By David Bacon
Progressive Media Project, 11/28/12

The day after Black Friday demonstrations of 
workers and supporters in front of hundreds of 
Walmart stores across the US., a fire killed 112 
workers making clothes for Walmart at the Tazreen 
Fashions factory in Bangladesh.  This was the 
most recent of several such factory fires, 
leading to the deaths of another 500 young women.

These fires are industrial homicides.  They can 
be avoided.  The fact that they're not is a 
consequence of a production system that places 
the profits of multinational clothing 
manufacturers and their contractors above the 
lives of people.  The same profit-at-any-cost 
philosophy is leading to growing protest among 
workers who sell those garments in U.S. stores 
over their own wages and conditions, especially 
at Walmart. 

The Bangladesh fire tells us a lot about the 
conditions under which the garments consumers 
bought this Black Friday were made.  Reports from 
the scene say there were no fire escapes. 
Several young women jumped from the windows to 
get away from the flames, as their sisters did a 
century ago in New York City, in the Triangle 
Shirtwaist fire.  Most Tazreen workers were 
trapped inside and burned to death. 

Walmart has a grading system for its contractors, 
and had put the Tazreen factory on "orange" 
status (green for good, yellow for not so good, 
orange for a warning, and red for a contractor 
whose orders are cut off).  Yet the company's 
inspectors must have seen that there were no fire 
escapes, and kept giving Tazreen orders.

The reason is clear.  Wages are 21¢ an hour. 
Contractors like Tazreen compete against each 
other to get the orders.  In a garment factory, 
the main way they cut costs is by cutting wages 
and expenses like safety.

Workers have been trying to win the right to 
organize militant unions to raise those wages and 
improve working conditions.   If workers had been 
successful, they would have had the power to 
force the company to build fire escapes and make 
the factory safe.

But police in Bangladesh have been putting down 
demonstrations by workers in this region for 
months.  One worker activist, Aminul Islam, was 
tortured and killed this year.   The government 
uses low wages to attract manufacturers like 
Walmart.  It does not enforce safety regulations, 
as the fires clearly show. Walmart then uses the 
labor of the women to boost its profits, and has 
the same attitude towards their efforts to 
organize unions that it does towards the efforts 
of its employees in the U.S.  Total opposition.

This is not just Bangladesh's problem, however. 
The system for garment production worldwide has 
nations competing in the same way -- Bangladesh 
vs. China, for instance.  Factory fires are the 
logical result because safety, unions and higher 
wages are costs that will make a country 
uncompetitive.  It's also a U.S. problem. 
According to the Economic Policy Institute, 
Wal-Mart's trade deficit with China alone cost 
200,000 U.S. jobs between 2001 and 2006.  Garment 
manufacturing in the U.S. has practically 

Manufacturers claim that if wages and safety 
costs rise, so will the prices of garments in 
U.S. stores.  Yet if wages of 21¢ an hour were 
doubled, it would add only a few pennies to the 
cost of even a cheap teeshirt.  Walmart customers 
on Black Friday spoke out in favor of higher 
wages and more rights for Walmart's store 
workers.  They would support the same for factory 
workers in Bangladesh.  The obstacle is the 
contractor system, competition between 
contractors and countries, and a policy of 
suppressing unions.  The system of self-policing 
hailed by Walmart and large manufacturers does 
not change this situation.  It is a fig leaf.

Instead, countries like Bangladesh and the U.S. 
should implement the international accords that, 
on paper, guarantee workers the right to organize 
unions.  Consumers also have power.  They can 
refuse to purchase garments made in factories 
like the one that killed 112 young women, or that 
are sold in stores that deny workers the right to 

Whether at a sewing machine in Bangladesh or at a 
cash register in California, workers have the 
right to a safe job, a decent standard of living, 
and to organize.  We need a system for producing 
and selling clothing that reinforces those 
rights, not one that works against them.


Photoessay by David Bacon
In These Times, web edition

        RICHMOND, CA  (11/24/12) - On past Black 
Fridays, the U.S.'s annual post-Thanksgiving 
shopping celebration, Walmart stores have seen 
such a crush of shoppers that people have been 
trampled trying to get through the doors.  On 
this Black Friday, however, shoppers saw 
protesting workers at over 1000 stores. 
        Walmart is the world's third-largest 
corporation, and its largest retail store chain, 
with over two million workers in more than 15 
countries. It has a record of low wages, and an 
overt policy of fighting any attempt by its 
employees to organize unions or other independent 
organizations.  One study by the University of 
California in Berkeley found that wages are so 
low that its workers in the state receive 
annually $86 million in public benefits for 
things like health care and food stamps, paid for 
by taxpayers.
        People have criticized the chain's low 
wages and unfair competition with local 
businesses for years.  And for a long time the 
company has been able to keep its workers from 
joining in.  Where it could, Walmart has tried to 
give itself a paternalistic, 
we're-all-one-big-family face.  Where that hasn't 
worked, it's resorted to the age-old tactics of 
firings and fear.
        But Walmart workers are waking up.  
They've organized a workers association called 
OURWalmart (Organization United for Respect at 
Walmart), and supported by a number of unions, a 
series of work stoppages.  The latest and most 
extensive took place on Black Friday.
        Richmond, California, was ground zero for 
national Black Friday protests, as two 
international union presidents and one of the 
most pro-labor voices in Congress joined fired 
workers and some still employed, and several 
hundred of their supporters.  At one point, 
Service Employees International Union president 
Mary Kay Henry and Rev. Carol Been, senior 
organizer for Clergy and Laity United for 
Economic Justice, led a delegation into the 
store, and tried to present its manager with a 
petition demanding the rehire of fired workers, 
and respect for their right to freedom of 
expression and organization.  The manager refused 
to accept it.
        Meanwhile, fired workers themselves 
angrily confronted Walmart officials, supported 
by a handful of those who were still employed, 
and had clocked out in order to participate in 
the protest.  "I was fired because I protested 
the racist remarks of a store manager," declared 
Misty Tanner.  According to SEIU, when an 
African-American associate used a rope to move 
merchandise, the manager, Mr. VanRiper said, 
"Leave it up to me, I'd put that rope around your 
neck."  Subsequently, when a Walmart worker was 
speaking with members of the news media, Mr. 
VanRiper threatened to run her over with his car.
        Tanner worked for four years at the 
Richmond store that was the object of the 
demonstration, most recently on a night crew 
doing renovations.  She says she was suddenly 
told that there was no more work for her, despite 
the fact that renovations continued afterwards. 
Managers refused to comment on her case, or make 
any other statement.
        The Richmond protest was organized by OUR 
Walmart, and the group's green teeshirts were 
omnipresent in the crowd.  While it is supported 
by the United Food and Commerical Workers and 
other unions, it is an autonomous workers' 
association, according to the Walmart workers 
themselves.  In the days prior to Black Friday, 
Walmart filed charges with the National Labor 
Relations Board, alleging that UFCW and Walmart 
were organizationally tied, and that the union 
had violated the law by conducting recognition 
strikes for longer than thirty days without 
filing for an NLRB representation election.
        "This just shows the lack of respect 
Walmart has for us," Tanner said.  "We're not 
organizing a union, we're demanding respect from 
the company and an end to the way they violate 
our rights.  OUR Walmart is an organization of 
Walmart associates."
        Walmart's NLRB complaint, calling the 
work stoppages illegal, seemed an effort to head 
off worker participation in the protests, timed 
to appeal to customers on the single biggest 
shopping day of the year.  Big retailers like 
Walmart rely on the day after Thanksgiving to 
kick off the holiday shopping frenzy and 
guarantee the year's profits, putting their 
operations into the black, hence the name.  In 
response, OUR Walmart organizers said protests 
took place at over 1000 stores in 46 states.
        Bill Simon, Walmart's US president and 
chief executive officer, told the British daily 
The Guardian that "only 26 protests occurred at 
stores last night [the evening before Black 
Friday] and many of them did not include any 
Walmart associates.  We had very safe and 
successful Black Friday events at our stores 
across the country and heard overwhelmingly 
positive feedback from our customers," he said. 
He might not have heard from Richmond managers, 
however, since that store was almost empty for 
hours, and many customers turned away after 
associates outside explained why they were there.
        U.S. Congressman George Miller, who 
sponsored the Employee Free Choice Act labor 
reform bill in the last few sessions of Congress, 
told workers in the store parking lot that the 
Richmond community, which he represents, would 
rise to their defense.  "We won't let any 
employer punish workers for trying to organize," 
he said, "especially when they are calling for a 
decent standard of living, something all workers 
        Henry responded to the Walmart unfair 
labor practice charge by asking, "Do you know 
what is an unfair labor practice?"  She answered 
her own question:  "Unfair labor is working full 
time and living in poverty. Unfair labor is 
seeing your health care premiums skyrocket year 
after year. Unfair labor is being denied the 
hours needed to support your family. Unfair labor 
is being punished for exercising your freedom of 
speech and association. Walmart workers know what 
unfair labor is-because they endure it every 

Pickets outside the Richmond, CA Walmart store.

Community supporters hold placards anouncing that 
the actions of Walmart workers in stopping work 
constitute a "ULP Strike" -- that is, a protest 
over Walmart's illegal retaliation against 
workers for their collective activity in OUR 

Joe Hansen, president of the United Food and 
Commercial Workers, speaks at the rally outside 
the store.

Rev. Carol Been and SEIU President Mary Kay Henry 
lead a delegation into the store, to present a 
petition calling on Walmart to stop firing 
workers and to respect their rights.

Walmart associates stand inside the entrance to 
the store, demanding a meeting with store 
managers and the rehiring of those fired for 
exercising their right to organize.

Raymond Bravo (r), an associate still employed in 
the Richmond store, tells a store manager that 
Walmart should rehire the workers it has fired.

Workers walk out of the store entrance after 
making their demand that Walmart rehire those who 
have been fired.

Congressman George Miller (l) talks with SEIU 
President Mary Kay Henry (r) and UFCW President 
Joe Hansen (c).

The Liberation Brass Orchestra plays outside the 
Richmond store during the protest.

SEIU President Mary Kay Henry holds a sign 
supporting the desire of Walmart workers and 
Richmond residents for better wages and benefits 
at the retail chain.

Coming in 2013 from Beacon Press:
The Right to Stay Home:  Ending Forced Migration 
and the Criminalization of Immigrants

Nationwide Walmart Workers' Strike Defies Retail 
Giant's Anti-Union Intimidation Tactics
Interview with David Bacon,  by Scott Harris, 
Between the Lines radio newsmagazine

See also Illegal People -- How Globalization 
Creates Migration and Criminalizes Immigrants 
(Beacon Press, 2008)
Recipient: C.L.R. James Award, best book of 2007-2008

See also the photodocumentary on indigenous migration to the US
Communities Without Borders (Cornell University/ILR Press, 2006)

See also The Children of NAFTA, Labor Wars on the 
U.S./Mexico Border (University of California, 

Entrevista de David Bacon con activistas de #yosoy132 en UNAM
Interview of David Bacon by activists of #yosoy132 at UNAM (in Spanish)

Two lectures on the political economy of migration by David Bacon

For more articles and images, see  http://dbacon.igc.org

David Bacon, Photographs and Stories


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