Real News  February 2007

  No Habeas Corpus for “Any Person”

Researched by Julie Bickel

With the approval of Congress and no outcry from corporate media, the  
Military Commissions Act (MCA), signed by Bush on October 17, 2006,  
ushers in military tribunal law for US citizens and non-citizens  
alike. While media have given false comfort that we, as American  
citizens, will not be the victims of the draconian measures legalized  
by this Act — such as military roundups, torture, life-long  
detention without court trial— articles below disclose verbiage in  
the MCA that allows for the institution of a military alternative to  
the constitutional justice system for “any person” regardless of  
American citizenship. The MCA did away with habeas corpus rights for  
“any person” arbitrarily deemed to be an “enemy of the state.”  
The judgment on whom is deemed an “enemy combatant” is solely at  
the discretion of President Bush. “And once that happens,” says  
Thom Hartmann, “you no longer have the right to challenge your  
detention. You don’t have the right to a lawyer, or to a trial, or  
to a jury. You don’t have the right to talk to anybody; you have no  
rights whatsoever. That’s what no habeas corpus means. They can put  
you in prison and torture you for the rest of your life.”

“Who Is 'Any Person' in Tribunal Law?” Robert Parry, Consortium,  

“Still No Habeas Rights for You” Robert Parry, Consortium, 2/3/2007

“Repeal the Military Commissions Act and Restore the Most American  
Human Right” Thom Hartmann, Commondreams, 2/12/2007
  “The Facts About the Military Commission Act” Bob Avakian,  
Revolution, 10/8/2006

Bush’s Move Toward Martial Law
Researched by Julie Bickel

The Defense Authorization Act of 2007," which was quietly signed by  
Bush on October 17th, 2006, the same day that he signed the Military  
Commissions Act, allows the president to station troops anywhere in  
America and take control of state-based National Guard units without  
the consent of the governor or local authorities, in order to  
"suppress public disorder." By revising the two-century-old  
Insurrection Act, the law in effect repeals the Posse Comitatus Act  
and gives Bush the legal authority to order the military onto the  
streets of America, directing military operations against the  
American people under the cover of ‘law enforcement.’ The law  
facilitates militarized police round-ups and detention, transferring  
from the Pentagon to local militarized police units, the latest  
technology and weaponry designed to suppress dissent. Frank Morales  
asserts that “with the president’s polls at an historic low… and  
Democrats taking back the Congress… it is particularly worrisome  
that President Bush has seen fit, at this juncture to, in effect,  
declare himself dictator.”

“Bush Moves Toward Martial Law” Frank Morales, Uruknet, 10/ 26/2006 or 

Human Trafficking Builds US Embassy in Iraq

Researched by Angela Purcaro

The enduring monument to US liberation and democracy in Iraq will be  
the most expensive and heavily fortified embassy in the world.  
Scheduled to open in 2007, the 104-acre complex equal in size to  
Vatican City, is being built by forced labor trafficked from Asia.  
With a highly secretive contract awarded by the US State Department,  
First Kuwaiti Trading & Contracting has joined the ranks of  
Haliburton/KBR in Iraq by using bait-and-switch recruiting practices.  
Thousands of citizens from countries that have banned travel or work  
in Iraq are being tricked, smuggled into brutal and inhumane labor  
camps, and subjected to months of forced servitude—all in the middle  
of the US-controlled Green Zone, “right under the nose of the US  
State Department.” The Pentagon has yet to announce any penalty for  
violation of US labor trafficking laws or contract requirements.
“A U.S. Fortress Rises in Baghdad: Asian Workers Trafficked to Build  
World's Largest Embassy” David Phinney, CorpWatch, 10/17/2006

Air America on Ad Blacklist

Researched by Jen Huss

An internal memo from ABC Radio Networks to its affiliates reveals  
scores of powerful sponsors have a standing order that their  
commercials never be placed on the liberal syndicated Air America  
programming that airs on ABC affiliates. The list, totaling 90  
advertisers, includes some of largest and most well-known  
corporations in the U.S.: Wal-Mart, GE, Exxon Mobil, Microsoft, Bank  
of America, Fed-Ex, Visa, Allstate, McDonald's, Sony and Johnson &  
Johnson. The U.S. Postal Service and the U.S. Navy are also listed as  
advertisers who don't want their commercials to air on Air America.
“Air America on Ad Blacklist. ABC document: Sponsors shun liberal  
network” FAIR, 10/31/06

The Scam of “Reconstruction” in Afghanistan
Researched by Julie Bickel

Reports reveal that much of the US tax money earmarked to rebuild  
Afghanistan actually ends up going no further than the pockets of  
wealthy US corporations. “Phantom aid” that never shows up in the  
recipient country is a scam in which paychecks for overpriced  
American “experts” under contract to USAID go directly from the  
Agency to American bank accounts. Additionally, 70 percent of the aid  
that does make it to a recipient country requires that the recipient  
use the donated money to buy US products and services. A former head  
of USAID cited foreign aid as “a key foreign policy instrument”  
designed to help countries “become better markets for US exports.”  
To guarantee that mission, the State Department recently took over  
the aid agency. USAID’s website boasts of its only infrastructure  
accomplishment in Afghanistan—a narrow and crumbling highway costing  
Afghanis $1 million a mile, projected to charge $20 per-month toll to  
lessen the US aid  “burden.”
“Why It's Not Working in Afghanistan” Ann Jones,,  
8/27/06,  8/27/06
“Afghanistan Inc: a CorpWatch Investigative Report” Fariba Nawa,  
CorpWatch, 10/6/06

Drugging Our Waters
Researched by Toni Faye Catelani

Pharmaceutical drugs are making their way into the US water supply  
through human waste. A wide range of pharmaceuticals and other human- 
caused waste compounds remain despite wastewater treatment and are  
discharged to receiving waters across North America. Many of these  
compounds are still bioactive and can enter the bioprocesses of  
aquatic organisms. Researchers have found abnormalities in fish and  
suspect that exposure to pharmaceutical hormones is the cause.  While  
the effects of chronic low-level exposure to pharmaceuticals are  
unclear, it is certain is that the presence of these compounds will  
continue to increase as Americans age.
“Drugging Our Waters: How An Aging Population and Our Growing  
Addiction to Pharmaceuticals May be Poisoning Our Rivers” Elizabeth  
Royte, Natural Resource Defense Council’s ONEARTH, Fall 2006

MEFTA: Wal-mart and Target Profit of Jordanian Slaves
Researched by Morgan Ulery and Mayra Madrigal

Major U.S. companies, including Wal-Mart, Target, Kohl's, Victoria's  
Secret and L.L. Bean, are buying apparel from sweatshops in Jordan  
under a three-way trade deal that binds the Arab nation to Israel and  
the United States. A report by the New York-based National Labour  
Committee says that the U.S-Jordan Free Trade Agreement (FTA) has  
descended into human trafficking and "involuntary servitude."  Part  
of the FTA, the Qualified Industrial Zones (QIZs) programme, launched  
by Washington in 1998 as an economic dividend for Jordan's peace  
agreement with Israel, gives products from the zones duty-free and  
quota-free access to the U.S. market as long as the Arab nation  
sources at least eight percent of their content from an Israeli  
manufacturer. Both the United States and Israel are seeking to  
replicate this model in numerous trade deals with other countries in  
the Arab world, under Pres. George W. Bush's plan for a Middle East  
Free Trade Area (MEFTA), which would tie all 22 Arab states with the  
U.S. and Israel in a trade deal by 2013.
“U.S., Israel, Jordan Pact Created Havens for Servitude” Emad  
Mekay, Inter Press Service 5/ 3/06 

Earth’s Loss of Biodiversity
Researched by Alex Rubin

The fabric of life on earth is facing a major crisis as thousands of  
species face imminent extinction. Nineteen of the world's most  
eminent biodiversity specialists are calling on governments to  
establish a political framework to bridge the gap between science and  
policy by creating an international body of biodiversity experts. Due  
to human activity, the rate of extinction is now between 100 and  
1,000 times higher than the normal “background” extinction rate.  
Research confirms that every group of animals and plants is  
experiencing an unprecedented loss of diversity. Scientists estimate  
that 12 percent of all birds, 23 percent of mammals, 25 percent of  
conifers, 33 percent of amphibians and more than half of all palm  
trees are currently threatened with extinction.
“Earth Faces ‘Catastrophic Loss of Species’” Steve Connor, The  
independent UK, 7/20/06 

World Bank Study Reveals Its Failure to Reduce Poverty
Researched by Adrienne Magee

A study by the World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group (IEG)  
concludes that the World Bank’s strategies on trade does not deliver  
on increasing economic growth, exports, or employment, nor on the  
reduction of poverty. The IEG called the Bank “overly optimistic  
about the immediate and universal benefits of more open trade.”

“These findings confirm our daily experience. Policies to open  
markets have benefited the world’s largest corporations, but have a  
devastating impact on millions of the world’s poorest people,”  
says Alberto Villarreal of Friends of the Earth Uruguay.

The 270-page report analyzes the World Bank’s trade work from 1987  
through 2004, including lending and technical assistance. It  
concludes: “trade-related projects did not adequately attend to the  
poverty and distributional outcomes.”

“World Bank Trade Strategy Has Not Adequately Helped the Poor”  
Friends of the Earth International, Common Dreams, 3/23/06 

“World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group Issues Report Assessing  
Two Decades of Global Trade Programs” World Bank, 3/22/06

Cable TV’s $100m Political Contributions
Researched by Morgan Ulery

A report by Common Cause follows cable’s $100 million investment in  
campaign contributions and lobbying. The return has been a 90 percent  
increase in cable rates since 1995, and industry friendly regulations  
that boost profits, coupled with even more consolidation among cable  
companies. Big cable has spent more than $92 million lobbying in  
Washington since 1998. The industry's political spending increased  
dramatically in the past two years as it marshaled its forces to  
block congressional and regulatory interference with mega mergers, to  
halt any effort to curb cable rates, and to quash any attempts to  
permit families to pay for only the cable stations they watch. Common  
Cause President Chellie Pingree says, “American families are paying  
the price for public policies that favor the wealthy and powerful.”

“Why Are Cable Television Prices So High?” Mary Boyle, Common  
Cause, 10/11/06

US Relation to Death Squads in Iraq
Researched by Lauren Abruzzo

Death squads from the Ministry of the Interior posing as Iraqi police  
are killing more people than ever—1,536 bodies were brought to the  
Baghdad morgue in September. Dahr Jamail discusses the root of death  
squads in Iraq. “U.S. mainstream media is conveniently  
decontextualizing the situation. We’ll talk about what’s happening  
after, we’ll talk about death, ethnic cleansing, sectarian violence  
and the millions of refugees and then blame it on the Iraqis…but we  
won’t talk about who instituted the entire process and who’s  
behind it and that is the U.S. occupation.” Working under US  
ambassador to Iraq, June 2004-April 2005, John Negroponte—James  
Steel was in charge of the Iraq Security Forces, at precisely the  
time Pentagon chiefs were considering the “Salvador option,” the  
proposal to organize death squads from within the US-recruited Iraqi  
Security Forces to target Sunni resistance. Negroponte and Steele  
helped set up and facilitate the right wing death squads in Central  
America in the 1980s and did the same thing in Baghdad.
“Govt. Death Squads Ravaging Baghdad” Ali Al-Fadhily and Dahr  
Jamail, Inter Press Service, 10/19/06 

“The Oil Factor in the Iraq Study Group: US Relation with Death  
Squads is Explored” Dori Smith Interviews Dahr Jamail on Talk Nation  
Radio, 12/13/06

Attack Dogs Used in State Prisons

Researched by Mayra Madrigal

Five state prison systems in the United States permit the use of  
aggressive, unmuzzled dogs to terrify and attack prisoners in efforts  
to remove them from their cells. A Human Rights Watch report reveals  
that while the entire world has seen the photo of an Abu Ghraib  
detainee crouched in terror before a snarling dog, the use of attack  
dogs against prisoners here in the U.S. has been a well-kept secret.  
Jamie Fellner, author of the 20-page report, “Cruel and Degrading:  
The Use of Dogs for Cell Extractions in U.S. Prisons,” which exposes  
Connecticut, Delaware, Iowa, South Dakota and Utah correctional  
systems, says, “We know of no other country in the world where  
officers use attack dogs to remove prisoners from their cells.”

“U.S.: Attack Dogs Used Against Prisoners” Jamie Fellner, Human  
Rights Watch, 10/11/06 

Toxic Chemicals Damaging DNA

Researched by Michael Januleski

New evidence suggests that many industrial chemicals are more  
ominously dangerous than previously understood. Scientists have  
discovered that a “second genetic code,” which influences the way  
genes operate and can be passed on to successive generations, is  
vulnerable to exposure to toxic chemicals. Effects of toxic exposure  
can be passed on through generations. "This introduces the concept of  
responsibility into genetics and inheritance," said Dr. Moshe Szyf, a  
researcher at McGill University in Montreal, “You aren't eating and  
exercising just for yourself, but for your lineage."

On average, 1800 new chemicals are registered with the federal  
government each year and about 750 of these find their way into  
products, all with hardly any testing for health or environmental  
effects. The European Union has responded to this situation by trying  
to enact a new law called REACH, which requires that chemicals be  
tested before they can be sold. The US chemical industry and the  
White House have, however, been working overtime to subvert the  
European effort to enact REACH.

“Some Chemicals are More Harmful Than Anyone Ever Suspected” Peter  
Montague, Rachel's Democracy & Health News #876, 10/12/06

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