Wisconsin Unions and Students Demand Recall of “Hosni Walker”  [image:
by David May
Thursday, 17 February 2011

On Friday, February 11th, recently-elected Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker
(R) announced that he is prepared to use National Guard troops as part of
his plan to rob public workers of their right to have a union. According to
the Governor, the National Guard will be put on alert “in preparation of any
problems that could result in a disruption of state services.” But public
sector unions and students in Wisconsin have responded in a big way,
flooding the state Capitol building with over 30,000 protesters, and with
students taking action at five high schools.

Last week, as part of what he calls making Wisconsin “open for business,”
the Tea Party-backed Governor introduced legislation that would effectively
break union rights for all public sector workers, with the exception of
firefighters and police. If Walker’s bill is passed, public workers will no
longer have collective bargaining rights, the state would stop deducting
union dues from workers’ paychecks, and raises would be denied, except for
inflation adjustment. Walker also announced, even before the state
Legislature has voted on the issue, that as of March 13th, the state
government will no longer abide by its contracts with the Wisconsin State
Employees Union, which represents 22,000 public workers, most of which are
teachers. The Governor has said that contracts for the rest of the state’s
public sector workers -- around 175,000 in all -- would expire on July 1st.

After Walker’s announcement on Friday, public sector unions and Wisconsin
students quickly responded. On Monday, 10,000 union members and supporters
(including University of Wisconsin students) demonstrated outside the State
Capitol building in Madison as the first legislative hearing on the proposal
took place. Hundreds more demonstrated inside the building and flooded into
the hearing to speak against Walkers’ union busting proposal.

Also Monday, 100 students at Stoughton High School in Madison staged a two
hour walkout, leaving class to attend a rally in support of teachers. On
Tuesday, students from East High School, also in Madison, staged a march
during school hours to the Capitol building. Beginning early the week,
efforts began to link up students into a state-wide coordination and calls
also began for students to walk out of class on Tuesday. Even before more
wide-scale student actions have begun, state schools superintendent Dan
Nerad was pressed just by the idea of a student strike to formally write
Governor Walker, urging him to drop the attacks on state unions.

On Tuesday, union members and supporters staged an even larger demonstration
of 15,000 at the Capitol, calling for the bill to be dropped and with signs
demanding that “Hosni Walker” be recalled. Three thousand crowded into the
Capitol building and jammed the second day of hearings. Many of the workers
and supporters camped out overnight outside the building between Monday and
Tuesday’s demonstration. In addition, some 1,000 other workers demonstrated
Tuesday outside Walker’s home.

Walker’s attack against organized workers is being made from a false sense
of strength on his part. Just six weeks after he was elected with the
backing of the Tea Party, he said that anyone who could not see he was
preparing an assault against the unions “must have been in a coma.” But
Walker, like the rest of the Republican (and Democratic) party and the
corporate media, seems to have gone into a sort of self-induced coma,
believing their own hype about the Tea Party having a real mass base in the
American population. The initial reaction of the working class to the
implementation of the Tea Party’s anti-worker program has quickly shown the
real state of affairs!

Governor Walker has said that his proposals are needed to fix the state’s
$137 million budget shortfall through June. In both Republican- and
Democratic-controlled states, Governors and other public officials are
trying to sell a similar story: since public budgets are in the red, public
sector workers will have “face reality” and will have to pay the bill with
pay cuts and worse. But this is not the reality. In fact, the resources do
exist to guarantee decent pay and benefits to public workers, and to expand
the sector even more, hiring more workers at union wages and providing more
essential services.

However, these resources are instead being used to continue funding the wars
in Iraq and Afghanistan, to pump up the bloated military budget, and to
provide billions in for the wealthiest 1% of Americans. The two-party
political establishment is more concerned with war and enriching its backers
than in providing public services and decent standards of living for those
who provide them. The reality is that both the Democrats and Republicans are
using the public deficits as cover in an attempt to attack and ultimately
break the Labor movement, of which public sector workers are the majority.

Despite the big demonstrations so far this week, Walker seems determined to
press on for the new law to be passed, even though most Republican
legislators have been unwilling to comment publicly as to how they will
vote. In fact, while only one Republican has said publicly he supports the
bill, three Republicans have said they are not sure how they will vote. This
shows that the unions’ mobilizations are having an effect and could possibly
force the Republican-majority legislature to vote down the Governor’s bill.

Wisconsin workers are saying: enough is enough! While its clear that the
legislature feels pressure from thousands of workers and students packing
the Capitol, they are also under serious pressure by their other
constituents -- the ones who pay for their election campaigns -- the big
banks and corporations, to go after the unions. The next step is for public
sector workers to prepare state-wide strikes, up to and including if
necessary a general strike, and forming coordinating committees of public
sector unions and students to plan these strikes.

While “legally”, many public sector workers are forbidden from striking,
Walker is also “legally” about to tear up the union contracts. Walker may
seem to think that “might makes right,” but if public sector workers and
students linked together were to organize a total shut down of schools,
universities, public facilities and services, they would show that Walker
does not have as much might!

Many people have come to doubt or forget about the power of organized labor.
Many don’t even consider the National Educators Association a “real” union.
But the Wisconsin Education Association Council, the state affiliate of the
NEA, reported that on Tuesday night, around 40% of 2,600 teachers,
assistants, social workers and psychologists in the bargaining unit called
in “sick.” This was nothing less than a concerted job action by the rank and
file, very likely against the wishes of the NEA leadership, and it
effectively shut down the schools. As of Thursday morning, 15 schools
remained closed. This shows the latent power in organized labor, and this is
precisely why Walker and others like him around the country want to smash

Some people will blame the teachers for “putting their interests” above
those of their students. But the solidarity actions of the students show
that they understand what is at stake. Slashing pay and benefits and
increasing the pressure on teachers through increased class sizes,
impersonal teaching curricula, and an end to job security is no way to
ensure students receive a decent education!

The impotence and complicity of the Democrats has been exposed in the face
of these attacks. Without representatives of their own inside the
legislature, Wisconsin workers’ only immediate option is stop Walker’s bill
from the outside, continuing and expanding mass demonstrations on the
streets, linking up with students and organizing strikes at the schools,
universities and public services. But ultimately, there is only so much
working people and students can do from the outside. While Walker is a Tea
Party Republican, Democratic Governors in California and New York state are
preparing vicious attacks of their own on public sector workers.

At the end of the day, both the Democratic and Republican parties represent
the same class interests -- the capitalist class. Workers need a party of
our own: a mass labor party, based on the unions and representing the
interests of the working class as a whole. If Wisconsin workers had a Labor
Party, they would be able to combine actions on the streets, in the schools,
and in local government departments with political action to defeat the bill
and expose its nature, which would magnify the working class’ voice and help
mobilize even more broadly in defense of public sector workers.

The battle brewing in Wisconsin is the leading edge of the attacks against
public workers nationally. The AFL-CIO should pour its resources and
mobilize union members and students from across the country to aid Wisconsin
workers and help prepare public sector, school and university strikes. If
the assault on Wisconsin workers is left unchallenged by the union leaders,
this will only make it easier for other governors and state legislatures to
attack organized labor. The excellent response of the workers and students
within just days of the opening of Walker’s attack shows that if the unions
were to expand the struggle, they would have the support of the rank and

“From Cairo to Madison, Workers Unite!” Thus read one of the banners at the
Wisconsin State Capitol, a clear indication that the Egyptian revolution has
had an inspiring and electrifying effect around the world. In this era of
austerity, the struggles of workers in one country are an inspiration to
workers globally. The Labor movement is fond of the old adage “an injury to
one is an injury to all!” But by the same token, a victory for one is a
victory for all. A successful struggle against these attacks in Wisconsin
would send a clear message to the capitalists: and their politicians workers
have have enough of cuts, concessions, and austerity. A victory in Wisconsin
would be an important example for the rest of the country and beyond. This
is a struggle that can be won!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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