Special Report: A little house of secrets on the Great Plains


Articles in this series are exploring the extent and impact of corporate 
secrecy in the United States.

CHEYENNE/ATLANTA (Reuters) - The secretive business havens of Cyprus and 
the Cayman Islands face a potent rival: Cheyenne, Wyoming.

At a single address in this sleepy city of 60,000 people, more than 
2,000 companies are registered. The building, 2710 Thomes Avenue, isn't 
a shimmering skyscraper filled with A-list corporations. It's a 
1,700-square-foot brick house with a manicured lawn, a few blocks from 
the State Capitol.

Neighbors say they see little activity there besides regular mail 
deliveries and a woman who steps outside for smoke breaks. Inside, 
however, the walls of the main room are covered floor to ceiling with 
numbered mailboxes labeled as corporate "suites." A bulky copy machine 
sits in the kitchen. In the living room, a woman in a headset answers 
calls and sorts bushels of mail.

A Reuters investigation has found the house at 2710 Thomes Avenue serves 
as a little Cayman Island on the Great Plains. It is the headquarters 
for Wyoming Corporate Services, a business-incorporation specialist that 
establishes firms which can be used as "shell" companies, paper entities 
able to hide assets.

Wyoming Corporate Services will help clients create a company, and more: 
set up a bank account for it; add a lawyer as a corporate director to 
invoke attorney-client privilege; even appoint stand-in directors and 
officers as high as CEO. Among its offerings is a variety of shell known 
as a "shelf" company, which comes with years of regulatory filings 
behind it, lending a greater feeling of solidity.

"A corporation is a legal person created by state statute that can be 
used as a fall guy, a servant, a good friend or a decoy," the company's 
website boasts. "A person you control... yet cannot be held accountable 
for its actions. Imagine the possibilities!"

Among the entities registered at 2710 Thomes, Reuters found, is a shelf 
company sheltering real-estate assets controlled by a jailed former 
prime minister of Ukraine, according to allegations made by a political 
rival in a federal court in California.

The owner of another shelf company at the address was indicted in April 
for allegedly helping online-poker operators evade a U.S. ban on 
Internet gambling. The owner of two other firms there was banned from 
government contracting in January for selling counterfeit truck parts to 
the Pentagon.


All the activity at 2710 Thomes is part of a little-noticed industry in 
the U.S.: the mass production of paper businesses. Scores of mass 
incorporators like Wyoming Corporate Services have set up shop. The 
hotbeds of the industry are three states with a light regulatory 
touch-Delaware, Wyoming and Nevada.

The pervasiveness of corporate secrecy on America's shores stands in 
stark contrast to Washington's message to the rest of the world. Since 
the September 11 attacks in 2001, the U.S. has been calling forcefully 
for greater transparency in global transactions, to lift the veil on 
shadowy money flows. During a debate in 2008, presidential candidate 
Barack Obama singled out Ugland House in the Cayman Islands, reportedly 
home to some 12,000 offshore corporations, as "either the biggest 
building or the biggest tax scam on record."

Yet on U.S. soil, similar activity is perfectly legal. The incorporation 
industry, overseen by officials in the 50 states, has few rules. 
Convicted felons can operate firms which create companies, and buy them 
with no background checks.

No states license mass incorporators, and only a few require them to 
formally register with state authorities. None collect the names and 
addresses of "beneficial owners," the individuals with a controlling 
interest in corporations, according to a 2009 report by the National 
Association of Secretaries of State, a group for state officials 
overseeing incorporation. Wyoming and Nevada allow the real owners of 
corporations to hide behind "nominee" officers and directors with no 
direct role in the business, often executives of the mass incorporator.

"In the U.S., (business incorporation) is completely unregulated," says 
Jason Sharman, a professor at Griffith University in Nathan, Australia, 
who is preparing a study for the World Bank on corporate formation 
worldwide. "Somalia has slightly higher standards than Wyoming and Nevada."

An estimated 2 million corporations and limited liability companies are 
created each year in the U.S., according to Senate investigators. The 
Treasury Department has singled out LLCs as particularly vulnerable to 
being used as shell companies, as they can be owned by anyone and 
managed anonymously. Delaware, Nevada and Wyoming had 688,000 LLCs on 
file in 2009, up from 624,000 in 2007.

Treasury and state banking regulators say banks have flagged billions of 
dollars in suspicious transactions involving U.S. shell companies in 
recent years. On June 10, a federal judge in Oregon ordered a company 
registered there to pay $60 million for defrauding a Ukrainian 
government agency through sham transactions involving shell companies. 
The civil lawsuit described a network of U.S.-registered shells 
connected to fraud in Eastern Europe and Afghanistan.

A growing niche in the shell business is shelf corporations. Like 
paper-only shells, which enable the secrecy-minded to hide real 
ownership of assets, shelf companies are set up by firms like Wyoming 
Corporate Services, then left "on the shelf" to season for years. 
They're then sold later to owners looking for a quick way to secure bank 
loans, bid on contracts, and project financial stability. To speed up 
business activity, shelf corporations can often be purchased with 
established bank accounts, credit histories and tax returns filed with 
the Internal Revenue Service.

"They just slot in your names, and you walk away with the company. 
Presto!" says Daniel E. Karson, executive managing director at 
investigative firm Kroll Inc. "The purpose is to conceal ownership."

On its website, Wyoming Corporate Services currently lists more than 700 
shelf companies for sale in 37 states. The older they are, the more 
expensive, like Scotch whisky. Brookside Management Inc., formed in 
December 2004, sells for $5,995, while Knotty Management LLC, formed in 
May, costs just $645. In Delaware, incorporator Harvard Business 
Services markets First Family LLC, created in May 1997, for $10,000.

"If they're signing a large contract, they may not want it to look like 
they've just formed a company," said Brett Melson, director of U.S. 
sales at Harvard Business Services. But he added: "Unsavory characters 
can do a lot of bad things with the companies."

Shell and shelf companies do serve legitimate purposes. They provide a 
quick and cheap way for entrepreneurs to jump into business and create 
jobs. Businesses can use them to protect trade secrets. Politicians or 
other public figures may use a shell company to hold their home so that 
people with ill intent have a harder time locating them.

The state of Wyoming says it cracked down on incorporation services in 
2009 after discovering that nearly 5,700 companies were registered to 
post-office boxes. New laws require companies to have a physical 
presence in the state through an owner or a registered agent, and make 
it a felony to submit false filings.

"What we want to have is good, quality legitimate businesses," said 
Patricia O'Brien, Wyoming's Deputy Secretary of State. "We don't 
regulate what the business itself does, but we are not recruiting 
businesses here that are questionable or illegal."

Wyoming Corporate Services is run by Gerald Pitts, its 54-year-old 
founder and president. On paper, he is a prolific businessman. 
Incorporation data provided by Westlaw, a unit of Thomson Reuters, show 
that Pitts is listed as a director, president or principal for at least 
41 companies registered at 2710 Thomes Avenue.

Another 248 firms name Edge Financial Inc., another incorporation 
service, as their "manager." Gerald Pitts is the president of Edge 
Financial, according to records on file with the Wyoming secretary of 
state's office.

Companies registered at 2710 Thomes Avenue have been named in a dozen 
civil lawsuits alleging unpaid taxes, securities fraud and trademark 
infringement since 2007, a review of Westlaw data shows. State and 
federal tax authorities have filed liens against companies registered at 
the address seeking to collect more than $300,000 in unpaid taxes, 
according to Westlaw.

Pitts says Wyoming Corporate Services fully complies with the law and 
doesn't have any knowledge of how clients use the companies he 
registers. "However, we recognize that business entities (whether aged, 
shell or traditional) may be used for both good and ill," Pitts wrote in 
an email to Reuters. "WCS will always cooperate with law enforcement 
agencies who request information or assistance. WCS does not provide any 
product or service with the intent that it be used to violate the law."


Gerald Pitts and his own incorporation firms have never been sued or 
sanctioned, according to federal and state court records. Wyoming 
officials said Wyoming Corporate Services operates legally. "If they do 
it by cubby holes and they are really representing each person, they 
meet the law," said O'Brien, the deputy secretary of state.

But clients of his have run into trouble.

Among those registered at the little house in Cheyenne are two small 
companies formed through Wyoming Corporate Services that sold knock-off 
truck parts to the U.S. Department of Defense, according to a Reuters 
review of two federal contracting databases and findings from an 
investigation by the Pentagon's Defense Logistics Agency. The owner of 
those firms, Atilla Kan, awaits sentencing on a 2007 conviction for wire 
fraud in a related matter.

Also linked to 2710 Thomes is former Ukrainian Prime Minister Pavlo 
Lazarenko, who was once ranked the eighth-most corrupt official in the 
world by watchdog group Transparency International. He is now serving an 
eight-year jail term in California for a 2004 conviction on 
money-laundering and extortion charges. According to court records, that 
scheme used shell companies and offshore bank accounts to hide stolen 
Ukrainian government funds.

Court records submitted in Lazarenko's criminal case and documents from 
a separate civil lawsuit, as well as interviews with lawyers familiar 
with the matter, indicate Lazarenko controls a shelf company 
incorporated in Cheyenne that owns an estimated $72 million in real 
estate in Ukraine through other companies.

The U.S. government continues to seek more than $250 million from bank 
accounts in Antigua, Barbuda, Guernsey and other countries that it says 
were controlled by Lazarenko and his associates, according to a 
forfeiture action filed by the Department of Justice.

The paper trail linking Lazarenko to the real estate in Ukraine is 
labyrinthine. At the heart of it is a shelf company called Capital 
Investments Group, registered at 2710 Thomes Avenue.

U.S. lawyers for a Ukrainian businessman named Gennady Korban submitted 
documents claiming that Lazarenko is the true owner of Capital 
Investments Group and other U.S. companies.

Lazarenko and Korban are rivals in Ukraine, and for years have traded 
allegations of corruption and assassination. An organization chart 
accompanying Korban's submission alleges Capital Investments Group owns 
99.99 percent of a Ukrainian firm called OOO Capital Investments Group. 
That company, the chart claims, is the owner of another company, OOO 
Ukrainsky Tyutyun, where Pavlo Lazarenko is a director. Each of the 
firms and several others are used as corporate fronts to control 
properties in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, the filing alleges.

Seven properties are named in the 2009 filing by Korban, including 55 
Pushkin Street and 58 Komsomolskaya Street. The dossier on Capital 
Investments Group claims that other directors of the alleged front 
companies include Lazarenko's wife, son and mother-in-law.

Federal prosecutors successfully urged the court in late 2009 to 
disregard Korban's submissions, arguing that it would take too much time 
to vet his account and thus delay his resentencing after a lengthy appeal.

A few months later, in February 2010, Capital Investments Group sued 
Korban and others in federal court in Delaware. That lawsuit claims two 
properties in the Ukraine controlled by Capital Investments Group - 55 
Pushkin Street and 58 Komsomolskaya Street - were stolen from it using 
forged documents.

The lawsuit says Capital Investments was formed in September 2005. It is 
registered at 2710 Thomes Avenue, and Gerald Pitts, the court documents 
say, is "President, Secretary, Chairman and director."

But Capital Investments Group doesn't disclose the name of its owners. 
Daniel Horowitz and Martin Garbus, attorneys for the company, have 
represented Pavlo Lazarenko in other U.S. and Ukrainian litigation. They 
declined to provide the owners' names, citing client confidentiality, 
and wouldn't comment on Lazarenko's links to CIG.

The U.S. Attorney's office in San Francisco declined to comment. Asked 
about his association with Lazarenko and Capital Investments Group, 
Gerald Pitts declined to provide information on specific clients. Pitts 
said he is aware of the Delaware lawsuit and "is cooperating fully with 
authorities in the matter."


Another man linked to 2710 Thomes is Ira N. Rubin. Prosecutors allege he 
created a Rube Goldberg-style network of shell and shelf corporations to 
further his scams.

In December 2006, the Federal Trade Commission sued Rubin for fraud in 
federal court in Tampa. Documents in the civil lawsuit allege Rubin used 
at least 18 different front companies to obscure his role as a 
credit-card processor for telemarketing scams.

These operations, the FTC alleged, offered subprime credit cards that 
charged an upfront fee debited from customers' bank accounts, but the 
cards were never delivered. The complaint also alleged Rubin processed 
payments for online gambling rings and pharmacy websites selling 
controlled substances.

One company in that network was Elite Funding Group Inc. It was 
registered at 2710 Thomes Avenue in August 2004 and offered for sale by 
Wyoming Corporate Services for $1,095. Gerald Pitts was listed in public 
documents as the original director, wrote an investigator hired by the 
FTC in a January 2007 report filed in federal court in Tampa. Pitts had 
resigned six months earlier as director and was replaced by Rubin, 
according to court records.

Rubin's maze-like network served as the back office for alleged consumer 
scams operating from Canada, the Philippines, Cyprus and the U.S., with 
names like Freedom Pharmacy and Fun Time Bingo. His companies took 
consumer bank account information obtained by the clients, charged the 
accounts via an electronic transactions network that enables direct 
debits, kept a portion of the proceeds, and forwarded the rest to the 
alleged fraudsters, according to documents in the FTC's civil lawsuit.

To minimize scrutiny, Rubin used at least 18 different firms to handle 
his operations. A firm called Global Marketing Group processed payments 
for telemarketers offering bogus credit cards, the FTC alleged. Elite 
Funding, the Wyoming shelf corporation, was a subsidiary of Global 
Marketing. Rubin used Elite to open bank accounts with Wells Fargo Bank 
which held more than $300,000 in proceeds from the payment processing, 
according to court records.

Just hours after Rubin was visited by a court-appointed receiver in the 
case in December 2006, $249,000 vanished from the Wells Fargo account. 
Rubin refused to say if he transferred the money, citing his 5th 
Amendment right against self-incrimination. At least $125,000 then made 
its way to a bank account in Chennai, India, and has never been 
recovered, according to documents in the civil lawsuit.

Why use a shelf company? "To hide who they are and what they are doing. 
In the case of Ira Rubin, he had a payment processing empire that worked 
on behalf of many different industries, all of which were engaged in 
illegal conduct," said James Davis, an attorney with the Federal Trade 
Commission. "It was to his benefit to make it as difficult as possible 
for law enforcement to connect these companies back to him."

In 2008, Rubin fled to Costa Rica to avoid arrest for contempt in the 
civil case. Authorities allege he went on to run another 
payment-processing operation from abroad: This March 10, he and 10 
others were indicted in New York for allegedly running a massive scheme 
to hide payments made by U.S. customers to the three largest 
online-poker websites, in violation of a ban passed by Congress in 2006. 
He was extradited from Guatemala the same month. On June 8, a New York 
judge denied bail for Rubin. (http://link.reuters.com/jud42s)

Stuart Meissner, an attorney for Rubin, said his client was not 
available for comment. Pitts declined to comment.


The loopholes in U.S. disclosure of bank-account and shell-company 
ownership have drawn fire.

The U.S. was declared "non-compliant" in four out of 40 categories 
monitored by the Financial Action Task Force, an international group 
fighting money laundering and terrorism finance, in a 2006 evaluation 
report, its most recent. Two of those ratings relate to scant 
information collected on the owners of corporations. The task force 
named Wyoming, Nevada and Delaware as secrecy havens. Only three states 
- Alaska, Arizona and Montana - require regular disclosure of corporate 
shareholders in some form, according to the 2009 report by the National 
Association of Secretaries of State.

Some lawmakers want tighter rules. Senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.), 
chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee's Permanent 
Subcommittee for Investigations, has introduced the Incorporation 
Transparency and Law Enforcement Assistance Act each year since 2008. 
The bill would require states to obtain and update information about the 
real owners of companies, and impose civil and criminal sanctions for 
filing false information.

"Criminals use U.S. shell companies to commit financial fraud, drug 
trafficking, even terrorist financing, in part because our states don't 
require anyone to name the owners of the companies they form," Levin 
said in an email to Reuters.

The bill has been beaten back by a coalition of state officials and 
business groups, citing concerns about the cost of implementing the new 
law and federal government infringement on state incorporation rights.

A leading opponent is the National Association of Secretaries of State. 
Kay Stimson, a spokeswoman, said in an email that the Levin bill "would 
have placed new burdens upon states and legitimate, law-abiding 
businesses-many of which are struggling to stay afloat during these 
difficult financial times-while continuing to provide lawbreakers with 
the means to evade the law."

An aide for Levin said the bill is expected to be re-introduced soon. 
The new bill will add provisions requiring incorporation agents who sell 
shelf companies to provide beneficial owner data, said a Senate aide 
familiar with it.


Shell companies remain a headache for law-enforcement authorities. 
Officials say court-ordered subpoenas served on incorporators of shell 
and shelf corporations generally do deliver the names of the real owners 
hiding behind nominees. But if the owners are not U.S. citizens or 
companies, the investigation often hits a dead-end, they say.

There are additional hurdles. Wyoming Corporate Services charges $2,500 
per year to supply an attorney who can provide an extra shield. Cheyenne 
attorney Graham Norris Jr. tells prospective clients sent to him by WCS 
that he will create a company on their behalf. That way, he says, he can 
invoke attorney-client privilege-adding a layer of privacy anytime there 
is an inquiry about their identities.

"When you do need to contact Wyoming Corporate Services, you may do so 
through me," advises a June 13 "Dear Client" letter supplied by Norris 
to Reuters. "If you contact them directly, there is a greater risk they 
may disclose that information in response to a subpoena; remember there 
is no privilege with Wyoming Corporate Services, only with your attorney."

For a fee, clients can request that Norris file a motion to quash any 
subpoena, the letter says. It warns that in cases where fraud or 
criminal conduct is alleged, a court might order Norris to name the 
owners. Still, after any inquiry about identity, the letter says, Norris 
must inform the client-and "I must also decline to answer the inquiry."

Investigators say they are sometimes loath to use subpoenas for the very 
reason highlighted in Norris' letter-fear of tipping off targets. "In 
the initial stages of investigation, when we encounter a domestic shell 
corporation, we know we can't subpoena the company that sold the 
corporation to the end users, because we don't want the target to find 
out they are being investigated," says FTC attorney James Davis.

Other U.S. agencies raise similar complaints about shells. The 2006 U.S. 
Money Laundering Threat Assessment, prepared by 16 federal agencies, 
devotes a chapter to the ways U.S. shell companies can be attractive 
vehicles to hide ill-gotten funds. It includes a chart to show why money 
launderers might like to create shells in Wyoming, Nevada or Delaware, 
which offer the highest levels of corporate anonymity.

The information in the chart is credited to the Web site of a firm 
called Corporations Today-an incorporation service run by Gerald Pitts 
in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

(Reporting by Kelly Carr in Cheyenne and Brian Grow in Atlanta; 
additional reporting by Dan Levine in San Francisco, Jen Rogers and 
Jaime Hellman in Cheyenne; research by Mary Kivimaki of Westlaw; editing 
by Claudia Parsons and Michael Williams)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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