung leadership having to decide the
best way to maintain the ANC’s electoral dominance.

For South Africa, 2012 was seminal. Marikana and Mangaung changed the
country forever. The future will be imperfect. *DM*

*Photo: Jacob Zuma (Greg Nicolson/NewsFire)*

Mining violence: Harmony Gold closes branch after five injured



   - 21 DECEMBER 2012 04:07 (SOUTH AFRICA)


Violent clashes continue in the mining sector, this time in Carletonville,
where workers were allegedly shot at with live rounds and rubber bullets at
*Harmony* Gold's Kusasalethu mine. With layoffs, union rivalry and mine
bosses reneging on pay promises, 2013 looks set to be a torrid year for
SA’s mining sector. By MANDY DE WAAL.

Five miners were injured at Harmony Gold's Kusasalethu mine in
Carletonville on the morning of Thursday, when workers faced off against
security guards from Protea Coin. Thenda Kolweni, a worker at Harmony, said
that two miners were shot with live rounds, two were injured by rubber
bullets, and one worker was overcome by tear gas.

The conflict broke out, Kolweni said, when miners were making their way to
the gold mine to prepare for a disciplinary hearing. “It was round about
10h20 when the workers were going to the AMCU (Association of Mineworkers
and Construction Union) offices and the security did not open the gates for
them, and these employees where denied access to the union office. When
these workers started to ask questions, tear gas was thrown at them and
five employees were injured. Two people were shot with live ammunition and
the others got wounds because of the rubber bullets. One man was
suffocating from the tear gas,” Kolweni said. All the injured were taken to
the Sir Albert Hospital in Randfontein.

This violent clash between workers and mining security had its genesis in a
sit-in five days ago. Some 1,500 workers occupied Kusasalethu Mine on
Saturday 15 December, demanding better wages. A spokesperson for Harmony
said that the strike was staged so AMCU could jockey for position at the
mine. “This is part of AMCU trying to secure its position for support at
the shaft,” Harmony’s Marian van der Walt told

Harmony subsequently suspended 578 miners for participating in the strike,
which the mine declared was illegal. After today’s clashes, mine management
has decided to close the shaft for the festive season. “We have made it
clear that no violence will be tolerated, and to ensure the safety of our
employees, it has become imperative to close the shaft until the labour
issues have been resolved,” Tom Smith, Harmony's Chief Operating Officer,
told The Wall Street Journal.

“The management suspended workers after the sit-in, but not everyone was
suspended. The workers are very angry and upset because there are still
others sitting in front of the hostel, but AMCU came to speak to everyone
to calm things down,” Kolweni told Daily Maverick. “The mine is closing,
but hopefully the mine owners will talk with AMCU and things will get
sorted out.”

2013 looks set to be a challenging year for government, mine owners and
workers in the sector, because when the sector gets back to work in
January, the first thing on the agenda is the shedding of jobs. “In terms
of the retrenchments next year, first quarter... I don't know the numbers,
but I can tell you it's probably in the thousands, possibly going above ten
(thousand) and maybe higher,” Chamber of Mines CEO Bheki Sibiya said during
an address at the Cape Town Press Club little under a month ago.

“Some people above ground are going to be retrenched and some people below
ground are going to be retrenched because the industry is now literally
between the rock and the hard place.” Other issues threatening the sector
include the jostling for position between rival unions AMCU and the
National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), the largest recognised collective
bargaining agent to represent workers in the mining, energy and
construction industries.

In recent years, NUM has lost part of its support base to AMCU, which was
founded after disgruntled workers broke away from the ANC/Cosatu-aligned
union. NUM has even fallen below the required 50% representation as was the
case at Impala Platinum, which ceased to recognise the union because of its
dwindling support.

At Harmony’s Kusasalethu, two people were killed and another was injured in
running battles between the two unions in November. Mineworker Sithembile
Nqulo told Mail &
people were walking to a mass meeting when NUM shop stewards opened fire on
the crowd. “The NUM wants to lead us by force,” Nqulo told the
investigative weekly, and added that he thought NUM was threatened by the
AMCU's presence.

Meanwhile the BenchMarks Foundation took issue with Lonmin on Thursday 13
December 2012, following reports that mine bosses had reneged on pay
promises to Marikana miners. In a letter from John Capel, executive
director of the Bench Marks Foundation, to mine management, Capel stated
his concern “at recent reports from workers and community members in
Marikana alleging that the agreed pay rise of 22% was only paid for the
first month after the strike, and was then discontinued.”

The NGO that monitors corporate performance said there had also been
allegations that a “return-to-work bonus” of R2,000 that was received by
workers at Lonmin’s Marikana mine was now being deducted from miners’
salaries, as if it were a loan.

About 50 people were killed in violent clashes at mines in 2012, including
the 34 people who lost their lives during the Marikana Massacre, when
police opened fire at strikers at Lonmin’s mine in what is now seen as one
of the greatest tragedies in SA’s young democracy.

Newly elected ANC leader, Jacob Zuma, and his deputy, mining mogul Cyril
Ramaphosa, will have their work cut out for them next year. Mangaung has
been all about debate and policy, but 2013 will take them back to the coal
face of trying to stabilise and grow SA’s resource-based economy. *DM*

Read more:

   - Five injured in clash at Harmony mine in Carletonville on

   - S Africa mine nationalisation ruled out at the Financial

   - Global Miners Face Rising Risks in South Africa on

   - Bench Marks Foundation Is Concerned At Recent Reports From Workers At
   Marikana at AllAfrica <>

*Photo: A Harmony Gold miner appears on the surface after being trapped
underground for more than 10 hours at a mine in Carltonville, west of
Johannesburg, October 4, 2007. REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko*

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