By David Bacon
In These Times, web edition

        OAKLAND, CA  (3/17/11) -- Last week the 
Utah legislature passed three new laws that have 
been hailed in the media as a new, more 
reasonable, approach to immigration policy. 
Reasonable, that is, compared to Arizona's 
SB1070, which would allow police to stop anyone, 
demand immigration papers, and hold her or him 
for deportation.  The Utah bills were signed by 
Republican Governor Gary Herbert on Tuesday, 
March 15.  Arizona's SB 1070 is currently being 
challenged in court.
        Utah's bills were called "the 
anti-Arizona" by Frank Sharry, head of America's 
Voice, a Washington DC immigration lobbying firm. 
According to Lee Hockstader, on the Washington 
Post's editorial staff, the laws are "the 
nation's most liberal - and most reality-based - 
policy on illegal immigration."
        The Utah laws, however, are not new.  And 
they're certainly not liberal, at least towards 
immigrants and workers.  Labor supply programs 
for employers, with deportations and diminished 
rights for immigrants, have marked U.S. 
immigration policy for more than a hundred years.
        One bill would establish a state system 
to allow employers to bring people from the 
Mexican state of Nuevo Leon as "guest workers." 
Under this program, workers would have to remain 
employed to stay in the country.  They would not 
have the same set of labor and social rights as 
people living in the communities around them. 
Another bill would give undocumented workers now 
living in Utah a similar guest worker status, 
lasting two years.  The National Immigration Law 
Center (NILC) says the third bill, the Arizona 
look-alike, "requires police to interrogate 
individuals and verify their immigration status 
in a wide array of situations, promoting harmful 
and costly incentives for law enforcement to 
racially profile."
        Utah, like most states in the west and 
Midwest, has been down this road before. 
        From 1930 to 1935, 345,839 Mexicans were 
deported from the U.S.  Last year alone, the 
Federal government deported almost 400,000.  Even 
given the growth in population, this is greater 
than that Depression-era wave.
        In those years "the climate of scathing 
anti-Mexican sentiment created intense 
polarization, producing a sweeping suspicion of 
foreigners ... which linked housing congestion, 
strained relief services and social ills to the 
large presence of Mexicans," recounts Zaragosa 
Vargas, professor at the University of North 
Carolina.  Most immigrants in Utah were farm 
workers, many laboring in sugar beet fields for 
the Mormon-backed Utah-Idaho Sugar Company. 
Their wages were so low that families went hungry 
even when they were working.  When beet workers 
in nearby Colorado tried to organize a union and 
went on strike, Vargas says their communities 
were targeted with deportations.
        Then World War Two created a labor 
shortage.  To supply workers to growers at low 
wages, the government started the bracero 
contract labor program, bringing immigrants first 
into the beet fields of Stockton, California, and 
then into the rest of the country in 1942. 
        Braceros were treated as disposable, 
dirty and cheap.  Herminio Quezada DurĂ¡n, who 
came to Utah from Chihuahua, says ranchers often 
had agreements between each other to exchange or 
trade braceros as necessary for work.  Jose 
Ezequiel Acevedo Perez, who came from Jerez, 
Zacatecas, remembers the humiliation of physical 
exams that treated Mexicans as louse-ridden.  "We 
were stripped naked in front of everyone," he 
remembers, and sprayed with DDT, now an outlawed 
pesticide.  Men in some camps were victims of 
criminals and pimps.  Juan Contreras, from Tuxtla 
Gutierrez, Chiapas, tactfully recalls that "in 
Utah, women often went to the camps, and they 
were rumored to be especially fond of Mexican 
        During the war, Utah-Idaho Sugar first 
used labor from the Japanese internment camps in 
Minidoka, Idaho; Topaz, Utah; and Heart Mountain, 
Wyoming.  When that wasn't enough, they brought 
in braceros.
        In the 1950s, at the height of the cold 
war that followed, the combination of enforcement 
and contract labor reached a peak.  In 1954 
1,075,168 Mexicans were deported from the U.S. 
And from 1956 to 1959, between 432,491 and 
445,197 braceros were brought in each year. 
        The civil rights movement ended the 
bracero program, and created an alternative to 
the deportation regime.  Chicano activists of the 
1960s - Ernesto Galarza, Cesar Chavez, Bert 
Corona, Dolores Huerta and others - convinced 
Congress in 1964 to repeal Public Law 78, the law 
authorizing the bracero program.  Farm workers 
went on strike the year after in Delano, 
California, and the United Farm Workers was born. 
They also helped to convince Congress in 1965 to 
pass immigration legislation that established new 
pathways for legal immigration - the family 
preference system.  People could reunite their 
families in the U.S.  Migrants received permanent 
residency visas, allowing them to live normal 
lives, and enjoy basic human and labor rights. 
Essentially, a family- and community-oriented 
system replaced the old labor supply/deportation 
        Today Congress, and now the states, are 
sliding back into those cold war ideas.  That 
slide didn't start in Salt Lake City.  For five 
years Congress has debated, and almost passed, 
bills that would have done the same thing -- 
vastly increase immigration enforcement and set 
up huge new guest worker programs.  Some 
undocumented people might have been able to gain 
legal status with those bills, but most proposals 
would have forced them into a temporary status, a 
la Utah.
        This combination was defended by Michael 
Chertoff, secretary of Homeland Security under 
President Bush.  "There's an obvious solution to 
the problem of illegal work," he said, "which is 
you open the front door and you shut the back 
door."  "Opening the front door" refers to guest 
worker programs, and "closing the back door" 
means heavy immigration enforcement. 
        The Council on Foreign Relations proposed 
the same goals when President Obama took office. 
"We should reform the legal immigration system," 
its 2009 report advocated, "so that it operates 
more efficiently, responds more accurately to 
labor market needs, and enhances U.S. 
competitiveness."  At the same time, "we should 
restore the integrity of immigration laws through 
an enforcement regime that strongly discourages 
employers and employees from operating outside 
that legal system."  This again couples labor at 
competitive, or low, wages, with an enforcement 
regime of raids and firings.
        Sound like Utah? 
        Congress never passed those 
"comprehensive immigration reform" bills of the 
last few years, but that is increasingly 
irrelevant.  The guest worker and enforcement 
provisions provisions those bills contained are 
becoming the reality on the ground -- despite 
Congress' inaction.  Today the number of 
deportations is rising.  Thousands of 
undocumented workers are being fired from their 
jobs as part of the same enforcement policy.  And 
in California, for instance, where only one 
grower historically used the federal H2-A guest 
worker program for farm workers, dozens are now 
using it today. 
        Utah's bills simply follow the same pattern.
        Its guest worker bill was written by a 
dairy farmer.  "The root of this discussion is 
productivity," according to the bill's sponsor, 
State Rep. Bill Wright.   To this conservative 
Republican, no one, including citizens, have a 
right to a job.   "People think because you're 
born here ... 'I have a right to that job, I'm 
going to charge what I want for my labor even if 
I'm not productive.' Wrong." 
        But those immigrants don't have any 
rights to jobs either.  And they better not try 
to organize and get more expensive.  If they do, 
or they're just lazy and don't work, he warns, 
they "need to go."
        The Utah bills were the product of 
negotiations, called the Utah Compact, between 
the Salt Lake Chamber, a statewide business 
group; and the Salt Lake City Police Department 
and mayor's office.  The Mormon Church of Latter 
Day Saints and the Catholic Church signed off on 
it, as did some local immigrant advocates.
        Other immigrant rights groups, however, 
warn the laws violate the Constitution.  NILC's 
Marielena Hincapie calls the Utah laws 
"fundamentally unconstitutional.  Taken together, 
the laws signify an even more sweeping state 
takeover of federal immigration regulation." 
NILC supports legislation legalizing undocumented 
people, and believes it must pass at a Federal 
        Some anti-immigrant nativists agree about 
the bills' unconstitutionality, but for different 
reasons.  Dan Stein, president of the 
anti-immigrant Federation for American 
Immigration Reform, says, "States do not have the 
constitutional authority to write their own 
immigration policies."  FAIR wants the Federal 
government to stop virtually all immigration and 
deport the 12 million undocumented people living 
in the U.S.  It sees the Utah bills as a weak 
distraction, but supports Arizona's SB 1070, 
despite the fact it's a state law.
        One prominent Washington DC immigration 
think tank, the Immigration Policy Center, also 
questions the constitutionality of state 
immigration bills.  The IPC, however, supported 
the labor supply/enforcement tradeoff when it was 
contained in the Federal bills of the last few 
years.  According to the IPC, "Enforcement 
strategies must be coupled with reform of our 
legal system of immigration in order to meet 
legitimate labor force needs."
        This declaration, by one of the most 
powerful voices in Washington, goes beyond 
questioning the right of states to set 
immigration policy.  It restates the purpose of 
immigration pollicy itself, tying enforcement 
(firings and deportations) to labor supply 
schemes (work visa programs)..  This idea, it 
believes, should guide all immigration reform. 
The problem of the Utah bills, therefore, is not 
that they run counter to that purpose.  It is 
simply that they are state bills, not Federal 
        Some immigration reformers, however, 
bellieve that the purpose iteself is wrong 
whether it's stated by the IPC, the Council on 
Foreign Relations, Michael Chertoff or Utah 
legislators.  They argue for a different system, 
as Chicano and Asian activists did in the 1960s. 
For them, the purpose of immigration policy 
should be to give immigrants a way to come to the 
U.S with social equality and rights.  Among these 
groups are the Binational Front of Indigenous 
Organizations in California and Oaxaca, Derechos 
Humanos in Tucson, Arizona, the Mississippi 
Immigrants Rights Alliance, and the AFL-CIO's 
constituency group for Latino workers, the Labor 
Council for Latin American Advancement. 
        They've agreed on the basic principles of 
what they call the Dignity Campaign.  People 
coming to the U.S. would have access to permanent 
residence, rather than being forced into guest 
worker programs.  The current wave of 
deportations and mass firings would be halted, 
while protections for labor and human rights 
would be strengthened.  To diminish job 
competition in an era of high unemployment, the 
Federal government would establish programs 
guaranteeing a job for anyone wanting to work. 
And U.S. trade policy in countries like Mexico 
would stop promoting unemployment and poverty, 
which boost corporate profits but create the 
pressure for migration.
        Some argue that these principles are not 
politically realistic - that today's Congress 
would never pass such a bill.  But Utah's laws 
are no closer to enactment on a Federal level 
than are the Dignity Campaign.  In reality, 
political movement towards immigration reform is 
deadlocked in Washington DC.  No legislation in 
Salt Lake City will change that. 
        But that's not really the purpose of the 
Utah bills.  The state's legislators want to 
popularize an immigration policy that has strong 
corporate support and deep historical roots, in 
one of the most conservative, Republican states 
in the country.  And they are well on the road 
toward accomplishing that.

For more articles and images, see  http://dbacon.igc.org

See also Illegal People -- How Globalization 
Creates Migration and Criminalizes Immigrants 
(Beacon Press, 2008)
Recipient: C.L.R. James Award, best book of 2007-2008

See also the photodocumentary on indigenous migration to the US
Communities Without Borders (Cornell University/ILR Press, 2006)

See also The Children of NAFTA, Labor Wars on the 
U.S./Mexico Border (University of California, 


David Bacon, Photographs and Stories


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