Saudi Arabia: A concentration camp for immigrant
Written by Yasir IrshadFriday, 26 April 2013

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia, one of the foremost allies of the USA in the
Middle East, brutally exploits its migrant workers. The visa regime keeps
the workers in a state of permanent dependency on their employers and
abuses are common. At the other end of the spectrum members of the royal
family, including the king himself, are among the richest people in the
world with billions of dollars in wealth. This contradiction has
revolutionary implications.

[image: Workers in a bottled water plant Photo: Mohammed Adow/ Al
in a bottled water plant Photo: Mohammed Adow/ Al
the 10th February 2013 the plight of seven hundred Pakistani workers, who
have been stranded in Saudi Arabia for a year, was highlighted when one of
them died in an accident at work. One year ago MAPA, a Turkish construction
company, issued visas to seven hundred Pakistani workers. Upon arriving in
Saudi Arabia they learnt that not only their visas but also their signed
employment agreements were bogus. The workers were furious with the company
but due to the pro-capitalist laws of Saudi Arabia they had to live in the
company’s camps like prisoners for a year.

According to Saudi law workers can only work for the company that has
issued the visa, otherwise they must purchase a new visa for thousands of
dollars and are forced to leave the country and re-enter it with the new
visa. Having been defrauded of thousands of dollars for the MAPA visas, the
workers waited for justice from the Saudi authorities for a year. Despite
the filing of dozens of applications against the company in the labour
courts, the Saudi authorities took no notice. It was only after the death
of one of the workers that the fraudulent activity was exposed.
Subsequently Saudi officials intervened and prosecuted the company
officials involved in the fraud and freed the workers from the labour
camps. The workers were allowed to find work somewhere else or return home
and the forged visas were declared legal.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. The sufferings of immigrant workers in
the scorching heat of the Arabian Desert are far worse than this. The
imperialist media is criminally silent about the barbarity of the
reactionary Saudi regime. Saudi Arabia is the largest producer and exporter
of oil in the world, boasting seventeen to twenty per cent of all known oil
reserves. The petroleum industry contributes 80% of the budget revenue, 45%
of GDP and 90% of export revenues in Saudi Arabia. Immigrants make up 60 to
67 per cent of the total labour force and that figure rises to 90-95 per
cent in the private sector. The majority of the foreign workers are from
Pakistan, Bangladesh and India (1.5 million from each country) as well as
from Egypt, Sudan and Philippines (1 million from each). There are hundreds
of thousands of illegal immigrant workers from Yemen and many other
countries too.

According to the labour law of 1969, a visa can only be issued to a foreign
worker through a Saudi citizen sponsor who provides a guarantee for the
immigrant - such a Saudi citizen is called a ‘Kafeel’ in Arabic. In other
words the Saudi government plays no role in issuing visas and thus takes no
responsibility for the workers. As a Saudi labour minister once said “There
are no foreign workers in our country. We have contract workers”. Due to
the ‘Kafeel’ law, the Saudi government is indifferent to the point of
negligence regarding the kafeels’ atrocities, while the business of buying
and selling these visas is a very lucrative one by which the Saudi travel
agents make millions. There are more than ten million foreign workers in
Saudi Arabia working on visas issued by big companies. On top of that there
are those who are employed in small and medium scale companies and
workshops as well as workers operating on independent visas. The fourth and
most brutally exploited section of workers is comprised of domestic
servants. Most of the housemaids are from Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri
Lanka and Bangladesh. These women stay imprisoned in their masters’ homes
for years because, according to Saudi law, in order to go out a woman has
to be accompanied by a male relative. Physical and sexual abuse is a
routine affliction for them but according to the Sharia laws, a woman needs
four female or two male witnesses to prove sexual abuse. How can these
oppressed women find these witnesses? For female workers Saudi Arabia is a
horror without end.
Open Visas

A large number of workers in Saudi Arabia have been issued with open visas
and work for small businesses. But under Saudi Law an open visa cannot be
issued without a Saudi sponsor (kafeel) or a company. These open visas are
an invention of the Saudis who make millions out of the visa business. Of
course the foreign workers themselves are content with the arrangement
because they have the luxury of finding work for themselves rather than
being dictated to by their sponsor. Those Saudis engaged in this practice
navigate the law by applying for visas on the basis of ownership of a
company that exists only on paper. These visas are then sold for
12,000-20,000 Riyals, along with an agreement that when the worker finds a
job the Saudi sponsor would issue permission document so that the worker
can get his ‘Aqama’ (residential card) and labour card with details of his
new employment. However the worker invariably has to pay 2,000-4,000 Riyals
to the sponsor for him to uphold his end of the bargain.

According to Saudi law a worker cannot change his kafeel or sponsor company
without buying a new visa. Despite this there is a big and growing business
in the issue and transfer of open visas. Recently the Saudi government has
been fervently implementing the law which makes it illegal for workers to
work for someone other than their kafeel and action is being taken against
workers who fail to do so, up to and including deportation.  According to
Saudi law every foreign worker should get a residential card (Aqama) and a
labour card upon arrival in Saudi Arabia - this is the responsibility of
the sponsoring company or individual. These cards can be renewed each year
upon payment of a fee, previously 701 Riyals but this has recently been
raised to 2400. Unable to cover this additional cost, small and medium
businesses have refused to renew the cards for their workers and as a
result thousands of workers have become illegal for not having the
residential card resulting in the forcible deportation of these people. The
big companies are making the workers themselves pay for this increase,
either partially or completely.

The government has also started to implement another law which requires all
the big private companies to ensure that at least half their workers are
Saudi citizens otherwise they are required to pay 200 Riyals per month for
every additional foreign worker over that amount. The government has
divided the companies into categories. Green companies are those meeting
the condition and Red companies are those that do not. The visas of those
working in red companies are not being renewed. The number of such
companies and businesses is estimated to be 250,000 and so the number of
workers being affected by this is astronomical. Then there is a yellow
category of companies that are required not to employ foreign workers for
more than six years with the visas of those who have worked for more than
six years also not being renewed.
Class divide

On the basis of the country’s huge oil wealth and the vicious exploitation
of immigrant workers, the native Saudis had been convinced that they were
born to live a life of luxury. But in past three to four decades, the
rising population, a growing royal family and the plunder of the state has
changed the situation. The Saudi royal family and their imperialist masters
are rattled by the global crisis of 2008 and the Arab revolution. The Saudi
regime is terrified by the overthrow of Egyptian and Tunisian rulers. As a
result the Saudi army is brutally crushing the movement of workers in
eastern province of Qatif and neighbouring Bahrain and they also played a
major role in propping up the sectarian divide in order to sabotage the
movement in Syria. Although Saudi Arabia was struck by the waves of Arab
revolution from all sides, no mass movement was seen inside the country.
But the rulers have seen their future in the streets of Cairo. A plan of
reforms starting in 2003 with completion date in 2013 is being implemented
hastily which is creating yet more problems. In fact there is an obscene
wealth gap in Saudi society with a handful of very wealthy individuals from
the royal family while the mass of people are deprived of basic
necessities. Officially the unemployment is 12% and youth unemployment is
32%. Deputy Minister for Labour Dr. Abdul Wahid Bin Khalid told the
Observer in June 2011 “we need to create 6.5 million new jobs. People don’t
like the jobs that we have at the moment”.

Two thirds of the population is below the age of 30 while three quarters of
the unemployed are around the age of 20. Contrast this to the obscene
wealth of the royal family. It is estimated that the oil wealth is shared
by 15,000 parasites of the royal family but 2,000 of them have the lion’s
share of the loot. For instance Prince Waleed bin Talal was at number 26 on
Forbes list of wealthiest individuals this year with assets of 20 billion
dollars. The Prince actually complained that the magazine had
underestimated his wealth and said that the actual worth of his assets was
29.6 billion dollars and he was in the top ten richest people in the world.
This shows the plundering of the Saudi economy undertaken by the royal
family. Similarly the incumbent King Abdullah owns 17 billion dollars
making him the third wealthiest king in the world. A Saudi economist who
has worked in the finance ministry told the New York Times, on the
condition of anonymity, that no one knows how much money the royal family
takes from the oil revenues. All we know is the amount given in the budget.
It is also never revealed how much the Arab American Oil Company (ARAMCO)
takes. A cable sent from the US Embassy in Riyadh in 1996 was published in
Wiki Leaks which exposed the behaviour of the royal family. “The stipends
range from $270,000 per month on the high end to $800 per month for the
lowliest member of the most remote branch of the family. The US embassy
estimated the stipends system put an annual drain of about $2 billion on
the $40 billion government budget… five or six princes control the revenue
from 1 million barrels of crude oil production a day out of the nation's
total production of 8 million barrels a day…Another method by which some
Saudi princes obtain money is by borrowing from the banks and not paying
them back…a small group of the most senior princes enrich themselves by
controlling several billion dollars in annual expenditures in “off-budget”
programs… princes also use their clout to confiscate land from commoners,
especially if it is known to be the site for an upcoming project and can be
quickly resold to the government for a profit”.

In 1996 Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal had assets worth 13 billion dollars that
have now grown to 29.6 billion. In order to double his wealth the Prince
must have doubled the rate at which he is plundering the oil and other
wealth of Saudi Arabia. In December 2011 three journalists Feroz, Hassam
and Khalid were imprisoned for several days for releasing a ten minute film
about the poverty in the kingdom. According to the filmmakers 22 percent of
the Saudi population is forced to live below the poverty line and 70
percent don’t own a house. According to a report on Ahram website two
million are unemployed and unemployment amongst women is 30 percent. The
global economic crisis, growing wealth disparity, and unemployment and the
revolutionary upsurges are troubling the Saudi Royal family their
Imperialist masters and a section of the Saudi ruling class is making a
half-hearted attempt to carry out some reforms which serve only to
intensify the crisis.

The recent changes to the law and increases in the fees for permits are
part of a plan to reduce the number of foreign workers and create jobs for
the Saudis, lest unemployment leads to revolutionary explosions of the kind
seen in Tunisia and Egypt. Immediately after the Arab revolution the Saudi
rulers announced a reform package of 76 billion dollars. This reflects the
shallow mentality of the ruling class who think that revolutions are
mechanically linked with the economic situation. These measures cannot stop
revolutionary movements but simply exploit the immigrant workers to the
last drop of blood by forcing them to work for very low wages in inhumane
conditions. Simply because the bosses and kafeels in small and medium
enterprises refused to pay the increased permit fees, most of the workers
automatically became illegal because the workers earn too little to pay for
themselves. This means that these people will be deprived of their
livelihoods. The restrictions on so called open visas will result in
hundreds of thousands of workers losing their jobs.  In the companies where
native Saudis are employed, the foreign workers will have to do the work of
Saudis as well, since the locals don’t work. Or if the companies don’t give
half the jobs to locals, two hundred Riyals will be deducted from the
salaries of immigrant workers. This will only make their lives more
miserable. These laws are contradictory and can never be fully implemented
because all the private companies exploit the cheap labour of foreign
workers to sustain their rates of profit.

The immigrant workers in Saudi Arabia have no basic political or democratic
rights. Unions are illegal and in case of mistreatment the workers can only
write an application to the labour court. In many cases if one party in a
dispute is a Saudi citizen, the foreign nationality of the other is enough
to prove him guilty. The private sector is based on this exploitation and
the Saudis will not be able to replace ten million foreign workers. That is
why on 9th April King Abdullah put on hold the crackdown against the
immigrant workers for three months. These workers have to suffer in silence
over these attacks as any protest will lead to their immediate deportation.
The threat of losing their job and being deported keeps them working. By
contrast the laws that the royal family has made for the Saudi citizens at
least guarantee economic survival including a minimum wage and other
benefits. But these benefits are incompatible with the profits of companies
who have already protested against the requirement that they employ 50%
Saudi citizens.

The inclusion of the local population in the economy will strengthen the
political power of the working class which will play the decisive role in
the impending movement but this law could be amended, and even if it is
not, there will not be very strict implementation due to the opposition of
the bosses. But the crackdown against the workers having the so called
‘open visa’, few of whom work for their official kafeels, will continue for
some time and hundreds of thousands of workers will be sent home
unemployed. A large number of workers will be made illegal, thus
permanently facing the threat of arrest any time. On the other hand
expulsion of such large number of workers will slow down the economic
activity and the passion to implement these laws will subside. The result
will be that the business of visas will revive but with much higher costs
and more brutal exploitation of the workers. As the crisis deepens the
Saudi rulers’ trust in this system will dwindle thus intensifying their
plundering activities. They will become more and more afraid of a revolt
from below. This will make them introduce reckless and irresponsible
reforms and measures to an even greater extent. Although a combination of
vicious oppression and a few reforms has prevented a movement from erupting
so far, the simmering anger in Saudi society cannot be contained for long.
After the beginning of the Arab Revolution, the protest by female teachers,
telecommunication workers and numerous other sporadic incidents exposed the
growing discontent in the society. There are many factions within the royal
family fighting for a bigger share of the loot. The rule of the Saudi royal
family is based on vicious capitalist exploitation and reactionary
despotism. To maintain their rule they use primitive, barbaric repression
which resembles that of slavery and cover all this under the sanctity of
Islamic laws.
A revolutionary outlook

Saudi Arabia is not only a horrific concentration camp for the workers of
the Middle East, Central and South Asia, but also a bastion of reaction and
obscurantism. The rulers of Saudi Arabia support all kinds of counter
revolutionary forces including religious fundamentalism, terrorism and
sectarianism and aid them financially at the behest of US Imperialism.
Their backwardness is reflected in the introduction of grotesque reforms
like execution by shooting instead of beheading. The royal family would be
out of power within days without such methods of oppression but it is also
true that this cannot last for long. The royal family and their Imperialist
masters are terrified of a revolutionary explosion. Their desperate actions
show that even the most vicious oppression is failing to keep society under
their control. They are getting more brutal in their attempts to extend
their rule and every reform results in more ruthless oppression. On the
other hand, slowly but surely the Saudi workers and youth are coming out of
this fear. The movements around the world are inspiring them. Saudi workers
and youth will surely enter the arena of history to overthrow the vicious
tyranny of the royal family. Although immigrant workers are not in a
position to initiate a movement in Saudi Arabia at the moment, when the
ferment in Saudi society explodes in a revolutionary movement these foreign
workers will fight shoulder to shoulder with Saudi workers for the ultimate
emancipation from exploitation, oppression and barbarism.

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