Hope Sabina does not mine that I add,

Obama as the biggest Wanker of the Week after yesterday's comments about
Venezuela and those trolls out their also.You know who you are!




Wankers of the Week: Committing
4, 2013 — Sabina Becker

[image: commit-sociology.jpg]

Crappy weekend, everyone! Batten down the hatches, we’re about to get
another fifty-wank blower here. This week, we’re committing sociology…or in
the case of our lovely listees, *stoopidology.* And here they come, in no
particular order:

1. Pierre Fucking
 *Terrorists cause terrorism!* Gosh, who knew? Well, Captain Obvious.
*Duh,* that’s
who. With deep thinkers like this in his camp, it’s no wonder Harpo has a
growing reputation as the Dubya of the north. PS: And more Deep
Pierre, you and your gummint aren’t working for “union bosses”, as you
claim — you’re supposed to be working for the PEOPLE (and not just “the
taxpayers”, either). Instead, you’re working for the fucking corporations.
Why don’t you all just fucking quit and start drawing those corporate
paycheques legitimately, already?

2. Sarah Fucking
of Dubya’s intellectual (!) heirs, the Snowbilly Grifter has had a busy
week of wankin’, starting with her equating Planned Parenthood with a
back-alley butcher. No, Sawah, PP is actually what’s keeping women from
ending up in the hands of unscrupulous types like Kermit Fucking Gosnell.
And then there’s her bitter snipe at not being invited to the so-called
Nerd Prom, which was crashed by Tawd and
desperate for attention she must be, to scrape THAT barrel. And hey! How
about those teabaggers who want a half-term

3. Matt Fucking
you want to know just how morally bankrupt neoliberal economics really is,
just visit a Bangladeshi garment factory. And if you want to know how
mentally bankrupt its apologists are, just read this guy. “Foreign
factories should be more dangerous”, he says. Right, because then at least
it’s not *white* people being crushed to death under badly constructed
sweatshop buildings, eh?

4. Gene Fucking Simmons. Why?

[image: gene-simmons-apartheid.jpg]

That’s why. How about acknowledging that PALESTINE exists? And there is
nothing holy about Israel, either. Just ask a fellow American…Emily

5. Chris Fucking
homophobic is the REAL “open rebellion to God.” Who do you think MAKES
people gay, you stupid motherfucker? PS: Stop setting off my fucking
gaydar. PPS: Ha,

6. Gail Fucking
diary description of one’s vulva is NOT pornographic. It’s just an
see what I did there?) expression of something *all* girls do: namely,
check themselves out in private.

7. Greg Fucking
means “fearful of Chinese people”, you *homophobic* fucking imbecile. And
if there’s one thing for sane, intelligent people to do on the “National
Day of Prayer”, it’s pray that you either see the light or go to hell. PS:
Stop setting off my fucking gaydar.

[image: chris-broussard-comes-out.jpg]

8. Rush Fucking
look, the Pigman is projecting AGAIN! This time, it’s to assert that all
liberals are mass murderers. Because they’re not professional homophobes
like him. Oh yeah, and they’re all “jihadis”, too. Yawn, yawn, *yawwwwwwn.*

9. Don Fucking 
give Ol’ Sour Grapes half a point: Nobody really *needs* locker-room
“journalism”. Everybody knows that pro athletes have nothing of worth to
say when they’re standing around in their old stinky jockstraps, waiting to
shower; they’re inarticulate at the best of times anyway. Best thing to do
is just drop that crap from the newscast altogether. But to single out
female sports reporters, for being women in what’s erroneously presumed to
be a man’s world? Yup, that’s a fuckin’ wank.

10. Stephen Fucking
finally he admits that he is in fact a Toronto elitist. Probably came to
that decision after realizing how stupid he looked playing Cowboys ‘n’
Injuns at his age. Or maybe how stupid he looked supporting the
Mordorization of Alberta. But it won’t do much good…his family still
supported the LOSING design for our national flag. Which may explain why
he’s still trying to paint Canada blue after all this time.

[image: ottawapiskat.jpg]

11. Jason Fucking
there really isn’t much to distinguish between him and a Bangladeshi
sweatshop owner, is there? Talk about victim-blaming. Also, stoopid
economics are *stooooopid.*

12. Mark Fucking
“she went there”. Because your “hiking the Appalachian trail” does put your
ability to govern in a mature, effective manner, and be present for your
constituents, into serious question. In other words: Nobody wants a
governor who’s gonna just fuck off to Argentina whenever the whim takes
him. Especially if he’s going there to, well, *fuck.* People like to know
that the person they elect is gonna stick around, not follow his dick

13. Ben Fucking
the standard in “heroes” *has* gone down. As has the standard in
“columnists”; see, for example, *yourself.*

14. Tom Fucking Friedman. <http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/04/29-8> “What
kind of sick madness is this?” Oh, cram your incurious anti-intellectual
twaddle sideways up the orifice you pulled it from. First: The cause of the
Boston Marathon bombing hasn’t even been fully investigated, much less have
its perps been brought to trial, and already you’re jumping to conclusions,
which sound suspiciously like they’re aimed at derailing a debate before it
even begins. Second: It’s the fucking *imperialism,* you stupid, *stupid* fuck.
In other words, it has nothing to do with being a Muslim at all. Get your
fucking army out of every country it’s in, and then you won’t see any more
“terrorist” pushback. Much less the kind you go to such deliberately obtuse
lengths to not-understand.

[image: imperialism.jpg]

15. Jan Fucking
somebody think of the poor, oppwessed widdle guns? Awww, dat’s so sweet of
you, Jan. Now how about not oppressing PEOPLE?

16. Tim Fucking
of you to cover Michelle Fucking Rhee’s education-deforming ass with
meaningless statements. But since you haven’t actually made amends to the
Tennessee students your award for bad legislation has hurt, you get a great
big goose-egg on your report card.

17. Anya Fucking
wonder what Ann Coulter was like when SHE went to law school? Clicky the
linky, and be warned: it ain’t pretty.

18. Megyn Fucking
of not-pretty, as well as not-smart, *Me-me-ME-gyn* has piped up with the
keen observation that bigots could be offended if you denounce their
bigotry against Muslims. Thanks for that lovely public service message,

[image: missile-rights.jpg]

19. Dana Fucking
of bigotry against Muslims, this is it. Study it well, kiddies. And
whatever you do, don’t be a two-faced fucking hypocrite like Taliban

20. Pat Fucking
in other bigoted news, Patwa thinks there’s nothing wrong with calling gay
people “abominations”. Because there’s nothing abominable about *him* for
wishing Chavecito dead, and a myriad other very real sins, nosirree.

21. Bryan Fucking
knows nothing about genetics, much less prenatal development. Yet he
somehow “knows” that someone chose to be gay, simply because his twin
brother isn’t? Wow. Let’s all throw out our science textbooks and start
taking the bible literally, because that totally, like, convinces ME, man.
PS: Thanks for sharing with us your gay locker-room sexual fantasy, old
man. Not that you really needed to.

22. Mitt Fucking
joy, Mittens has piped up again…only long enough, mind you, to wank on
about how people need to get married early, and have lots of kids. With
more than 7 billion people in the world, most of whom are not nearly as
rich and complacent as Mittens, I just can’t bring myself to see any flaws
in that logic. Can you?

23. Tim Fucking Tebow. Why?

[image: tebow-tweet-wank.jpg]

That’s why. He’s all washed
he’s awfully butthurt about it. Well, that and he keeps setting off my
gaydar, and he can’t do anything about*that,* either. See where all that
pharisaical public genuflection gets you? #justsaying

24. Ted Fucking
you shitty draft
aren’t committing suicide over some imaginary violation of the constitution
on the part of Barack Obama. Nobody kills themselves out of simple disgust
for a mere politician. They’re committing suicide because of the trauma of
the wars that *Dubya* threw them into, and because right-wing politicians
and useless idiots such as yourself refuse to support the troops once they
demobilize and return home. *That’s* why, you fucking cowardly scumbag.

25. Benny Fucking
isn’t Jesus listening anymore…and raining down money on Benny’s oily little
head? What a surprise. Guess thatprosperity
gospel<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosperity_theology> is
just a bunch of bullshit, then.

26. Buster Fucking
congrats, you’re all of a sudden, just like that, a hatemonger. Actually,
that’s not true; you always *have* been, and you’ve just now been served
notice of the fact. Now fuck off and never be heard from again.

[image: decide-to-be-gay.jpg]

27. John Fucking
from a country that’s actually fomented “radical Islamic extremism”
(remember those cuddly Afghan mujahideen? I do, I do!) it’s kind of fucking
stupid of him to talk of banning immigrants from those parts. How about
banning the CIA instead?

28 and 29. Tony Fucking Clement and Jim Fucking
 *B’kawwwwwwwwww! Buk buk bk bk bk.* That is all.

30. Charles Fucking Van
it’s actually kind of refreshing to see the Repug position on race and
gender issues articulated so clearly. And by “articulated”, I mean
*spewed,* and
by “position”, I mean BIGOTRY.

31. Meir Fucking
Fucking Geller is the driving force behind Anders Fucking Behring Fucking
Breivik, and yet she’s somehow NOT a terrorist, while Muslims are? Dude,
get glasses. Have you read her fucking blog? A simple word-substitution
game would be enough to prove that she’s indistinguishable from Nazis, and
very fucking stupid Nazis, at that. Any rabbi who’d host a talk by her may
as well be shaking hands with Josef Goebbels. Or his crazy idiot cousin.

[image: sociologists-root-cause.jpg]

32. Michelle Fucking
don’t suppose she’s aware of the irony inherent in her accusing anyone else
of spreading misinformation. And that, folks, is why she’s a fucking wanker.

33. Ray Fucking
this new word, kiddies: *“Understopped”.* That’s what New York’s top cop
thinks black men are. Never mind that every single one of them in New York
City has been stopped and frisked, whether he needed to be or not. If
that’s “understopped”, one shudders to think what “overstopped” must mean.

34. Rob Fucking
in Toronto, being the mayor apparently puts you above the law, and entitles
you to use your own radio show, quite literally, as a bully pulpit to go
after political opponents who, it goes without saying, don’t have their own
show and can’t afford it, either. Ah, it’s good to be the fucking king.

[image: rob-fucking-ford.jpg]

35. Ed Fucking 
Muslims went to war in Iraq…*on the US side.* And one of them is the guy
whose jaw got in the way of your ignorant fucking fist. Feel stupid yet?
You should. Because you fucking ARE.

36. Matthew Fucking
go telling leftists you oppose them “in the name of Christ”. Jesus wants
nothing to do with your racist Nazi shit. And speaking of shit, claiming to
stand up for the “blue-collar working class” against communism? That’s
hilarious, considering that communism is all about the working class
standing up and overthrowing ruling-class fascists…like YOU.

37. Penny Fucking
historical revisionism you got goin’ on there, lady. Actually, the
Holocaust was not a product of enlightenment OR reason, but of
superstition…and oh yeah, CHRISTIANITY.

[image: hitler-christianity.jpg]

38. Barry Fucking
be you stop “winking at Muslims” and start doing your fucking *job,* you
wanker? Part of your job, as I understand it, is ensuring that all local
citizens, including Muslims, feel safe. It’s kind of hard to do that when
an asshole in a cowboy hat is aiming a double-barreled shotgun at you.

39. Jeffrey Dale Fucking
wants eye candy! Oh wait, no, he doesn’t. That’s just the preacher-man,
trying to molest a young parishioner. Jesus wouldn’t ask anyone to do any
such thing.

40. Glenn Fucking
is becoming an “affront to God”? No, that’s just *you,* you fucking freak.

41. Alex Fucking
people are “vomiting and crapping all over the place”? No, that’s just *you,
* you fucking freak.

[image: alex-jones-hotdog.jpg]

42. Jim Fucking
who uses the term “War of Northern Aggression” doesn’t deserve to be taken
seriously, much less permitted to own a gun…and even less to be president
of the Fucking NRA. When “gun rights” are more important than HUMAN rights
(and you know they are, to anyone who uses that racist dog-whistle to refer
to the Civil War), you just know you’re dealing with a loon. Having him at
the helm of an organization is unlikely to inspire confidence in said
organization…except, of course, from the usual old fat racist white loons.

43. Matt Fucking
do gun nuts who write for Fucker Carlson’s effete little vanity website
think a certain slang term for ladybits (or kittycats) is an acceptable way
of saying “weakling”, “wimp” or “coward”? And, more to the point: Why don’t
they spell the word out WITHOUT resorting to asterisks? I guess what I’m
trying to say here is…you *chicken,* bro?

44. Kelly Fucking
voted against equal pay for women because “we have enough laws”? *Well.* Come
next election, she’s gonna find herself voted out of work, because the US
senate has *more* than enough asshats. PS: And yes,
proof of asshattery, too.

[image: feminism-doin-it-wrong.jpg]

45. Lamar Fucking
speaking of asshats in US politics, how about this congresscritter?
Apparently, science isn’t enough to make a scientific paper publishable.
Nope, now it’s got to be politically kosher, too. Congratulations, Trofim
Lysenko, you’re hereby vindicated — *by a crapitalist!*

46. Andrea Fucking
 *Awww.* FUX Snooze Concern Troll is CONCERNED! Tell ya what, honey: You
keep your puny little mind out of the Obama girls’ panties, and the rest of
the civilized world will ignore the idiot that’s walking around in yours.

47. Brad Fucking
speaking of FUX Snooze and concern trolls, here’s another predictable salvo
in the War on Women: *Birth control causes statutory rape!* This, of
course, begs the question: Whatever did statutory rapists do BEFORE birth
control was invented? Oh yeah: THEY GOT GIRLS PREGNANT AND THEN FUCKED OFF.

[image: statutory-rape.jpg]

48. Stella Fucking
wonders if a guy who lost both legs in the Boston Marathon bombing was
hurt? I wonder if she is blind. I don’t, however, wonder if she is sane or
intelligent, because it’s already apparent that she is not. Her conspiracy
theorizing is so stupid as to be downright offensive.

49. Niall Fucking
noes, John Maynard Keynes was GAY! *Gay-gay-gaiety-gay-GAY!* That means no
one can take his (well proven) theories of economics seriously. Oh wait…an
effete imperialist twit with wonky (read: HOMOPHOBIC; read: SO GAY) ideas
about family and economics said that. *Never mind!* PS: What’s this? An

50. Adam Fucking
Big Brother doesn’t care about YOUR cellphone calls, because you’re an
unfunny, uninteresting, politically clueless hack. But I’m pretty sure he’d
be interested in my internet activities…or those of anyone else who’s not a
criminal or a terrorist, but also not interested in being a good little
capitalist conformist for the rest of their lives. Maybe, if YOU were under
surveillance, and all your masturbatory habits made it into an FBI file,
you’d start to feel different about all that porn on your phone. Or, better
still, about the government snooping and spying on everyone in the name of
catching a few so-called “terrorists”.

[image: awkward-crickett-rifle.jpg]

And finally, to the Fucking NRA. You can’t very well be accused of having
your priorities straight, if you support arming kids with child-sized (but
still deadly!) 
than comprehensive, age-appropriate sex education and the morning-after
Pill. And if your line-up of
anything to go by, you CAN be accused of supporting Teh Hardcore Stoopid.

Goodnight, and get fucked!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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