By David Bacon
Published in Perspective, the publication of the Community College 
Council of the California Federation of Teachers, March 2013

        For the last year, faculty at San Francisco Community College 
have been under siege, not just from a newly-hostile administration, 
but from an accreditation commission that has threatened the 
district's very existence.  To protect their institution, 
instructors, supported by students and community leaders, have given 
up wages, campaigned for ballot measures to secure new funding, and 
supported changes to meet more stringent fiscal requirements while 
maintaining their vision of community-centered education.
        Unfortunately, they have not been met halfway.  Instead, AFT 
Local 2121 has been forced to fight at a time when cooperation is 
needed to save the school.  "Our hope was that the college would look 
at a long-term plan that would stabilize it," says Alisa Messer, 
local union president.  "What we have, however, is an administration 
that isn't interested in talking with us."
        In the spring of 2012, the Accrediting Commission for 
Community and Junior Colleges sent a team to San Francisco, as part 
of its normal 6-year accreditation cycle.  The district, which had 
been warned earlier about deficiencies, knew there would be problems. 
But SFCC, with 85,000 students and 1650 faculty (1100 of whom belong 
to the union), had never been sanctioned.  It is the largest public 
school system in California, with an annual operating budget of $200 
million.  But under the impact of cuts in state funding, last year it 
had a deficit of $6 million.
        In July, commissioners released a set of findings that found 
the district deficient in 14 areas, and put it on "Show Cause" 
status, the most serious sanction short of shutting down the college 
entirely.  The commission gave the college credit for a very diverse 
faculty and high-quality libraries and counseling.  Commissioners 
said, however, the college's governance, planning and leadership were 
inefficient, and that it had not documented adequately a set of 
assessments called "Student Learning Outcomes."
        Finally, the commissioners said the district fiscal planning 
was poor.  Over the past three years of the state's fiscal crisis San 
Francisco has endured a $53 million loss in revenue.  Nevertheless, 
teachers and previous chancellors worked to maintain an adequate and 
accessible class level.  Layoffs were avoided by temporary cuts and 
concessions.  But commissioners found there had not been enough cuts 
or cancelled classes, that too much (92%) of the budget was spent on 
personnel, and that too few administrators were on staff.
        Faculty reacted with shock, and community leaders questioned 
the need for putting the college itself in danger.  California's 
community college system Chancellor Jack Scott said it would be a 
"disaster" but urged trustees to implement the commission's 
recommendations, including cuts to programs and even closing 
campuses.  Trustee Chris Jackson asked, "Where will the students go?"

        Just prior to the release of the commissioner's report, the 
union and the district agreed to more emergency measures to meet the 
fiscal crisis caused by the loss of state funding.  Local 2121 agreed 
to a 2.85% wage cut for the 2012-2013 school year.  Then faculty and 
students hit the road to campaign for state Proposition 30, which 
would prevent further funding cuts, and a citywide Proposition A, 
intended to plug the hole in the district budget.
        The political leaders who place the measure on the ballot, 
including district trustee Anne Grier, said in their ballot argument 
that funds from Proposition A would be used to: "maintain core 
academic courses, including English, math, and science; provide 
workforce training, including nursing, engineering, business, and 
provide an education that prepares students for four-year 
universities;  keep City College libraries and student support 
services open; keep technology and instructional support up to date, 
and offset State budget cuts."
        Proposition A's opponent, the Libertarian Party, tried to use 
some of the accreditation commission's arguments to discredit it, 
including the charge that 92% of the budget was used for salaries, 
and that department heads had too much power.
        The district produced budget projections, given to the union 
and public, that sought to show the possible results of the passage 
of the propositions, as well as their defeat.  In the worst case, if 
both 30 and A failed, the district projected a shortfall of $24.5 
million.  Without just Prop. A the hole would the $10 million.  But 
if both passed, it said, there would be a small surplus of $726,658..
        In late October the state community college chancellor 
nominated, and the SFCC board approved, the appointment of a "special 
trustee."  They chose Bob Agrella, past president of Santa Rosa City 
College.  The board maintained its ability to meet and make 
decisions, but Agrella  was given the power to veto decisions he 
feels jeopardize the school's response to the ACCJC.  On November 1 
the board hired a new interim chancellor, Thelma Scott-Skillman, 
retired president of Folsom Lake College near Sacramento.
        Even before voting started, district administrators began 
overturning the system of shared governance at the college.  At the 
meeting where Agrella was hired, it voted to dismantle the structure 
that gave departments their autonomy and chairs a voice in faculty 
scheduling, giving their functions to administrators.  It closed 
Bernal Heights state preschool, a center for studying child 
development and assisting parents, to save $84,000.  All these 
changes were made unilaterally, with no consultation or negotiation 
with faculty and the union.
        Despite the discord, in November voters passed Prop. 30, and 
Prop. A won with 78% of the vote.  The election did not lead to a new 
era of cooperation, however. 
        In December district negotiators announced that the 
administration would impose a 4.4% "annualized" wage cut on faculty, 
retroactive to July, when the 2.85% cut took effect.  Together they 
would effectively cut salaries by 8.8% through next July.  The 
district refused to bargain, saying the contract gave it the right to 
take the action.  At first Scott-Skillman attributed the need to 
declining enrollment, a predictable product of both the cuts and 
questions over accreditation.  When union negotiators persisted in 
demanding explanations, a new budget projection was produced.  On the 
line where the predicted income from Proposition A had been listed 
previously there was nothing.
        After further prodding, the district announced that all 
Proposition A money would be used to increase the district's 
reserves, and better fund pension liabilities.  Administration 
claimed that this was a mandate from ACCJC, and that what voters 
thought they were voting for was irrelevant.
        The San Francisco Labor Council, one of the authors of the 
ballot argument supporting Measure A, warned,  "San Francisco's labor 
leaders and their unions -- and many rank and file members -- helped 
organize, finance, and lead the way to secure significant new revenue 
sources for the college...despite these significant additional local 
and statewide resources generated for CCSF, the District is failing 
to engage in constructive contract negotiations and instead proposing 
further concessions."
        The union filed a grievance, saying the district had no right 
under the contract to unilaterally cut salaries, and an unfair labor 
practice charge accusing the district of imposing the cuts without 
reaching impasse in bargaining.  Then, to add fuel to the fire, 
Agrella met with the community college board of governors in January, 
and told them that these objections were keeping the college from 
meeting the ACCJC's list of recommendations by March 15.  Agrella 
further blamed department chairs for protesting the change in 
governance, and everyone in general for trying to protect the 
system's nine campuses from closure.
        Student trustee William Walker cautions that "the district 
has to have the funds necessary to operate, and if we lose our 
accreditation what good is the Prop A money?"  Nevertheless, he says, 
"The college should bring all the stakeholders together, and be as 
transparent as possible.  Some of he changes being proposed will 
change the spirit of the college and affect students.  Eliminating 
department chairs means that students won't get guidance from people 
doing the teaching.  Other changes could shrink the college and end 
service to communities.  But I want students to know that the college 
is open and accredited, that their units will transfer to other 
institutions, and that we're doing everything we can to comply."
        Shanell Williams, urban studies major and president of the 
Associated Students at SFCC, was an intern who worked on the Prop. A 
campaign.  "Many people asked us how we could be sure the college 
would use the money for keeping classes and accessibility, and now 
the administration is doing what people feared," she says.  "Students 
are scared about the future of the college, and need to have 
confidence that the adaministration will do what it takes to keep the 
college open, without squeezing out the most at-risk students or 
forcing extreme cuts on the faculty." 
        Williams also notes that next year students will be affected 
by the Student Success Act:  "Every student will have to have an 
education plan, there will be repeat limits, and a 90-credit cap on 
the Board of Governors fee waiver.  Now is the time when they need 
more student services and support from the administration, but 
they're cutting part time counselors and taking other actions that 
will be even greater barriers."

        On March 15 the district has to report to the ACCJC on the 
steps it has taken to meet the commission's recommendations.  The use 
of those recommendations by district administrators as a 
justification for extreme salary cuts gave pause to community college 
union leaders across the state.  In a letter to the district, 16 CFT 
community college local officers warned, "Maintaining the college's 
accreditation is paramount...but your actions at the bargaining table 
directly threaten this progress and should stop. The CFT will not 
stand for accreditation being used by the District as an excuse for 
advancing additional, permanent pay cuts and reductions in health 
benefits and threatening to impose them if the union doesn't 
        Did CCSF get fair treatment from the ACCJC, apart from the 
way the district used the process?  A number of concerns have been 
raised about the process the commission used.  The ACCJC accredits 
only 5% of the country's higher education institutions, but has 
issued 35% of the sanctions.  The cost of meeting its 
recommendations, made under fear of the sanctions process, absorbs a 
larger and larger chunk of district funds, during a time of budget 
cuts, and faculty time, as classes themselves are reduced.  Even 
before it was sanctioned, CCSF had paid almost $140,000 for costs 
related to accreditation in the previous year alone. 
        Once the process started, CCSF was just given 8 months to 
comply, and moved directly to a "Show Cause" status without any 
intervening steps.  Newly-elected trustee Rafael Mandelman says that 
meeting the commission's recommendations should be "a collaborative 
process that requires a lot of input from students, that has to be 
negotiated with employee groups."
        Faculty, staff and student groups, however, have generally 
been left out of the decision-making process.  The commission itself 
seems cavalier about its own rules for public input.  It requires 30 
day notice of all public meetings, and requires statements from the 
public to be submitted 15 days beforehand.  Yet it announced a 
January 9 meeting only four days before, and ignored requests for at 
least 12 of its own policies it intended to consider at that meeting.
        "It is difficult not to conclude that by the way it neglects 
to provide notice to the public of its activities, the Commission 
actually seeks to discourage or effectively restrict public 
attendance at its meetings," said CFT President Josh Pechthalt in a 
        Other faculty groups are also concerned about the commission 
process.  Jeffrey Michels, chair of the Faculty Association of the 
California Community Colleges (FACCC) calls for accreditation reform, 
including lengthening the cycle to 8-10 years, involving a wider 
range of participants, relying more on cooperation, and avoiding 
recommendations that encroach on negotiable issues, among others.  In 
2009 a task force formed by the State Chancellor's Office urged such 
recommendations, "which were largely ignored by the Commission," he 
        FACCC President Dennis Frisch notes that 27 California 
community colleges (25% of the state total) are currently being 
sanctioned.  Two of them have "Show Cause" orders -- College of the 
Redwoods in Eureka and Cuesta College in San Luis Obispo.  "Many 
faculty," he says, "are openly asking whether the ACCJC has exceeded 
thee scope and purpose of its own mission."  According to Frisch, the 
FACCC may ask for a Joint Legislative Audit Committee audit of the 
costs to districts of complying with ACCJC standards and 
The Commission itself is not a public agency, but a self-perpetuating 
private one, overseen by the Western Association of Schools and 
Colleges.  It is funded by educational institutions, which have no 
input or oversight rights.  What gives its recommendations power is 
its recognition by the U.S. Department of Education, which will only 
fund financial aid at accredited institutions.  During the Obama 
administration, the department has put pressure on the commission and 
others like it to take  a harder line on sanctions, concerned that 
students aren't receiving an education that enables them to get jobs 
and repay loans.
        In 2007 the Department sanctioned the commission itself, for 
failing to enforce the two-year rule, which requires sanctioned 
institutions to come into compliance with commission findings within 
two years.  Commission President Barbara Beno, former president of 
Berkeley's then-Vista College (now Berkeley City College) then warned 
districts that time limits would be strictly enforced.  "At risk is 
the commission's recognition," she told EdSource Today.
        Part of that pressure comes from the National Advisory 
Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity, whose chair, 
Jamienne Studley, executive director of Public Advocates in San 
Francisco, stated, "the accreditors are getting the message loud and 
clear."  In an interview with Lewis Freedberg, she discounted 
criteria such as student-faculty ratios and college curricula and 
said, "we are increasingly looking at student outcomes."  She 
mentioned specifically the time students take to earn degrees, and 
how well they do at work afterwards.
        "In this worldview education reformers are beginning to look 
at higher education like K-12, and propose similar measures," says 
Messer.  "They're very concerned with the completion rate, and that 
we  move students through quickly.  They increasingly call for 
"performance metrics" like the Student Learning Outcomes.  You can 
see that teacher evaluation tied to them is coming.  They see 
community colleges as a means to turn out hirable people, or students 
for four-year institutions.  We see them as institutions serving the 
broader community.  At CCSF we have that broader conception.  Our 
students move in and out, they have jobs and kids, some are learning 
English-as-a-Second-Language, while others are seniors interested in 
lifelong learning.  Not everyone is coming for a degree.  We need an 
accreditation process that takes this diversity into account."
        Robert Shireman, director of California Competes in San 
Francisco, and former deputy undersecretary of education in the Obama 
administration, told Freedberg that although the commission needed 
more enforcement tools other than forcing a closure, "At some point 
you have to let the hatchet fall."
        Comments faculty member and Local 2121 Executive Board member 
Allen Fisher, "The source of the Federal government's pressure on the 
accreditation commissions' to sanction more colleges [includes] the 
very wealthy activists like Bill Gates who represent corporations and 
large foundations. Their efforts to 'improve accountability' through 
measured outcomes and the demand to push students through faster are 
likely to discourage students and limit educational opportunities."
        When the district's report to the ACCJC is made on March 15, 
Agrella will ask for either an extension of time, he says, or for the 
district to be put on probation.  Whatever the commission's decision, 
it is clear that the teachers, staff and faculty at CCSF have a long 
a difficult road to restore their jobs, rights, classes and 
educational services to the level that once existed in this city.

Coming in 2013 from Beacon Press:
THE RIGHT TO STAY HOME:  Ending Forced Migration and the 
Criminalization of Immigrants

DISPLACED, UNEQUAL AND CRIMINALIZED - A Report for the Rosa Luxemburg 
Foundation on the political economy of immigration

With Anoop Prasad on what's wrong with the current immigration reform 
proposals in Washington DC
With Solange Echevarria of KWMR about growers push for guest worker 
programs. Advance to 88 minutes for the interview.
At the Gandhi-King Youth and Community Conference, Memphis 2011

See also Illegal People -- How Globalization Creates Migration and 
Criminalizes Immigrants  (Beacon Press, 2008)
Recipient: C.L.R. James Award, best book of 2007-2008

See also the photodocumentary on indigenous migration to the US
Communities Without Borders (Cornell University/ILR Press, 2006)

See also The Children of NAFTA, Labor Wars on the U.S./Mexico Border 
(University of California, 2004)

Entrevista con activistas de #yosoy132 en UNAM
Interview by activists of #yosoy132 at UNAM (in Spanish)

Two lectures on the political economy of migration

For more articles and images, see

David Bacon, Photographs and Stories


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