*Brazil - Esquerda Marxista <http://www.marxismo.org.br/>*
Website of the Marxist left of the PT.

*Brazil - Movimento Negro Socialista <http://www.mns.org.br/>*
Website of the Brazilian Black Socialist Movement.


Brazil: Unity in defense of freedom of expression of working-class and
Written by Esquerda Marxista (Brazil)Sunday, 23 June 2013


The below statement was written by our Brazilian comrades organised around
the Marxist journal Esquerda Marxista.

[image: fist] <http://www.marxist.com/images/stories/other/fist.jpg>The
right wing is attempting to co-opt the huge demonstrations of the last few
days by introducing a bias towards nationalism, against corruption, against
PEC 37, etc. There have also been some placards against abortion, for a
military coup, and for Joaquim Barbosa (President of the Supreme Court who
condemned the PT leaders without evidence in Criminal Case 470) to become
the new president of the republic.

In this sense, another component could already be seen in the demonstration
on June 18 in Sao Paulo, and in a much intense way on June 20 in several
cities: the attack on the free expression of leftist organizations.

The Marxist Left has been participating in the protests against the fare
increase in Sao Paulo since the beginning, our members were also suppressed
by riot police in the protests last week, our banners were taken by the
police on the way to the June 13 protest. Now, some "protesters" also tried
to take our banners and flags.

On Tuesday (18/06), as we marched down Avenida Paulista, we received
serious threats for holding up our banners in the demonstration, what began
with shouts of "lower that flag" and "parties out", passed into angry
shouts from some bullies dressed in suits who were encouraging the others,
they threatened to take our banners and warned us that it was best to lower
them in order not to create confusion. We distanced ourselves from this
group and continued with our banners held high.

On the same day we heard that other militants of left groups were
threatened, flags were taken from the hand of protesters and even militants
expelled from the rally in Praça da Sé

At the protest on June 20, in the face of previous threats, the left
organisations marched in blocks seeking to protect themselves from attacks.
But the other side was very well prepared. Neo-fascist elements armed with
knives, provocateurs who seemed infiltrated police, pepper gas, all
encouraging a layer of youth who has been awakened to political life, but
is still influenced by the maneuvers of the mainstream media and the
provocateurs, a group that throughout the whole march put pressure on the
block formed by parties and leftist organizations, trade unions and student
organizations. After about 2.5 km, with a united stewarding service which
was poorly organised, the immense pressure expelled all those who had any
hint of being left wing, as well as ourselves also militants from PSTU,
PCO, PSOL, PT, UJS, UNE, CUT, Intersindical, Conlutas, etc.., all pushed
out of Avenida Paulista. A most serious attack on democracy, the right to
organize and fight.

This did not happen only in São Paulo, militants who carried flags of CUT
were attacked in Rio de Janeiro. In Belo Horizonte, activists were harassed
and after an early clash they withdrew. In Florianópolis the demonstration
was divided.

We heard slogans not only against the PT, but against the Communists,
against the Reds. To the website of the PCO (Workers' Cause Party) was also

In this situation the leadership of the PT has a great responsibility, the
policy of class collaboration distanced the party from the struggles of the
people, the masses were left orphaned of a militant leadership,
implementing in government a policy that benefits the powerful and not the
people, such as the increase in the fares in São Paulo which was carried
out by mayor Haddad (from the PT). This demoralized the party and the
militants. On Thursday, the leadership called on the ranks to participate
in the demonstrations in a "Red Wave", but did nothing to mobilize, and the
leaders were absent. They played with those that answered the call,
especially the youth of the PT, who then suffered the assaults.

This serious situation demands that all parties and all left organizations,
trade unions, student organizations, social movements, all those who defend
the democratic right of freedom of organization and expression of the left,
all in one voice repudiate such repression and ORGANIZE the joint defense
against these fascist attacks which only benefit the bourgeoisie. It is
urgent that we meet to discuss joint actions to respond to this situation.
We must act in defense of the freedom expression of working-class and youth

The division benefits our enemies. Unity!

An injury to one is an injury to all!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Brazil: Statement on the attacks against left wing organisations on the
June 20 
Written by Movement for Free Pass (Brazil)Sunday, 23 June 2013


Due to its interesting contect we publish here an English translation of
the statement of the Sao Paulo "Movement for Free Pass" regarding the
attacks on left wing organisation at the demonstrations on June 20.

On the Protest on Thursday (June 20) - Public Statement

Statement n. 11: on the protest this Thursday

The Free Pass Movement (MPL) took to the streets against the fare increase.
Today's demonstration is part of this struggle: beyond the celebration of
the peoples' victory of the abrogation of the fare rise, we reaffirm that
fighting is not a crime and demonstrate support for protests in other
cities. However, in today's protests we witnessed pitiful and isolated
episodes of violence against the participation of different groups.

The MPL struggle for a truly public transportation system that serves the
needs of the population and not to the profit of the businesses. Thus, we
stand alongside all those fighting for a world for those at the bottom and
not for the profit of the few that are at the top. This is what in history
left wing organizations have defended, and the MPL is part of this history
and the product of it.

The MPL is a nonpartisan social movement, but it is not anti party. We
condemn the acts of violence directed at these organizations during the
demonstration today, just as we condemn police violence. Since the first
protests, these organizations took part in the mobilization. Opportunism is
trying to exclude them from the fight that we built together.

All strength to those who struggle for a life without turnstiles.

MPL Sao Paulo


Brazil: Report and balance sheet of the first big rally in
Written by Johannes Halter (Member of the National Committee of the
Brazilian Marxist Youth)Sunday, 23 June 2013


More than 15,000 students and workers took to the streets of Joinville on
Thursday (20/6). They chanted slogans and carried placards with messages of
change. This kind of mobilization has not been seen since the Collor Out
movement in 1992.
The largest demo since the Fora Collor (Collor Out) movement

Amongst those present were several trade unions, political parties, student
organizations, neighborhood associations, social organizations. However,
there were also other organisations which never participated in a movement
and have always opposed street demonstrations. It was a historic day for
the city's social movements. However, it also revealed the weaknesses of
the demonstration and the contradictions among the protesters. In order to
understand the situation and move forwards we need to draw a balance-sheet.
Balance sheet of a movement that can go forward

Young people and workers who participated in the demonstration on Thursday
had an experience that most Joinville inhabitants had never had before.
They were participating in a social movement and participating for the
first time in a spontaneous movement of the population. Many had never
concerned themselves with or reflected carefully about political issues.
Others had always supported movements, but had never come out onto the
streets to struggle. It is all new to most of them.

A thorough understanding of this situation, which is being repeated across
Brazil, would mean the movement would be able to take stock of itself, and
identify its own weaknesses and contradictions. Thus, it would be possible
to move forward in an organised and systematic manner around the demands
that have been raised by those who are angered by the whole situation. The
victories already achieved with respect to the reduction of the price of
tickets shows that the masses can win and achieve even more. The question
is: how?
What is required is organization

The first point that needs to be highlighted about the Joinville
demonstration is the lack of organization. The organised social movements
are trying to explain what is happening and mobilise the population in the
streets. However, there is also a campaign of the right wing and the
mainstream media, with the aim that the demonstrations do not guide the
struggle to take clear actions so as to adopt slogans that relate to the
working class and the youth.

This Thursday showed that sound systems that are powerful enough to ensure
that all those in the squares and streets can hear, are absolutely
necessary. After all, how can we make sure the demonstration carries out
decisive action decided by all if those present cannot even hear what is
being discussed? Otherwise, the movement ends up by splitting up, as we saw
this Thursday, because there are no clear references to guide the march.
Different legitimate groups of the workers and youth attempted to organise
different parts of the demonstration, but were unable to carry out a
coordinated effort.
Unity of left wing organisations and movements

Another question that all the protesters need to think about is the need
for the unity of all the organisations that struggle for the working class.
It is legitimate for the movements to attempt to organise protests, but it
is important to advance in the discussion and coordination with the other
organisations of the working class.The attitude of not seeking a broader
unity around the slogans did not contribute to making the demonstration
stronger and better organised.

What we saw on Thursday was a massive protest, but it could have been an
even more important step forward if the left had acted in a united fashion.
Thus it would be possible to call for the unity of struggles and come out
with clear decisions about goals, and with a clear strategy to achieve
them. Meetings of the organizations that defend the workers and youth
should be convened with the aim of unifying all entities who were elected
by their bases to organize them and call them to fight.

A third question that needs to be dealt with is what steps need to be taken
to guarantee democracy within the protest movement - which caused much
controversy within the social networks and the beginning of some scuffles
on the demonstration itself. This question can be divided in two main
points. The first one is on the organization of the protest itself. The
only solution is to adopt democratic methods of conducting and organising
the demonstration, involving the unity of all the organisations of the

The second aspect is related to freedom of expression. Solidarity
demonstrations broke out all over the country after protesters in São Paulo
were  attacked and imprisoned for the simple fact of expressing themselves
politically in opposition to the increase in fares. Paradoxically, several
people who attended the protest in Joinville expressed hatred and disgust
towards those who are organized in parties, trade unions and student

The right to freedom of expression was being attacked by some of those
participating in the demonstrations that had been called precisely to
protect that right. This approach must be combated and removed. Freedom of
speech means not only not being arrested for thinking and doing what you
want, but also the right to be respected in the form in which you express
these ideas (with banners, placards, T-shirts and slogans) . There was only
one moment in the recent history of Brazil where this right was not
respected: during the Military Dictatorship!
Contradiction: fascists and right-wingers present at the protests

The number of people on the streets of Joinville impressed everyone. But we
need to look at some aspects more carefully. Not only were there students
and workers on the protest. The slogans raised were not only in defence of
free public transport for all, solidarity with the arrested protesters or
for good quality public services. There were also some who were for the
"Impeachment of Dilma", "Petralhas Out", [a play on words based on the
cartoon characters the Metralhas Brothers, who are thieves, and on the PT],
"Less taxes", "Down with the parties", "For a military coup now". Those who
defend such slogans are often termed as "right-wingers", representing a
conservative political position, advocating improvements for those who are
at the top of the social pyramid. These are the people who drive luxury
cars, are close friends of the commanders and generals, as well as having
the best available healthcare and education that money can buy.

The slogan "Parties out" belongs to this kind of people. We have to see
which parties are participating in the protests. It is precisely the
parties of the working class! It is those parties that were created as a
result of 21 years of struggle, torture and death of thousands demanding
political freedom, organization and expression under the dictatorship.
These are precisely the parties that overthrew the military dictatorship,
but we mustn’t forget that those who supported that dictatorship are still
present in society. That is the right wing. It is the right wing which was
present in the demonstrations promoting a nationalist agenda, as if they
were defending Brazil. The truth is that they are defending their interests
as a ruling class.

The young student or worker, who has never been involved in politics
before, may welcome those who wrap themselves in the flag of Brazil and
sing the national anthem because they do this too. However, although both
do the same thing they do it with very different aims in mind. Those others
are part of the ruling class. They want to exploit the protest movement to
promote their own political candidates into certain positions, to impose
their agendas from positions of power and increase their own wealth,
regardless of the situation facing the people. They go as far as to argue
that there should be no parties and they act with violence against "the
left" - those who represent the historical interests of the working class.
This approach has a name: it is called fascism.

Working class protesters need to reflect on this and prevent the right wing
from usurping the movement for their own interests and attacking the
organizational capacity of the exploited. During the demonstrations
everyone needs to be aware of the importance of guaranteeing freedom of
expression and prevent that right from being attacked, as well as not
falling into the trap of the provocation of the mass media. The
demonstrations were called precisely in solidarity with those to whom this
right had been denied.

The demonstration also revealed the confusion that exists about the slogans
of the movement. The points that have unified demonstrations throughout
Brazil are the fight against repression and the reduction of fares. In
Joinville this year the local government is going to present a fake tender
to deliver public transport again into the hands of private companies
Gidion and Transtusa. We need to stop this service from being used for
profit. So here the struggle for transport means the fight for a public
transport company, the only way to ensure zero fares and a public service,
free and available to all.

The slogan of "down with repression" means demanding the immediate release
of all the arrested protesters, and the withdrawal of charges of
"conspiracy" against them. Free public services for all is a right,  and to
struggle for them cannot be seen as a crime.

Transport is a symbol of something greater: it is necessary to move forward

What is driving all the indignation of the masses is the current model of
society that favours banks and businesses, destroys public services and
lowers the standard of living of the population. The issue of fare
increases is just a symbol of the plight of the poor.

It is this situation that is being questioned in the explosion of protest
movements around the world. What is happening right now in Turkey is a
similar example, and it began with the government cutting down trees in
Gezi Park in Istanbul.

The youth and workers are on the streets of Brazil and the world to
transform society. For this to happen we will need to overcome the
contradictions within our society. In this sense, the struggle for
socialism once again acquires strength as a way of build the kind of world
we want.


Formado em São Paulo um Comitê de Luta pela Frente Única
[image: Versão para impressão] <http://marxismo.org.br/?q=print/593>[image:
Versão PDF] <http://marxismo.org.br/?q=printpdf/593>
domingo, Junho 23, 2013 - 13:00
Esquerda Marxista

*Formado em São Paulo um Comitê de Luta pela Frente Única em Defesa das
Liberdades Democráticas e das Organizações Operárias, Populares e
Estudantis! *Na quinta-feira, 20/06, após serem agredidos e expulsos da
manifestação da Avenida Paulista, por uma frente única formada por agentes
policiais, imprensa burguesa e organizações de extrema direita e de
orientação fascista, militantes da Esquerda Marxista chamaram todos os de
vermelho que puderam encontrar após a dispersão para uma reunião de balanço
na Livraria Marxista naquela mesma hora. Algumas dezenas ali se reuniram e
decidiram convocar uma reunião mais ampla para o sábado, dois dias depois.

A reunião foi chamada pelo facebook para debater a nova situação política
que se abriu no Brasil e convidava "todos os companheiros que defendem as
liberdades democráticas e a luta contra a exploração capitalista”. Mesmo
sendo no mesmo horário do jogo “Brasil x Itália” pela Copa das
Confederações, no sábado, 22/06, às 15h, mais de 100 pessoas compareceram
na Livraria Marxista, centro de São Paulo.

Estiveram presentes militantes do PT, do PSOL, da Esquerda Marxista,
militantes de orientação anarquista, independentes e pessoas que nunca
militaram politicamente antes. Vieram de várias cidades: São Paulo, São
Bernardo, Campinas, Osasco, Sumaré, Caieiras, Franco da Rocha, Ferraz de
Vasconcelos, Foz do Iguaçu, etc.

Estavam presentes dirigentes do Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Vidreiros do
Estado de SP, do Sindicato dos Jornalistas de SP, do Conselho Operário da
Fábrica Ocupada Flaskô, e militantes de diversas categorias de
trabalhadores, estudantes universitários e secundaristas.

Foi realizado um rico debate democrático até 20h do sábado sobre a nova
situação política que se abriu, as táticas da burguesia e a ameaça contra
as liberdades democráticas e as organizações da classe trabalhadora. Ao
final, todos os presentes decidiram por unanimidade conformar um Comitê de
Luta pela Frente Única em Defesa das Liberdades Democráticas e das
Organizações Operárias, Populares e Estudantis.

Um dos objetivos do Comitê aprovados por unanimidade dos presentes, além
de, como o próprio nome do comitê diz, batalhar pela frente única de todos
os que defendem as organizações da classe trabalhadora e o direito
democrático de livre manifestação, é de apresentar a todas as organizações
da classe trabalhadora, partidos de esquerda, centrais sindicais,
sindicatos, entidades estudantis, movimentos sociais, organizações
populares, a proposta de realizar um grande ato público unitário em defesa
das liberdades democráticas e das organizações operárias, populares,

Para tal, foi eleita uma coordenação com 19 membros para este comitê. A
comissão tem o mandato para organizar as tarefas executivas, como
comunicação, divulgação, etc. Esta comissão já criou um blog e uma página
no facebook chamados “Bandeira Vermelha”. Todos os presentes se
comprometeram em levar a proposta do comitê recém-formado à reunião de
todos os partidos, centrais, movimentos, etc. chamada para a próxima terça
(25/06) em São Paulo.

Outra proposta que foi aprovada como indicativa é a de formação de Comitês
de Auto-Defesa por local de trabalho, escola, etc. Já há o indicativo de
conformar um comitê de auto-defesa dos trabalhadores vidreiros, um outro na
Fábrica Ocupada Flaskô e um no centro de São Paulo na Livraria Marxista.

A próxima reunião do Bandeira Vermelha – Comitê de Luta pela Frente Única
em Defesa das Liberdades Democráticas e das Organizações Operárias,
Populares e Estudantis, será no dia 29 de junho, sábado, às 15h em local a
definir. Todos os militantes, organizações e entidades que estão de acordo
com esta bandeira estão convidados a participar da reunião no próximo
sábado e se somar ao comitê.

*Viva a luta dos trabalhadores!*

*Fascistas, não passarão!*

*São Paulo, 22 de Junho de 2013*

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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