Hands Off Venezuela @*HOVcampaign* <https://twitter.com/HOVcampaign>

*Mexico rally in solidarity with Venezuela April 18 PIC
pic.twitter.com/SO7utHQuzc <http://t.co/SO7utHQuzc> VIDEO http://
youtu.be/Mi6TxWlQUy4  <http://t.co/okgY7tX0Hj> VIDEO http://
youtu.be/GwS7g3UAzVY <http://t.co/rVQ8CfCFyD>*




*Hands Off Venezuela<https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=HOVcampaign>
*via @villegaspoljake <https://twitter.com/villegaspoljake> VIDEOs of
attacks on CDIs:youtube.com/watch?feature=… <http://t.co/KJto1kefFQ>
youtube.com/watch?feature=… <http://t.co/ouCoztRl1F>
youtube.com/watch?feature=… <http://t.co/B5d7WXUIV4>
youtube.com/watch?feature=… <http://t.co/wL0ogVe0Lw>*
*ZULIA: Peoples' power and alternative media discuss defence of Bolivarian
revolution VIDEO via @ViVe_Television <https://twitter.com/ViVe_Television>
http://bit.ly/17BIIKB <http://t.co/zmQbc7KWBW>*

Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro Sworn in, Promises "a Revolution of the

Apr 19th 2013, by Ewan Robertson
[image: Maduro receiving the presidential sash (Prensa Presidencial)]

Maduro receiving the presidential sash (Prensa Presidencial)

Mérida, 19th April 2013 (Venezuelanalysis.com) – Nicolas Maduro was sworn
in as Venezuelan president for the constitutional period 2013 – 2019 today,
promising to continue Hugo Chavez’s legacy and spearhead “a revolution of
the revolution”.

In a formal act in the National Assembly in Caracas, Maduro took his
presidential oath before assembly president Diosdado Cabello.

“I swear by the whole people of Venezuela, by the supreme commander [Hugo
Chavez], that I will abide by and make respected the Constitution of the
Laws of the Republic…to construct an independent, free and socialist nation
for all,” Maduro declared.

Cabello and daughter of late President Hugo Chavez Maria Gabriela Chavez
then placed the presidential sash upon Maduro.

In the presence of representatives of sixty-one countries and various
government and public figures, Maduro made his first speech as
constitutional president, which was broadcast to the nation.

The beginning of the speech was interrupted when an unknown man ran up to
Maduro, taking the microphone and made an inaudible statement. After the
man was escorted away, Maduro criticised the “failure” of security, warning
“I could have received a bullet”.

Un-phased, the Venezuelan president spoke on various themes, including the
legacy of Hugo Chavez and trajectory of the Bolivarian revolution up to the
current moment.

The speech also touched upon events in Venezuela since last Sunday, when
opposition candidate Henrique Capriles refused to recognise his electoral
defeat, losing to Maduro by just 1.8%.

Maduro criticised Capriles for calling his supporters onto the streets on
Monday night to protest the result, rather than taking the constitutional
route of formally submitting any claims to the National Electoral Council

The president also attacked what he called an opposition strategy to
promote “xenophobia” in Venezuela, through criticisms of the role of Cuba
and the presence of Cuban doctors in the country.

Maduro ventured that this strategy was responsible for the attacks against
Cuban-staffed health clinics this week, after the opposition’s protests led
to confrontations and violence. As a result, Maduro swore to promote
“peace” and to defeat the “anti-values” of racism and intolerance.

Further, according to the Venezuelan president, “whatever comes out” of the
CNE’s widened audit of the presidential vote, “they [the opposition] aren’t
going to recognise the result; they have another plan”.

However, the former bus driver assured that the government is “ready” for
any further attempts at violence and sabotage, and that “the nation is
strong, it is awoken”.

*Dialogue and revolution*

Maduro’s speech also focused on working with various sectors of Venezuelan
society, including those who voted against him last Sunday.

“Fellow countryman or countrywoman who is at home or work…that for some
reason voted against the candidate of the nation, I stretch out my hand to
you. We guarantee peace in this country,” he said.

Maduro set out his vision of governance for the coming period, looking to
reinvigorate the Bolivarian revolution after last Sunday’s narrow electoral
victory. This approach was termed a “revolution of the revolution”, with
Maduro looking to tackle problems which have cost the government support.

These include pledges to reduce crime, improve government efficiency and
crack down on corruption. On the economy, Maduro said he would work to
raise production while tackling shortages and economic “sabotage”.

The Venezuelan president also set the ambitious aim of “zero poverty” in
Venezuela by 2019, to be pursued through continuing government social
programs and other anti-poverty mechanisms.

Finally, Maduro committed to a “democratic revolution” by working to
promote community councils and communes and move towards a “socialist mode
of living”. He assured this could not be done by the government, but rather
“by the people”.

The inauguration coincides with the 203rd anniversary of Venezuela’s
independence, with Maduro participating in a military parade through in the
Heroes Avenue in Caracas.

*Opposition stance*

The opposition’s parliamentary deputies did not attend today’s swearing-in
event, refusing to recognise Maduro until the CNE undertakes a 100% audit
of Sunday’s vote.

Defeated opposition candidate Henrique Capriles called on supporters to
bang pots and pans and play salsa during the event as a protest against
what the opposition claims is Maduro’s “illegitimacy”.

A legal effort to block the swearing-in event in the National Assembly (AN)
was quashed by the Supreme Court yesterday, which ruled that any challenges
to the 14 April election result should be directed to the CNE, and had
nothing to do with the AN.

Further, Henrique Capriles has formally returned to his post as governor of
Miranda, after the Miranda state legislative council moved to declare his
“absolute absence” from the post. The government’s United Socialist Party
of Venezuela (PSUV) holds a majority on the council.

Miranda legislative council president, Aurora Morales, welcomed Capriles’
decision, arguing that he “assumed before the world that he isn’t president
of Venezuela” and that he was “made to respect the laws and democratic
institutions” of the country.
*Source URL (retrieved on 20/04/2013 - 1:18am):*

Claims of Fraud in Venezuela: The Fake Evidence of Henrique Capriles

Apr 20th 2013, by Chris Carlson - Venezuelanalysis.com
[image: Henrique Capriles holds up a vote tally at a press conference last
Monday (Getty Images)]

Henrique Capriles holds up a vote tally at a press conference last Monday
(Getty Images)

Immediately after Nicolas Maduro was elected to the presidency of Venezuela
last Sunday, opposition candidate Henrique Capriles refused to acknowledge
the results of the election, and claimed that the government had committed
fraud. In what follows, I will list all of the alleged evidence of fraud
cited by Capriles, and explain why every single example is either
demonstrably false, or extremely implausible.

The first example given by the Capriles campaign has to do with what is
known as an “assisted vote” in which electoral authorities assist certain
voters in using the electoral machine. The Capriles campaign presented on
Sunday videos of various people being aided in this way at various voting


The claim was that with “assisted voting” people were being pressured by
electoral authorities to vote for Nicolas Maduro, and that the votes at
those voting centers should therefore be voided. Capriles claimed that this
had happened at 564 different voting centers, affecting nearly 1.5 million
voters. However, there was not a single independent report of any voters
who said they were not able to vote for who they wanted. Not a single voter
or witness came forward to say that they had been obligated to vote for one
candidate or the other.

The “assisted vote” exists as a mechanism that voters can request if they
do not understand how to use the electoral machine, or if they have
physical limitations that make it difficult for them to vote alone. As one
Venezuelan commented on
Youtube, “You can ask to have someone help you vote if you want. I asked
for help the first time I voted and it was a family friend who was there.
My god, these people [the opposition] will make up anything."

Shortly after, it was shown that one of the
videos<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrWOX5hWiMw> going
around on the internet was fake. It had been posted on Youtube last
October, and thus was obviously not from Sunday’s election as was being
claimed. The source of the other video could not be confirmed, and the
Capriles campaign did not give details about who the people were that were

But more importantly, the “assisted vote” claim ignores the fact that
nearly all voting centers have witnesses present from the opposition
parties, in addition to randomly selected citizens working the voting
stations, who would have noticed if any voters were being pressured to vote
against their will. Yet not one of these witnesses reported seeing
anything, nor have any media outlets presented a single case of this
happening, even though Capriles claimed it happened at 564 voting centers.

All of the opposition witnesses signed off on the electoral process at the
closing of the polls on Sunday, certifying that nothing had gone wrong. As
another commenter on Youtube said: "This is a lie. I worked at the voting
center. We were watching the people from the [governing party] PSUV and
everything came out excellent..."

In the days that followed the elections, new allegations and accusations of
fraud came out of the opposition camp. On the internet, many opposition
supporters began circulating photos of ballot boxes being burned, and
claimed the government was destroying the results to hide the evidence.
Opposition media disseminated the photos and claimed they were real. Below
is a tweet <https://twitter.com/RCTVenlinea/status/323881102982934529> from
opposition media outlet RCTV that says, “More electoral material that they
want to make disappear, and we received from our followers.”

Opposition newspaper *El Nuevo País*
similar photo on their front page, with the headline “Lucenazo”, which can
be roughly translated as “Lucena’s Coup”, referring to the President of the
National Electoral Council Tibisay Lucena. Opposition website La
other photos that appeared to show electoral material being manipulated by

The photos were later shown <http://www.aporrea.org/ddhh/n226929.html> to
be false, taken from several years
officials were destroying electoral materials from the 2006 and 2008
elections, as mandated by law. Yet the word had already been spread, and
many Venezuelans were convinced that the materials were being destroyed. At
no time did Capriles make a statement about the falsehood of the various
photos and videos circulating on the internet and in opposition media to
separate himself from the lies, or to calm his supporters.

On Monday evening, Capriles called for a press
the presence of international media in order to present the alleged
evidence of electoral irregularities that his campaign had assembled. Once
again, the evidence presented was either demonstrably false, or completely

First, Capriles cited a high number of electoral machines that had broken
down on the day of the elections. He said there was a total of 535 cases,
affecting an alleged 189,982 voters. But what Capriles did not mention is
that the Electoral Council maintains a
10 percent of all machines, more than 3,000 extra electoral machines, all
across the country so that machines can be quickly replaced if they do not
function correctly.

As Maduro’s campaign manager Jorge Rodriguez said, “Only 535 broken
machines is actually good news because it is such a small percentage.”

Next, Capriles gave various examples of what he called “irregularities” in
the vote count, claiming that these kinds of irregularities were widespread
and affected nearly 1,200 different voting centers. However, the only
concrete examples he gave are demonstrably false.

In one example, Capriles showed an actual vote tally from one voting
center, claiming that the totals did not add up. He claimed that there were
more votes in that voting center than total voters registered to vote,
however this is false. Capriles said that there were only 536 electors
registered to vote at this center, but that over 700 votes had been cast,
but the actual 
show that there were 1,066 electors registered at this center, and a total
of 712 votes were cast (see below).


The other examples given were also not irregularities, but simply more
manipulations on the part of the Capriles campaign. Various examples were
cited of voting centers in which there were much higher vote counts for
Maduro than what Hugo Chavez had gotten in 2012. They claimed that this was
implausible, since overall Maduro did not get as many total votes as
Chavez. However, once again Capriles left out the rest of the story.

The truth was that at these particular centers the vote count for
*both* candidates
had greatly increased due to a higher level of total votes in 2013 at these
centers. In one example, Capriles misleadingly claimed that the vote count
for Maduro had been 530 percent higher than Chavez in 2012. What he did not
say was that votes in favor of *him* increased by even *more*, by more than
1000 percent (from 7
2012 to 75 
2013), in that particular voting center. It was the same situation in the other
two examples <http://venezuelanalysis.com/news/8665> given by the Capriles

But the lies did not end here. Capriles went on to make several more claims
without providing anything more than a fancy piece of
evidence. He claimed there had been government propaganda outside more than
400 different voting centers, yet the only photo he provided was of a tent
that had the PSUV slogan on it. It is hard to imagine how this would cause
anyone to change their vote, let alone 270,000 people, which was the margin
of victory. He also claimed there had been violence near voting centers,
but again there was no evidence that this had affected anyone's vote.

Perhaps the most outrageous claim was that opposition witnesses had been
forcibly removed at gunpoint from hundreds of voting centers by government
authorities. Capriles claimed that this had happened at a total of 286
different voting centers, affecting over 700,000 voters.However, once
again, there was not a single independent report of this happening anywhere
in the country on Sunday. Not one video, not one photo, not one media
report, not one witness report, not one independent claim, not one person
interviewed who had witnessed anything like this on election day.

As ex-head of Venezuela’s Electoral Council Germán Yépez

“It is absurd to talk about this happening at 286 voting centers that
according to Capriles include over 700,000 voters. That means we are
talking about more than 2,800 voting booths and their respective witnesses.
How is this going to happen in so many different voting centers, forcing
out more than 2,800 people at gunpoint, in front of international
observers, more than 3,800 electoral observers from local NGO’s, thousands
of journalists deployed around the country, and thousands of randomly
selected voting booth workers? None of these thousands of people said
anything about this?”

Finally, it should also be noted that opposition representatives were
provided with a copy of the vote tally at every single voting center in
which their witnesses were present. As even opposition blogger Francisco
Toro has 
if there really were any fraud in the official electoral results, the
discrepancy would show up in the vote tallies that were audited on the
night of the elections in the presence of opposition witnesses. If there
really were fraud in the electoral outcome, the Capriles campaign would
simply have to show where the vote tallies do not coincide with the
official vote count. The fact that they have not done this clearly reveals
that they do not have any credible evidence of fraud.

Instead, they have chosen the path of lies and manipulation, creating a
furor among their supporters with this series of fake examples of fraud,
and calling on them to take to the streets to protest what Capriles
continues to call an “illegitmate” government. The result has been multiple
dozens of wounded, and several incidents of vandalism and burning of
political party
 and health 
events which Capriles has refused to take responsibility for, or even
express regret to the
the dead.

Moving forward, as the CNE conducts a full
audit<http://venezuelanalysis.com/news/8683> of
100 percent of the votes as requested by the Capriles campaign, it seems
unlikely that this will change anything. The Capriles campaign will
continue to make false denunciations of supposed “irregularities”, and
claim the audit is not transparent. They will use the opposition-aligned
media outlets to continue to disseminate fake “evidence” of fraud in an
attempt to discredit the Maduro government and the state institutions, and
the Venezuelan people will continue to be subjected to one of the most
deceitful and manipulative disinformation campaigns since the 2002 coup
attempt. We can only hope that a majority of Venezuelans do not fall for
the lies, and that those telling the lies will finally be made to pay the
price for their abuses.
*Source URL (retrieved on 20/04/2013 - 4:46pm):*

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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