
*Yesterday, on the Persian new year, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali
Khamenei said that if the USA or Israel should attack Iran, they can
expect a counterattack <http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2012/03/20-3>.

*Last month, US mass media headlined, using unnamed sources as they so
often do in their essential National Security State
<http://luvnews.info/NatSec.htm> role, that Iran had refused to
cooperate with the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency.  Gareth
Porter shows we were lied to
<http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=107146>, in fact Iran
cooperated, but sadly, most Americans believe the lie mass media
shouted, and repeated, and repeated.

*One is reminded of the "weapons of mass destruction" pushed by the mass
media in 2003, ignoring US weapons inspector Scott Ritter and UN weapons
inspector Hans Blix, both of whom had combed Iraq looking for weapons,
with teams of experts.  This massive lie "justified" the illegal
invasion of Iraq resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of

*At /LUV News/, we ran several articles by Blix and Ritter saying there
were no weapons of mass destruction, even as corporate media were
ridiculing these two for exposing their deceit.**  It's happening again.*

*Our mass media never notice the hypocrisy.  What would happen if Iran
demanded to send its nuclear experts into American nuclear facilities,
expecting to see everything?  What in hell could we do with the ten
thousand nuclear warheads we already have, as President Obama spends a
fortune "modernizing" this arsenal?  What if Iran asked to go into
Israel's facilities to look at their hundreds of nuclear warheads?
Don't hold your breath waiting for our mass media to notice anything
amiss, their job is to cover up even the most obvious inconvenient


*Glenn Greenwald goes into mass media hypocrisy
this morning, with blockbuster exposé after exposé, beginning with a
challenge to MSNBC's Chuck todd, who said President Bush cannot be tried
for his crimes because his lawyers told him torture was okay.
Greenwald's response:  "I'd like to ask Chuck Todd:  if Bush had John
Yoo write a memo opining that it was perfectly legal for Bush to deploy
hit squads within the U.S. to assassinate American citizens without any
due process, would it be wrong to investigate and prosecute that, too,
on the ground that everyone had permission slips from a DOJ lawyer and
that's just what lawyers do?

"The current President has, of course, obtained his own DOJ permission
slip to assassinate American citizens without due process. Since that
permission slip is too secret for us to see, we do not know whether the
authorized assassination power is confined to foreign soil or extends to
the U.S., although once one embraces the Bush-Cheney-Yoo theory that the
entire world is a 'battlefield,' there is no coherent way to limit those
asserted powers to foreign soil."

There's much more, including the fact that alleged mass murderer Sgt.
Robert Bales is being treated much better than was alleged whistleblower
PFC Bradley Manning.


*One of the magnificent scams which dominate our election process, is
the way candidates are required to spend millions of dollars to the
corporations which control our public airwaves, largely done in secret.

It is essential to the control of government by transnational
corporations into polluting, defense cheating, bankstering and other
criminal activity.  These corporations give the massive bribes to the
politicians running for office, after ensuring they will kneel and kiss
butt on command, then get it back in their media operations largely
influenced by investments into the same criminal activities held by
media owners, media board members, and advertisers, resulting in control
of government at no cost to the controllers.

Anyone standing for the public interest, such as the candidates we've
featured in /LUV News/ articles (Rocky Anderson, Jill Stein, Stewart
Alexander, etc.) is not allowed exposure by the mass media gatekeepers.
One recalls that billionaire Ross Perot was denied campaign spots on
network TV though willing to pay top dollar, obviously because media
owners did not want interference with their Republocrat monopoly scam.
If a person is seen on TV, they might, after all, pick up some votes.

/Pro Publica/ has a story this morning
about their attempt to get information about who is paying for the TV
ads out to the public.  You would think those who run the country would
allow this tiny bit of transparency, but they are dragging their feet as
though the world will end should they disclose who's giving all the
millions to rent the White House and Congress, together with state and
local governments.

**I have believed since the coup overthrew democracy in Honduras that
the Obama regime was responsible.  They did immediately pretend to
politically oppose it, even as they continued to send weapons to the
coup leaders, as the rest of the world condemned the coup and embargoed
such aid.

In these matters, phony excuses are made under the pretense that the
coup takes place without the consent of the Empire, as in the two
overthrows of Haitian democracy under President Aristide.  The enabling
corporate media never say a discouraging word, as  though blind and
deaf, keeping the masses from suspecting that anything is amiss.

The magnificent Laura Carlsen brings us up to date with what Obama has
created in Honduras, on behalf of the ruling Forces of Greed  --Jack


**When Engagement Becomes Complicity**


**Honduras and the Obama Administration






**U.S. Vice President Joe Biden traveled to Honduras on March 6 with a
double mission: to quell talk of drug legalization and reinforce the
U.S.-sponsored drug war in Central America, and to bolster the
presidency of Porfirio Lobo.**

**The Honduran government issued a statement that during the one-hour
closed-door conversation between Biden and Lobo, the vice president
"reiterated the U.S. commitment to intensify aid to the government and
people of Honduras, and exalted the efforts undertaken and implemented
over the past two years by President Lobo."**

**In a March 1 press briefing, U.S. National Security Advisor Tony
Blinken cited "the tremendous leadership President Lobo has displayed in
advancing national reconciliation and democratic and constitutional

**You'd think they were talking about a different country from the one
we visited just weeks before on a fact-finding mission on violence
against women.**

**What we found was a nation submerged in violence and lawlessness, a
president incapable or unwilling to do much about it, and a justice
system in shambles.**

******Two-Year Slide**

**The crisis in human rights and governance in Honduras has become
apparent to the world and is a fact of daily life within the country. In
the two years since Lobo came to power in elections boycotted by the
opposition, Honduras catapulted into the top spot in the world for per
capita homicides --- the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime's
(UNODC) Global Homicide Survey found an official murder rate of 82 per
100,000 inhabitants in 2010. There were 120 political assassinations in
the country in 2010-2011. In the region of Bajo Aguan, where peasants
are defending their land from large developers, 42 peasants have been
murdered, and alongside 18 journalists, 62 members of the LGBT
community, and 72 human rights activists have been killed since 2009.
The Honduran Center for Women's Rights reports that femicides have more
than doubled and that more than one woman a day was murdered in 2011.**

**An Inter-American Commission on Human Rights report on the Honduran
coup found at least seven deaths, harassment of opposition members,
disproportionate use of force by security forces, thousands of illegal
detentions, systematic violations of political rights and freedom of
expression, sexual violence, and other crimes, with almost no
investigation or prosecution.**

**Despite the fact that security forces perpetrated many of these
crimes, the response of the Honduran government --- with the support of
the United States --- has been to beef up military presence. One of the
poorest nations in the Western Hemisphere, Honduras increased its
military expenditure from $63 million in 2005 to $160 million in 2010.
The Lobo government justifies the militarization saying that its own
police forces can't be relied on. He told us in a meeting, "We're
working on cleaning up the police but it's going to take some years. The
corruption is deep."**

**The impunity with which common criminals, powerful transnational
interests, and elements of the state violate the most basic principles
of society with government complicity or indifference derives from the
fact that the government itself is erected on the violation of those
principles. The crisis in human rights and violence---as deep as it
is---is but a symptom of a greater evil. When the 2009 coup was allowed
to conserve power and seal itself off from prosecution, it immediately
undermined governance, rule of law, and the social compact. Honduras'
constitutional crisis has now become a prolonged social and political

******A Coup for Criminals**

**The coup d'état on June 28, 2009 was not only a criminal act. It was
an act designed to benefit criminals.**

**When members of the armed forces kidnapped democratically elected
president Manuel Zelaya and took him to Costa Rica in his pajamas, they
destroyed the the fragile democracy built since the era of military
dictatorships. None of the convoluted discussions of what the president
had supposedly done to deserve forcible removal changed the fact that
the millennium's first coup d'état had taken place in the Americas. The
OAS and every major diplomatic body in the world immediately realized
that Honduras had become the symbol and the reality of the world's new
battles for democracy.**

**What many people don't know is that the unraveling of the story is
more tragic than the coup itself---and holds even greater lessons for
global governance.. To make a long story short, the Honduran coup regime
incredibly survived international embargos and diplomatic negotiations
that in the end only served to extend its grasp on illegitimate power.
The disturbing suspicion that the U.S. government, the historic
godfather of the region, had given its blessing to the new regime became
certainty when the State Department negotiated an agreement that paved
the way for coup-sponsored elections without assuring the return of the
elected government.**

**Porfirio Lobo came to power, and a nation pummeled by poverty
splintered into an ungoverned free-for-all characterized by political
polarization, a surge in crime, and widespread land grabs. Honduras is
not a failed state. It's a violated state.**

**Crime---common crime, organized crime, state crime, and corporate
crime---has thrived since the coup. Drug trafficking in the country has
increased. The most recent U.S. International Narcotics report
calculates that 79 percent of cocaine smuggling flights from South
America use landing strips in Honduras. Reports that Mexican kingpin El
Chapo Guzman and others use Honduras as a hideout surface frequently.
Militarization of the country has taken place alongside the spread of
organized crime---a phenomenon that should provoke some reflection. But
the Honduran and U.S. governments have been too busy promoting the drug
war to pay attention to the correlation between militarization and
organized crime.**

**Land grabs to transfer land and resources from small-scale farmers,
indigenous peoples, and poor urban residents into the hands of
large-scale developers and megaprojects have generated violence
throughout the country. Many of the testimonies of violence and sexual
abuse that we heard from Honduran women regarded conflicts over land,
where the regime actively supports wealthy interests against poor people
in illegal land occupations for tourism, mining, and infrastructure
projects, such as palm oil magnate Miguel Facusse's actions in Bajo Aguan.**

**The lack of investigation and prosecution for crimes --- and the
evidence that state forces are involved in human rights violations
against opposition and "undesirable" sectors --- creates a paradise for
criminals and a hell for the majority of citizens.**

******U.S. Engagement or Complicity?**

**U.S. responsibility for what happened after the coup is a question
that deserves far more analysis and soul-searching. By choosing not to
support a return to democratic order and political healing before
presidential elections, the United States helped deliver a serious blow
to the Honduran political system and society. The United States has a
tremendous responsibility for the disastrous situation, and the urgent
question is what to do about it.**

**Biden stressed U.S. programs to vet police and justice officials. When
we met with U.S. Ambassador Lisa Kubriskie, she insisted that continuing
to fund Honduran security forces would eventually lead to reform by
"engaging" with government forces.**

**But even if that did happen, in the meantime those government forces
are murdering, raping, beating, and detaining Hondurans --- with U.S. aid.**

**When does engagement become complicity? Citizen groups and members of
the U.S. Congress have come to the conclusion that the line was crossed
some time ago. So far, more than 60 members of Congress have signed a
letter circulated by Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) to cut off aid to the
Honduran military and police, claiming that the funding of these
institutions fuels the abuse.**

**There's no excuse for spending U.S. taxpayer dollars on security
assistance to Honduras as human rights violations pile up. No amount of
money poured into these programs will change the systemic corruption and
human rights violations until there's a real political commitment to
justice and reconciliation. And that does not appear to exist under the
current regime.**

**Laura Carlsen is the director of the Americas Program based in Mexico
City. She is a contributor to Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of
Illusion, forthcoming from AK Press.**


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