[LAAMN] On Africa: More than Aid, and Klein - A Noose, Not a Bracelet

2005-06-23 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. The two articles provide different emphases, background and analyses of this critical and most-deserving area. Ed ***I just got notice of a special on the Iranian Election, today, 3-4pm on kpfk's Radio Intifada. The copy was too long to add to this email, but looked interesting and informat

[LAAMN] OAS and Nicaragua, 'Breaking Convention'

2005-06-24 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. The lead article is a 1st-rate analysis of the disunion between the U.S. and the rising rest of the hemisphere. But I'm writing to point to Sunday's 25th anniversary of CISPES, the pioneer stalwart of solidarity with Latin American liberation, and a preview of 'Breaking Convention.' It's a

[LAAMN] Things You Need to Know

2005-06-25 Thread Ed Pearl
June 20, 2005 Anti-Empire Report Some Things You Need to Know Before the World Ends Counterpunch.com By WILLIAM BLUM The Pentagon awarded three contracts this past week, worth up to $300 million, to companies it hopes will inject more creativity into US psychological operations efforts to impro

[LAAMN] Anchored in History, Pilger: A Fraud and a Circus

2005-06-26 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Apologies for two hefty articles, but they cut the current crap inundated us on the Middle East and the rest of Africa. Maybe contrast-with or substitute them for today's Opinion section, and read them in sections. Also, I just found out that the film 'Breaking Convention,' which I wrote ab

[LAAMN] Looted and Hidden Art

2005-06-27 Thread Ed Pearl
Thanks to John Jones for the articles on Afghanistan and Iraq, and Mark Valen, for the closing article and notice on Self Help Graphics. Today's LA Times saved me an email by printing Michael Klare's invaluable article on the vanishing mirage of Saudi oil. Check it out. Ed http://www.wrmea.com

[LAAMN] The World Tribunal on Iraq, by Arundhati Roy and Zeynep Toufe

2005-06-28 Thread Ed Pearl
The Most Cowardly War in History By Arundhati Roy World Tribunal on Iraq Friday 24 June 2005 Opening Statement of Arundhati Roy on behalf of the jury of conscience of the world tribunal of Iraq. Istanbul, Turkey - This is the culminating session of the World Tribunal on Iraq. It i

[LAAMN] On Public Broadcasting and the State Propaganda Machine, KPFK

2005-06-29 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. On Monday, the Supreme Court took more giant steps toward control of communication and information by the coporate state being formed as rapidly as possible by Bush, his cohorts and sponsors. The article below outlines well the attack on public tv, but now come decisions favoring big cable tv

[LAAMN] Avnery: The Day After,

2005-07-01 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. A number of people really liked Arundhatti Roy's speech at the World Tribunal on Iraq and wanted to know more it. Here's one-such which also gives that information. Then, Avnery. Ed Dear Ed Pearl, Thank you so much for posting this. I wonder whether you could also post the WE

[LAAMN] Bello: The Perfect Storm - the World Tribunal on Iraq in Istanbul

2005-07-02 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Here's an elegant, powerful summation of the World Tribunal on Iraq, just concluded. That it was almost totally ignored by U.S. media speaks to their role as conspirators in this dreadful enterprise. Added, appropriately, is notice of Arlington West's magnetic, 2-day memorial of the results

[LAAMN] The Thing we don't talk about, Bards of the Powerful

2005-07-03 Thread Ed Pearl
www.truthout.org/docs_2005/062305X.shtml t r u t h o u t | PerspectiveThursday 23 June 2005 The thing we don't talk about By William Rivers Pitt With the revelation of the secret Downing Street Minutes, which exposed the fact that George Bush and Tony Blair had decided to invade Iraq in Ap

[LAAMN] Let America Be America Again, Imagine, Waltzin' Matilda, Arlington West

2005-07-04 Thread Ed Pearl
My Holiday Commemoration. Ed Let America Be America Again Langston Hughes http://www.poets.org/poems/poems.cfm?45442B7C000C07010E70 Let America be America again. Let it be the dream it used to be. Let it be the pioneer on the plain Seeking a home where he himself is free. (Americ

[LAAMN] Battered Women Betrayed, States reject Clawback

2005-07-05 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi, and thank you to the many who were touched, often deeply, by yesterday's poetry/song. Would we could live within the visions Langston Hughes and John Lennon provide, and such art. Ed July 4, 2005 latimes.com Battered Women Betrayed By Sarah M. Buel, Sarah Buel is a profe

[LAAMN] The Iraq avalanche, The LA 8, On KPFK

2005-07-07 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Here are a couple of subjects and POV's which are regularly heard almost exclusively on your Pacifica station, KPFK 90.7fm. Not even NPR or PBS airs such discussion, let alone the others. The Richards article is startling and important. If you cut thru the academic language, it makes a lot o

[LAAMN] Messages of Barbarism, by Fisk and Solomon

2005-07-09 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. I make a last minute, possibly annoying reminder of KPFK's Town-Hall Listener Forum at LACC - Today, Noon to 4:30 Strengthen our unique and critical voice. Ed The Independent The reality of this barbaric bombing Friday, 8th July 2005, by Robert Fisk http://www.sel

[LAAMN] Looks in the Mirror

2005-07-10 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. The many dimensions of the London bombings will affect the body politic for a long time and require serious and diverse examination and projections. I'll continue this focus for a while. Yesterday's Town Hall was powerful and bodes well for Pacifica. Many people, totally diverse ethnically

[LAAMN] Blair's Bombs, By John Pilger

2005-07-12 Thread Ed Pearl
"Three weeks ago, a classified CIA report revealed that the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq had turned that country into a focal point of terrorism. None of the intelligence agencies regarded Iraq as such a flashpoint before the invasion, however tyrannical the regime. On the contrary, in 200

[LAAMN] Landau - Mission Accomplished, NY Times - It Just Gets Worse

2005-07-12 Thread Ed Pearl
Progreso Weekly - July 7, 2005 http://www.progresoweekly.com/index.php?progreso=Landau&otherweek=1120798800 Mission accomplished: Iraq is broken By Saul Landau It's hard to believe that supposedly intelligent people like Senators Joseph Biden (DE), Hillary Clinton (NY) and John Kerry (MA) call

[LAAMN] Judith Miller is In, Dele is Out!, Detention and Deportation

2005-07-13 Thread Ed Pearl
MR. ROVE AND THE ACCESS OF EVIL Tell Us Your "Source," Judy Not published in The New York Times Tuesday, July 12, 2005 By Greg Palast The only thing more evil, small-minded and treacherous than the Bush Administration's jailing Judith Miller for a crime the Bush Administration committed, is J

[LAAMN] Iraqi civilian casualties, Vigil, Framing

2005-07-15 Thread Ed Pearl
Hello. Last Friday, in introducing articles on the London Bombings, I included the following: "There can be no defense of, or excuse for such deadly violence directed at civilians. I mean this whole- heartedly. And I strongly feel the same about the violence directed by the U.S. against the peo

[LAAMN] George Galloway Battle cry for radical change

2005-07-15 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. I'm in awe of Galloway's on--spot bluntness and depth, though some may be put off by the bluntness. Here in the U.S. we're really not used to it, probably since the cold war began. (and likely in the vein of Dorothy Healy's early days.) A couple of weeks ago he waylaid and stunned congress a

[LAAMN] Some Why's of Iraq and Haiti

2005-07-16 Thread Ed Pearl
Hello. I intended to lead with Naomi Klein's important interview with President Aristide, but didn't want you to miss the noble work of the Christian Peacemaker Teams. Thanks to David McReynolds for this just-received piece. Ed CPTnet 13 July 2005 IRAQ: Why "Shock and Awe" targeted shopping m

[LAAMN] Blair's Blowback, From a Daughter of Iraq, Dele Ailemenn-Today

2005-07-17 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Eyes to the bottom and today's garden party to keep Dele free and here. A very decent fellow and fine organizer who adds, in every way, to our efforts in creating a better society and world. In Santa Monica. Ed The Guardian - July 11, 2005 http://www.guardian.co.uk/attackonlondon/comment/s

[LAAMN] Racist at its Core,Scott Ritter: The US war with Iran has begun

2005-07-18 Thread Ed Pearl
An Empty Apology by BOB HERBERT Published: July 18, 2005 NY Times One of President Bush's surrogates went before the N.A.A.C.P. last week and apologized for the Republican Party's reprehensible, decades-long Southern strategy. The surrogate, Ken Mehlman, is chairman of the Republican National

[LAAMN] Greider: America's Truth Deficit, The Madman Theory

2005-07-19 Thread Ed Pearl
July 18, 2005 http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/18/opinion/18greider.html?th=&emc=th&pagewanted=print America's Truth Deficit By WILLIAM GREIDER Washington DURING the cold war, as the Soviet economic system slowly unraveled, internal reform was impossible because highly placed officials who recog

[LAAMN] John G. Roberts, Dead Wrong

2005-07-20 Thread Ed Pearl
Many thanks to Deb Lagutaris for this - the first fact-sheet I've seen on the nominee. We'll obviously be posting much more on him, but here's the record. It provides a base by which to study the LA Times articles, which I've just scanned. I'm sure other journals will be similar. Democracy Now!

[LAAMN] Casualties of War, Vigils for Peace

2005-07-21 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. This is not an op-ed, but today's top editorial in the nation's leading journal. Granted it's Democratic Party bias it nevertheless reflects a growing mass opinion, as well as accuracy. Next steps have to be under-girded by transforming that opinion into action - ergo, the vigils. Ed NY Ti

[LAAMN] Labor's Big Fight, Community Film Festival

2005-07-22 Thread Ed Pearl
Big Labor's Big Fight By Harold Meyerson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wednesday, July 20, 2005 Unless someone pulls a last-minute rabbit out of an eleventh-hour hat, the biennial convention of the AFL-CIO, which begins on Monday in Chicago, will be radically smaller than originally planned. As things no

[LAAMN] The Stakes in Roberts's Nomination, Dead Wrong

2005-07-23 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Here are two essays filling out the subject theme. The death penalty is not specifically discussed, but the Guantanamo and other positions by Roberts leave little doubt about his future Supreme Court decisions on that issue. The 'Dead Wrong' exhibit becomes prophetic and highlighted. The pe

[LAAMN] More Shock and Awe, Mollie Ivins: Big-Time Trouble

2005-07-24 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. I had a personal shock and awe in this morning's LA Times' obit of John Herald, a dear friend and remarkable musician. He often played at the Ash Grove and I presented him in concert after the club closed. He had one of the finest male voices I've ever heard - on the lofty plane of Sam Cook,

[LAAMN] Cosby v Dyson Pt 2, NY Times interview

2005-07-26 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. I've added a just-received NY Times interview with Dyson, one of the straightest and to the point I've ever read - from a professor, yet. I do believe you'll enjoy it, and thanks to Trey Baskett for sending it. It replaces my wordy endorsement of the weekend-long So. Calif. Library event, s

[LAAMN] Bill Cosby v Michael Eric Dyson Pt. 1, and the So. Calif. Library

2005-07-26 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. I'm sending this in recognition of its many insights and importance, and with certainty that many who got Sunday's Times won't have read it. Those who have might get something from another look and all should know about the So. Calif Library event. I've divided it into 2, roughly equal parts

[LAAMN] Grief, Cockburn:An Unwinnable Conflict, Vigil

2005-07-27 Thread Ed Pearl
Richard Crouter: Grief for British, but none for Iraqis? (Richard Crouter is the John M. and Elizabeth W. Musser professor of religion emeritus at Carleton College.) Star Tribune July 24, 2005 NORTHFIELD, MINN. -- I've been stunned these last few days by the juxtaposition of Ameri

[LAAMN] Straight talk on Oil and Blood, Tiny Labor

2005-07-28 Thread Ed Pearl
Oil and Blood NY Times By BOB HERBERT Published: July 28, 2005 It is now generally understood that the U.S.-led war in Iraq has become a debacle. Nevertheless, Iraqis are supposed to have their constitution ratified and a permanent government elected by the end of the year. It's a logical escape

[LAAMN] Say good night, John, Valerie Plame and Rove's Gang

2005-07-29 Thread Ed Pearl
Via NY Transfer News Collective * All the News that Doesn't Fit Today's Topics: 1. Is Ms. Piggy Chemical Judy Protecting Bolton? ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) sent by Jane Franklin The following analysis is from Bill Goodfellow, Executive Director of the Center for International Policies,

[LAAMN] Robert Fisk: The Click of a Phone, Meditations on Death

2005-07-30 Thread Ed Pearl
Hello. Robert Fisk is a remarkable journalist, though that word inadequately describes the breadth and depth of what he presents here. Life is infinitely complex, as is death and the taking of it. I won't futher distract from this poignant essay, except to say the themes extend to the meditation

[LAAMN] an Ocean of Suffering

2005-07-31 Thread Ed Pearl
Commentaries are sent to Sustainer Donors of Z/Znet. To learn more folks can consult ZNet at http://www.zmag.org Today's commentary: http://www.zmag.org/sustainers/content/2005-07/30edwards.cfm == ZNet Commentary Cogitation: They Just Never Meant Very Much To Us

[LAAMN] Goodbye Iraq

2005-08-01 Thread Ed Pearl
I'm always (or often) reluctant to feel I really know what is happening in Iraq. The only people who ever seem really sure of themselves are Bush and Rumsfeld (and, when being interviewed on CNN, the Generals). And they have thus far been consistently wrong from day one. Buchanan is not speaking

[LAAMN] Martyrs, Mantras, and Cuba

2005-08-02 Thread Ed Pearl
Martyrs, Mantras and the Casualties of War Morning Star (UK) www.morningstaronline.co.uk 28th July 2005 submitted to Portside by the author Jean Charles de Menezes. The name lived in relative obscurity and will slip away, in similar terms, over the coming weeks. It does, however, sum up the f

[LAAMN] Richard Pape Interview, R.I.'s musical Journey

2005-08-03 Thread Ed Pearl
Interview with Professor Richard Pape Australian Broadcasting Corporation Broadcast: 20/07/2005 TV PROGRAM TRANSCRIPT LOCATION: http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2005/s1418817.htm Broadcast: 20/07/2005 US 'misread motivation' of suicide bombers Reporter: Kerry O'Brien KERRY O'B

[LAAMN] Roberts' anti-voting rights record, Rumsfeld in LA

2005-08-03 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Apologies for this rare 2nd mailing. I'll be focussing on The Bomb for the next several days and this one is quite important, especially to those who may not get the Times. There's almost nothing 'iffy' about this essay. My subject title is on the mark, and I'd bet this one comes from the

[LAAMN] The Treaty Wreckers, Revisiting Hiroshima

2005-08-04 Thread Ed Pearl
Hello. We begin a short series of essays around Hiroshima and the use of nuclear weapons. I could not think of more visionary and able essayists than Monbiot and Chomsky to explore the scope of the phenomenon. On Sunday, just a slight shift to complementary dimensions of Albert Einstein, all pa

[LAAMN] Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Fat Man and Little Boy

2005-08-05 Thread Ed Pearl
Hello, and a special note which I hope doesn't detract from the theme of this series. Yesterday, I tuned into the musical program I recommended and heard, instead, a talk by the eminent nuclear scientist Micheo Kaku. I was upset but stayed with Kaku until the North African music program suddenly

[LAAMN] Democracy Now at 9 AM

2005-08-05 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi, again. As I write I'm listening to the tail end of this morning's Democracy Now! and I do believe the best program I've ever heard on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If this reaches you before 9am, don't miss the replay. Amy Goodman and crew merit whatever radio awards are given for this one. Ed

[LAAMN] Fw: Hiroshima: Cover-up and Myths

2005-08-06 Thread Ed Pearl
- Original Message - From: "Ed Pearl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Ed Pearl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Saturday, August 06, 2005 8:07 AM Subject: Hiroshima: Cover-up and Myths Thanks to Karen Pomer for the top story. -Ed http://tinyurl.com/7onby Balti

[LAAMN] Einstein on Race & Racism, Never Again

2005-08-07 Thread Ed Pearl
Albert Einstein formulated the theories which laid the basis for splitting the atom and the use of nuclear power. He also personally urged President Roosevelt to develop the bomb, fearing correctly that Hitler's Germany was doing just that. He questioned and regretted that action for the rest o

[LAAMN] The Unfeeling President, Nagasaki Remembered

2005-08-08 Thread Ed Pearl
This concludes the series on the bomb and related matters. I'm opening with a critique of yesterday's mailing. I welcome critical letters because it keeps me alert, honest and improving, and it's evidence of people actually getting something out of this. It may prompt a few now to go back and re

[LAAMN] One Mother's Loss, Roberts' Chill Heart

2005-08-09 Thread Ed Pearl
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/08/politics/08crawford.html?hp&ex=112356&en=3c8a6e93ebba09be&ei=5059&partner=AOL The New York Times August 8, 2005 Of the Many Deaths in Iraq, One Mother's Loss Becomes a Problem for the President By RICHARD W. STEVENSON CRAWFORD, Tex., Aug. 7 - President B

[LAAMN] Bush and the Bomb, August 11, 1965 - by Walter Mosely

2005-08-11 Thread Ed Pearl
Bush and the Bomb By Marjorie Cohn t r u t h o u t | Perspective Wednesday 10 August 2005 The 1945 nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki resulted in the deaths of more than 200,000 people, mostly civilians. Many tens of thousands more have been afflicted with radiation-induce

[LAAMN] It Was All About Iran, "Off the Hookah:" an RI Special

2005-08-11 Thread Ed Pearl
From: Jeff Blankfort To: undisclosed-recipients: Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 1:33 AM Subject: ZNet: The Real AIPAC Spy Ring Story--it Was All About Iran I was expecting an Israeli attack on Iran before the US elections last November and was surprised that it hadn't happened whic

[LAAMN] Patting Death on its Head

2005-08-12 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. I read these while listening to Amy Goodman interviewing Cindy Sheehan and was moved enough by the combination to justify this second mailing and suggesting passing them on. . Thanks to Pokey Anderson and Karen Pomer. Ed - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PR

[LAAMN] My Chat with Will Pitt

2005-08-12 Thread Ed Pearl
Marc Ash | My Chat with Will Pitt By Marc Ash t r u t h o u t | Interview Tuesday 09 August 2005 With all that's on the radar screen at this point I decided to have a chat with long time TO contributor William Rivers Pitt. We talked about the state of the country, his new work w

[LAAMN] Naomi Klein: Terror's Greatest Recruitment Tool, Camp Casey's Weekend

2005-08-15 Thread Ed Pearl
Naomi Klein: Terror's Greatest Recruitment Tool The Nation August 29, 2005 issue Hussain Osman, one of the men alleged to have participated in London's failed bombings on July 21, recently told Italian investigators that they prepared for the attacks by watching "films on the war in I

[LAAMN] The Day is Saved!

2005-08-16 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. I've never told anyone this, but God is on my email list, anticipated my message and saved the day. I'm delighted the result is now public. Ed - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Ed Pearl Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 7:53 AM Subject: Re: Cindy Shee

[LAAMN] Cindy Sheehan Facing Eviction / Crosses Knocked Down

2005-08-16 Thread Ed Pearl
- Original Message - From: CraigGingold To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 2:26 AM Subject: [NewPacifica] Cindy Sheehan Facing Eviction / Crosses Knocked Down Todd Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I've just received word that the Mclennan County Commisioners Court h

[LAAMN] ON IRAQ: Back to the Middle Ages, the Lords of Capital take over

2005-08-16 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. I didn't want to overwhelm the important articles on women and the corporate takeover of Iraq, so did not print out Pitt's excellent overview of the Texas standoff. This now requires the dread clicking of the mouse. Take the plunge. Ed FOCUS | William Rivers Pitt: Cindy's Victory http://ww

[LAAMN] Biking Toward Nowhere, Gaza Disengagement, Big Oil's Profits, Vigils

2005-08-17 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. I note the Gaza program Thu at 3pm will be speaking with Palestinian analysts in the area as the evacuation is going on, voices which will likely be excluded from other media. Amy Goodman is doing likewise and you might tune-in to both shows. And hundreds of vigils are going on tonight. At

[LAAMN] R Fisk on Failure as Victory, Vigil Success, Meditations on Death, and Gaza

2005-08-18 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. For those not in LA, Culver City, site of last night's vigil success, is an oddly shaped city that might have been designed by Gerry Mander, likely hired by MGM, it's most famous institution and whose finances are underpinned by diligent enforcement of traffic violations. It was one of many

[LAAMN] The Boy King, OK in Idaho, Tainted Justice

2005-08-19 Thread Ed Pearl
Blood Runs Red, not Blue New York Times, August 18, 2005 By BOB HERBERT You have to wonder whether reality ever comes knocking on George W. Bush's door. If it did, would the president with the unsettling demeanor of a boy king even bother to answer? Mr. Bush is the commander in chief who launch

[LAAMN] Iranian Ironies, by Michael Schwartz

2005-08-21 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Here is that long-delayed, powerful analysis on Iran. I save articles which deserve real attention for Saturdays. This one provides a useful understanding and template to evaluate the factors, twists and turns of a dynamic, critical story. Ed Tomgram: Michael Schwartz on Iranian Ironies W

[LAAMN] 'Gaza first' or 'Gaza last', Theater of the Cynical

2005-08-21 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. I thank those who read and wrote appreciation of yesterday's mailing on Iran, including two Iranians. If you haven't erased it, read it. I do believe the two essays below offer the same realistic character and will prove to be an invaluable offering. So save this if you're on the way out o

[LAAMN] A Simple Question, Unspoken Answers

2005-08-22 Thread Ed Pearl
From: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED];[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 8/20/2005 7:10:06 PM Subject: St. Lake City >From Downhold: Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson called for "the biggest demonstration this state has ever seen" to protest President Bush's appearance Monday before a national veterans

[LAAMN] The Swift Boating of Cindy Sheehan, Too Late

2005-08-23 Thread Ed Pearl
The Swift Boating of Cindy Sheehan Op-Ed By FRANK RICH NY Times: August 21, 2005 CINDY SHEEHAN couldn't have picked a more apt date to begin the vigil that ambushed a president: Aug. 6 was the fourth anniversary of that fateful 2001 Crawford vacation day when George W. Bush responded to an intel

[LAAMN] Colin Powell and the Press, Truth in Recruiting, Pat Robertson

2005-08-24 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Here are two essays which the public is now ready to consider; the media and recruitment. Much of the media will change as pressured by public opinion, but the new players of massive potential are the families and kids targetted for recruitment. Surprisingly, the Op Ed in the now-anti-war

[LAAMN] Cindy at home, Dowd on Idaho, Chicano Moratorium, Unity in Action

2005-08-25 Thread Ed Pearl
Cindy Sheehan has just returned to Crawford. Her blog address is www.dailykos.com Log on for daily reports, now invigorated by her presence. The following report was her last, from California. Ed Below is Cindy Sheehan's latest, a reply to people who have been emailing her and telling her to

[LAAMN] Dahr Jamail: Two Green Zones, Helen Thomas: Senseless Democrats

2005-09-01 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Sunday evening marks the return of "Folkscene" to its proper home on KPFK. Roz and Howard Larman provided an amazing roster of some of the best songwriting, singers and musicians of the past 30 years, give or take. Musicians don't get up at dawn and their Saturday, 8-10am slot missed actual

[LAAMN] UPJ leader Leslie Cagan, Saturday Demos in L.A. and DC

2005-09-20 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Details of the DC and LA Marches follow the interview. Ed [Leslie Cagan is national coordinator of United for Peace and Justice, a coalition of more than 1,300 local and national groups that have "joined together to oppose our government's policy of permanent warfare and empire- building."

[LAAMN] Pilger - The Imperial Facade, Galindez: Witnessing History

2005-09-20 Thread Ed Pearl
http://mediachannel.org/blog/node/1014 Behind America's Facade By John Pilger New Statesman The destruction caused by Katrina has enabled us to glimpse realities that are usually carefully hidden away. And what we discover is that New Orleans and Baghdad are not so far apart. When I lived in

[LAAMN] Pollitt: Theocracy Lite, Landau: Bush, God and Katrina

2005-09-21 Thread Ed Pearl
LA and DC march details follow these wonderful essays. -Ed The Nation, September 19th, 2005 Theocracy Lite, by Katha Pollitt So now we know what "noble cause" Cindy Sheehan's son died for in Iraq: Sharia. It's a good thing W stands for women, or I'd be worried. The new Constitution, drafte

[LAAMN] Urban Removal, Dowd: Hacks and Cronies

2005-09-21 Thread Ed Pearl
From: Michael Schwartz Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 4:35 AM 050920 - New Orleans elite plans to practice 1950s style Urban-renewal-equals-Negro-removal Of all the horrible things coming out of New Orleans, the article below may describe what will ultimately become the worst of all. It is,

[LAAMN] Jos. Stiglitz, Jesse Jackson on Disaster Capitalism

2005-09-22 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Details of several California marches are at the bottom. Ed Markets, Climate And Katrina By Joseph Stiglitz http://www.tompaine.com/articles/20050919/markets_climate_and_katrina.php TomPaine.com September 19, 2005 Joseph E. Stiglitz, a Nobel laureate in economics, is professor of econom

[LAAMN] Katrina and War, Cindy Sheehan and Rosa Parks

2005-09-22 Thread Ed Pearl
Thanks to Karen Pomer for the top article "Public approval of Bush's handling of Iraq tumbled eight points in just the last week, to 32 per cent." http://www3.cjad.com/content/cp_article.asp?id=/global_feeds/CanadianPress/WorldNews/w092173A.htm The Canadian Press, 2005 Public pressure mounts f

[LAAMN] In the Beginning, There Was Abramoff, The End of the World

2005-10-02 Thread Ed Pearl
In the Beginning, There Was Abramoff By FRANK RICH NY Times Op-Ed: October 2, 2005 "Terri Schiavo is not brain-dead; she talks and she laughs, and she expresses happiness and discomfort. Terri Schiavo is not on life support." - Tom DeLay, March 20, 2005 IF you believed Tom DeLay then, you no do

[LAAMN] Reich on Paradox, Dowd on Wolfowitz, Bill Bennett

2005-10-03 Thread Ed Pearl
I very much agree with both Reich and Dowd on their basic insights and analysis. Dowd seems to offend some with her cutsie style but dig deeper - there's a lot there. Ed Bush Administration Paradox Explained by Robert Reich http://www.commondreams.org/views05/0919-25.htm The White House's st

[LAAMN] Rosh H'Shanah

2005-10-04 Thread Ed Pearl
Shana Tova Rosh H'Shanah Statement European Jews for a Just Peace Jewish New Year 5766 It is both tragic and shameful that, on the Eve of Rosh H'Shanah, the Jewish New Year, the beginning of the High Holidays, the period of remembrance, spiritual self-examination, and repentance by Jewis

[LAAMN] Miserable by Design, On Marching, the Right Way

2005-10-04 Thread Ed Pearl
Miserable by Design By PAUL KRUGMAN NY Times Op-Ed: October 3, 2005 Federal aid to victims of Hurricane Katrina is already faltering on two crucial fronts: health care and housing. Incompetence is part of the problem, but deeper political issues also play a crucial role. Start with health care

[LAAMN] Pat Tillman

2005-10-04 Thread Ed Pearl
FAMILY DEMANDS THE TRUTH New inquiry may expose events that led to Pat Tillman's death - Robert Collier, SF Chronicle Staff Writer Sunday, September 25, 2005 The battle between a grieving family and the U.S. military justice system is on display in thousands of pages of documents strewn across

[LAAMN] Catastrophe in Louisiana, Rita's Force

2005-10-05 Thread Ed Pearl
Louisiana Ecological Harm Called Unprecedented By Beth Daley Knight Ridder Monday 03 October 2005 New Orleans - The environmental damage from hurricanes Katrina and Rita is unparalleled in its scope and variety, scientists say, with massive oil spills blanketing marshes, sediment smo

[LAAMN] Roberts: "like an insane asylum." Peace Walk Saturday with Cindy Sheehan

2005-10-06 Thread Ed Pearl
http://counterpunch.com/roberts10032005.html Condoleezza the Gun Slinger The Greatest Strategic Disaster in US History By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS Capitol Hill Blue, the Washington DC publication that cultivates relationships with White House staffers, reports (September 28) one White House aide say

[LAAMN] The "Special" Election VOTE !!!!!

2005-10-18 Thread Ed Pearl
- Original Message - From: Jackie Goldberg To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 4:18 PM Subject: The "Special" Election Hi everyone-There are only four weeks to go until the so-called "special" election. And the big worry is that only reactionary people will vote! I

[LAAMN] Warmer Seas,Wetter Air, Hot Seats

2005-10-18 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Here are three pressing subjects with several views. The first adds poignancy to my return yesterday, with our pilot progressively changing the flight weather-forecast from 'calm until Burbank' to 'keep your seat belts on,' a hundred miles out of Oakland. I'm sure each of you has a story a

[LAAMN] Building a New Table

2005-10-19 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. On October 1st I sent you a hugely favorable Washington Post review of "Freshwater Road," Denise Nicholas' novel of 1964's Freedom Summer and added some personal reflection about Denise. I've attached notice of her book-signing in Los Angeles on Thursday. Ed The Nation (October 24, 2005 i

[LAAMN] 23 Administration Officials Involved In Plame Leak

2005-10-19 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. The Plame case will be producing headlines as its grand jury term comes to a close, and will indict or not. The cast of characters has become numerous enough to require a program - and here it is. I won't vouch for every single statement herein, but it seems fairly researched and sober, and

[LAAMN] Cockburn, Huffington: Judy Miller's Wars

2005-10-20 Thread Ed Pearl
http://www.counterpunch.org/cockburn08182003.html August 18, 2003 CounterPunch Diary Judy Miller's War By ALEXANDER COCKBURN Lay all Judith Miller's New York Times stories end to end, from late 2001 to June 2003 and you get a desolate picture of a reporter with an agenda, both manipulating an

[LAAMN] "Bring Najaf to New York," Where is the Shame? "Burn"

2004-08-29 Thread Ed Pearl
A note from Ed: Mark Vallen is an outstanding artist and a good friend whose exhibit closes this Sunday. I intended sending you notice of his closing party with readings by Luis Rodriguez but just noticed that the event was last night. Sigh... Fortunately, I'd saved this notice of the great film

[LAAMN] News from Center for the Study of Political Graphics

2004-08-29 Thread Ed Pearl
News from Center for the Study of Political Graphics August 27, 2004 Center for the Study of Political Graphics a.. WAR as Reflected in Poetry, Film and Posters b.. CSPGs 15th Anniversary October Surprise Pa

[LAAMN] God's Way, Tune in Pacifica now- Demo at 2pm

2004-08-29 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. PacificaĆ¢s coverage has begun, as has the march to the RNC. The crowds are so big they took off early. TUNE IN! Ed Commentaries are sent to Donors of Z/ZNet. To learn more, consult ZNet at http://www.zmag.org Today's commentary: http://www.zmag.org/sustainers/content/2004-08/28domke.cfm

[LAAMN] Pollution and the Animals, SPARC poster show invitation

2004-09-09 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. Does anyone know if groups like PETA discuss or take up pollution as animal torture? If you know anyone so involved, would you please forward this to them? Their image is of richies driving SUV's. They have movie faces, clout and money and should be involved. Rescuing on a grand scale is

[LAAMN] The Likudization of the world, by Naomi Klein, The Preemptive President

2004-09-10 Thread Ed Pearl
Globe and MailSeptember 9, 2004 The Likudization of the world By Naomi Klein Russian President Vladimir Putin is so fed up with being grilled over his handling of the Beslan catastrophe that he lashed out at foreign journalists on Monday. "Why don't you meet Osama bin Laden, invite him to Br

[LAAMN] Pier 57 Detention facility in NY was leased by the RNC, Calendar

2004-09-11 Thread Ed Pearl
Here's some breaking news that's now being seriously investigated by detainees and their legal reps. I wonder if the U.S. psyche is still capable of being shocked. Iam Legion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: The now-famous Pier 57 in New York, used as the jail facility for holding protestors arr

[LAAMN] Spitting Toads and a Vigil this evening

2004-09-11 Thread Ed Pearl
Via NY Transfer News Collective * All the News that Doesn't Fit The New York Times - Sept 9, 2004 http://www.nytimes.com/2004/09/09/opinion/09dowd.html Cheney Spits Toads by Maureen Dowd WASHINGTON--George W. Bush and Dick Cheney have always used the president's father as a reverse lodestar

[LAAMN] The Dishonesty Thing, The Granny Voters

2004-09-11 Thread Ed Pearl
I truly wish I had the equipment to send a picture of my own granddaughter along with the Granny Voters article I'll be going up in October to celebrate her 7th birthday, and totally identify. Check it out and enjoy, if only vicariously. Ed NY Times, September 10, 2004 OP-ED COLUMNIS

[LAAMN] Chuck Bowden - Odd Man Out

2004-09-15 Thread Ed Pearl
Here's something to pass on to just about anyone. Ed A talk given by Charles Bowden, writer and environmentalist, in Tucson at a John Kerry fundraiser Sunday. Sent in by Nancy Myers "Here's a copy of a talk Chuck Bowden, environmentalist and author, gave at a Kerry fundraisier in Tucson." Sunda

[LAAMN] Seymour Hersh: Rumsfeld's Dirty War on Terror

2004-09-15 Thread Ed Pearl
Rumsfeld's dirty war on terror The Guardian (UK) September 13, 2004 In an explosive extract from his new book, Seymour Hersh reveals how, in a fateful decision that led to the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison, the US defence secretary gave the green light to a secret unit authorised to torture terrori

[LAAMN] John Pilger: Echoes of Mussolini, Calendar

2004-09-17 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi. There's a level of insight that John Pilger brings to his essays that's almost unparalleled. I say almost because I have the same sense about Cornel West. They're both philosophers and artists and strike me in the same as Pete Seeger and a few of the other great artists I've known. Willie D

[LAAMN] Book Review: Democracy Matters -LA Times 9/3, Cornel West Live - Saturday, 9/18

2004-09-17 Thread Ed Pearl
Wasn't that a wonderful interview that Sonali and Cornel provided?! If you missed it, check the kpfk website at www.kpfk.org then click on programs, then Uprising - her program. It's not there yet, but should be, soon. See you tomorrow. Ed http://www.calendarlive.com/books/reviews/cl-et-book3sep

[LAAMN] Maureen Dowd: Pre-emptive Paranoia

2004-09-18 Thread Ed Pearl
>From the New York Times September 16, 2004 OP-ED COLUMNIST Pre-emptive Paranoia By MAUREEN DOWD ere's how bad off the Democrats are: They're cowering behind closed doors, whispering that if it should ever turn out that Republicans are behind this, it would be so exquisitely Machiavellia

[LAAMN] Pre-empted by Kofi Annan, Silver City

2004-09-18 Thread Ed Pearl
Commentary on Iraq / the Impeachment of Bush / UN Actions Agisnt the US and Britain. by David McReynolds I intended, earlier this week, to write about the legality of the U.S. actions in Iraq - but Kofi Annan, UN's Secretary General, pre-empted my own thinking with his statement on Wednesday

[LAAMN] Ivins: Why History Is Relevant, The Incident on Haifa Street

2004-09-20 Thread Ed Pearl
Why History Is Relevant Shouldn't we understand our enemies in order to combat them? By Molly Ivins - Creators Syndicate http://www.workingforchange.com/article.cfm?itemid=17680 Sept.16 '04 - AUSTIN, Texas -- You open the paper and read the news from Iraq these days, and all you can say is, "D

[LAAMN] Extortion/Re-Up, Richie Perez Memorial--Films for Social Justice

2004-09-20 Thread Ed Pearl
This is undoubtedly now happening throughout the Service, along with the poverty draft and the pending bill to start a mandatory draft on June 15th. Whoever gets elected, these issues become the cutting edge of the Iraq War Resistance. I'll send you info on the draft bill. The lead article is prel

[LAAMN] The Lynching of Dan Rather, Nader vs the ADL, Health Care

2004-09-21 Thread Ed Pearl
Here are 3 timely and short articles on issues of the day. Also, kpfk went off the air at 10pm, but the engineers are on the job and hopefully all will be well, shortly. I have to leave early this morning so can't follow-up. Try tuning in at 9 for DN! -Ed THE LYNCHING OF DAN RATHER On British T

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