Stop the Patriot Act!
  Bush thugs-in-Congress will be pushing for a vote this week.
  This will set up a police state to enslave the American people and will let 
Bush off the hook for the illegal spying on Americans.
  We MUST pressure all of our representatives ASAP!!
  Excerpts from the ACLU:
  Passage of the reauthorization bill will actually make matters worse for 
civil liberties in significant ways:
      The government will still be able to use National Security Letters and 
secret court orders under section 215 to obtain a wide array of private, 
confidential records – including medical, financial, library and bookstore and 
gun purchase records – with no evidence linking those records to a suspected 
terrorist or spy. 
  Those records demands still contain an automatic and potentially permanent 
gag order, and the right to challenge the gag order is made virtually illusory 
by the bill’s requirement that a court accept the government’s "national 
security" certification supporting a gag order as "conclusive."

  Secret physical searches of homes and offices will remain available in any 
federal case under a vague standard, and notice can be delayed for weeks, 
months or even longer. The Justice Department admits that at least 88% of such 
searches actually had nothing to do with terrorism.
  Roving wiretaps still lack the requirement to name a target or a facility 
being monitored and without the safeguard that government agents verify that a 
suspect is actually using the facility before eavesdropping on private 
  The bill contains many other provisions, unrelated to the Patriot Act, that 
harm civil liberties – for example, it expands the Secret Service’s power to 
impose "exclusion zones" to apply to non-Presidential events, and it increases 
fines and criminal penalties the Treasury Department has used to coerce 
non-profits and other businesses into checking employees against flawed 
government lists. 
  Nearly 400 communities and the legislatures of seven states have taken a 
strong stand for meaningful reforms of the Patriot Act, urging Congress to 
renew the law only if its most significant flaws were addressed. As a result of 
these calls for reform, many members of Congress on both sides of the aisle 
came together to lead an effort to better protect civil liberties. In an era 
marked by partisanship, these bipartisan efforts on behalf of civil liberties 
were remarkable in their own right, twice forcing delays in approval of a 
flawed reauthorization bill.
  The agreement (by Republicans) reached with the administration accomplishes 
little of substance...
  None of the changes to the final conference report addresses the fundamental 
flaws of the Patriot Act – the flaws that led to the nationwide movement to 
correct it. 
  PFAW says: 
  "This deal means that the government can continue to legally demand your 
library and hospital records, even if you did nothing wrong."

Among other major concerns, the compromise version of the bill fails to 
substantively reform Section 215 which allows federal agents to demand records 
from libraries, bookstores, hospitals and other businesses after meeting an 
unacceptably low standard of evidence. According to the text of the 
legislation, the government can continue to conduct such a search without 
presenting any evidence that the target is suspected of wrongdoing. People For 
the American Way has urged Congress to raise the standard in order to protect 
the privacy of innocent Americans.

"In light of Attorney General Gonzales’ recent testimony on the Bush 
Administration’s illegal warrantless wiretapping program, the American public 
has no reason to believe that the government will exercise restraint in its 
  Here's the reauthorization act: (very 
  Think the government is truthful about just going after terrorists? Think 
  You might want to send this link and the next one to your Senators and 
Congressman. This man is no "girlish liberal". He writes for well-known 
right-wing publications. Say that to your representatives- Dems and Repugs:
  Tell them you consider them traitors if they do not oppose ALL of the 
following abusive unAmerican provisions:
  - establishment of a federal police force
  - provisions that go around rule of law
  - provisions that deny habeas corpus
  - provisions that go around judicial oversight or the FISA law
  - provisions that establish new rules for dissenters
  - provisions that increase the power of authority over protesters at ANY event
  - provisions that define new penalties
  Tell them this administration MUST ABIDE BY THE EXISTING FISA LAW- NOW!!!
  ACT NOW: Make as much volume of your voice as possible:
  Email, FAX your Senators and Congressmen: , 
  Then the whole week call them at the Capitol Hill phone: 
  Then call them again at ALL of their local offices. ,
  Want to do even more?
  Print out the lewrockwell article 
  On the printout, write "Ask for your representative (Senators and 
Congressman) at the Capitol Hill phone number 1-202-224-3121 and tell them to 
protect you from the unAmerican Patriot Act".  
  Make multiple copies.
  Drop them everywhere you go- the laundromat, the movies, the grocery store, 
the mall, the airport, the bus station. 
  The public needs to know and needs to act, and the media won't tell them.
  Lastly, forward this email to anyone and everyone you know

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